Marvel Comics Announces Infinity Wars

Marvel Comics Announces Infinity Wars

The Infinity Wars are coming!

Marvel Comics announces following Infinity Coutdown, Infinity Wars: Prime #1 is next from writer Gerry Duggan and superstar artist Mike Deodato and colorist Frank Martin in July.

The book is described as: In INFINITY WARS: PRIME #1, the heroes and villains of the Marvel Universe reap what they sow as their frantic search for the Infinity Stones leads to cosmic madness like never before. The simmering events of recent months spiral into something much, much bigger in this colossal story.

Look for more information on Infinity Wars to come out of the C2E2 on April 6-8.

I actually picked up Infinity Countdown, which is basically the first Marvel “COSMIC” book I’ve read and purchased in quite a number of years. I thought it was just okay (read my review here). Writer Gerry Duggan was kind of a jerk to Richard Rider Nova fans when he took over the NINO books, but at the same time, us Nova fans were pretty upset our favorite character got axed. In addition, Duggan was probably “coached” by then-editor Stephen Wacker who used to harass and troll fans on various comic book sites and forums.

With Alonso and Bendis now gone, and CB Cebuulski being the new Marvel Comics EIC, I’m willing to give Marvel a shot again.

My wish is that Marvel Comics would completely scrap wanting to make the comics like the MCU. The comics are supposed to be the inspiration for the movies (changing Star-Lord to be like Pratt has been horrendous!), and it’s not like the movie fans purchase comics to begins with, so stop trying to cater to them. All it does is piss off the comic book fans who then stop purchasing comic books. Everything I’ve read in Marvel Comics that makes an attempt to be like the MCU movies just comes out as completely forced an unoriginal. It’s just awful. Get back to being the inspiration for the movies and TV shows–and the House of Ideas.

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