Kevin Smith Down 30 Pounds!

Kevin Smith Weight Loss

This past February saw Kevin Smith suffer a near fatal heart attack, and now the “king of the geeks” reveals he is actually down 30 pounds!

Following his massive heart attack, Kevin Smith put himself on a strict diet, and not even a month later the results are extraordinary!

Smith posted about his weight loss on social media where you can see the difference in his face alone.

Down 30 pounds today! Started March 8th so that’s not even a month! 20 more to go and I will have fulfilled Doctor’s post-heart attack orders to drop 50 pounds. Gonna try not to eat all the fun food in Phoenix tomorrow when I’m there for my Q&A (link to tix in my bio). Join us at the @mesaartscenter and bark at my fat ass if you see me with anything but a vegetable in my mouth! (Warning: If this constant weight-update is not why you signed-up to follow my feed, I apologize. But sharing this info is an important part of my process: it keeps me accountable, which keeps me away from chowing down. Thanks for your patience.

Kevin Smith suffered a heart attack while doing stand-up where it was revealed he had 100% blockage of his left anterior descending artery (LAD) artery. If he didn’t go to the hospital when he did, Kevin Smith wouldn’t be around today. Kevin Smith has a history of heart disease in his family as his father passed away from a heart attack at the age of 67 in 2003. 

Keep up the good work, Kevin! You’re looking great!

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Kevin Smith Weight Loss

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