Netflix Announces New Anime For 2019


In addition to releasing info and trailers for Ultraman and Neon Genesis Evangelion, Netflix announces additional Anime projects for 2019 including Rilakkuma and Kaoru, 7 Seeds and Saint Seiya: Knights of the Zodiac.

Rilakkuma and Kaoru

Debuts April 19, 2019

When a woman in her thirties begins sharing her apartment with a soft toy bear that has decided to take up residence there, she finds that the secret to life is sometimes as simple as relaxing. One of the most popular characters in Japan comes to life in this stop-motion animation series.

Director: Masahito Kobayashi; Writer: Naoko Ogigami; Creative Advisor: Aki Kondo; Production Rights: San-X; Production Company: dwarf studios; Cast: Mikako Tabe


Debuts April 2019

In the immediate future, a giant meteorite has collided with earth. All living organisms, including mankind, have been wiped off the face of the planet. The government, who had foreseen this outcome, took measures to counter the worst-case scenario called Project 7SEEDS, in which five sets of seven young men and women were carefully selected and placed into teams. Each participant sought ways to survive on a deserted island.

Director: Yukio Takahashi; Story Editor: Touko Machida; Character Design: Yoko Satoh; Production Company: GONZO; Cast: Nao Touyama, Jun Fukuyama, Katsuyuki Konishi, Yoko Soumi, Kana Asumi, Akira Ishida, Aoi Yuuki, Kazuhiko Inoue

7 Seeds

Saint Seiya: Knights of the Zodiac

Debuts Summer 2019

Saint Seiya: Knights of the Zodiac follows modern-day adventures of young warriors called “Knights”, who are sworn protectors of the reincarnated Greek goddess Athena. Each Knight wears a powerful armor based on their chosen zodiac constellation, and are called Knights of the Zodiac. They aid Athena in her battle against powerful Olympian gods who are bent on destroying the humankind. Director: Yoshiharu Ashino; Story Editor & Head Writer: Eugene Son; Character Design: Terumi Ishii; Saint Cloth design: Takashi Okazaki; Production Company: Toei Animation

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