Peter Jackson On Directing DC Movies

Peter Jackson DC Movies

Following Steven Spielberg on Blackhawk, it’s been rumored that another big director is coming on board the DCEU, with some fans thinking it could be Peter Jackson.

Jackson is known for directing epic blockbusters like Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit, so it seems as if a comic book movie would be right up his alley.

The bad news is that Peter Jackson lets it be known he has no interest in super heroes.

“That’s not true. I had no discussions about that. I’m not a fan of comics, I’ve never read any, so I’m not particularly interested in adapting one for cinema. That’s not true at all,” Jackson told Allocine.

Jackson continued with mention that he isn’t involved in the DCEU or the new Amazon Lord of the Rings TV series.

“I’m not involved in any DC film or Lord of The Rings series but I’m ok with it, I have plenty other projects that keep me busy!”

Up next for Peter Jackson is the Mortal Engines movie which he wrote and produced. Check out the trailer: 

Peter Jackson

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