New Flash Details: Wally West, Bart Allen, Crisis On Infinite Earths & Reverse Flash


We get some details and teases for upcoming episodes of The Flash as a new trailer and question-and-answer was held earlier tonight at the PaleyFest.

The new trailer showed a couple of interesting things: Eddie Thawne was shown shooting two police officers, with speculation that time travel may play a factor in his sudden turn, which hints at Thawne being Reverse Flash. Another scene revealed Laurel Lance’s trip to Central City where she reveals her identity to The Flash crew.

Update: The Flash footage is now online.

Details mentioned in the QnA:

It’s said Harrison Wells is just trying to get home, and he has a conversation with Joe West in an upcoming episode surrounding the mystery of Joe’s wife, which will be further explored in subsequent seasons.

It’s also said that Joe and Iris West will talk about what happened to Ma West, and it’s hoped The Flash can tackle both Wally West and Bart Allen in Season 2.

It’s also hinted that Iris will discover Barry’s secret, which was said – if it happens – will change everything.

We’ll learn who is taking care of the metahuman prisoners in STAR Labs, and it will be a while before Caitlin Snow and Cisco show off any of their own powers.

The DC Comics event “Crisis On Infinite Earth” will be used some time in the future.

Check out images from the event below.

“The Flash” airs Tuesdays at 8pm ET on the CW.

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