Kevin Smith Talks Aquaman 2 Baby Scene, Amber Heard & Jason Momoa as Lobo

Kevin Smith Talks Aquaman 2 Baby Scene, Amber Heard & Jason Momoa as Lobo

Kevin Smith addresses the controversial Aquaman 2 baby scene and talks about Amber Heard and Jason Momoa as Lobo.

Smith is no stranger to the world of comic books and pop culture, as well as controversy, so on his Fat Man Beyond LIVE! podcast on YouTube, Kevin Smith goes over the recent news involving Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom.

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What about Amber Heard?

Regarding Amber Heard, recently saw that scathing report from Variety about Amber Heard’s therapist notes from the Johnny Depp trial.

Included in the notes was a mention of Heard stating she thought Jason Momoa wanted her fired from Aquaman 2 and that Momoa dressed up as Johnny Depp to apparently antagonize her.

Smith’s co-host Mark Bernardin went over the details of the article, with Smith offering his two cents.

“I don’t know that he… I mean… I f’k, I met him once on a plane, seemed like a nice guy, but I don’t think he just dressed like Johnny Depp,” said Smith about Momoa. “I don’t think he dressed as Johnny Depp. I think he just kind of dresses like Johnny Depp, layers and shit like that,” said Smith, with Bernardin adding Momoa dresses like a Bohemian.

Note: Spoilers follow.

Aquaman 2 Kills Off A Baby: Viewers Walk Out (Rumor)

Addresses the baby death scene

Recently saw it said by numerous scoopers that audiences walked out of Aquaman 2 test screenings.

It’s said fans walked out early because, in the movie, Arthur and Mera’s baby gets killed by Black Manta.

“I read in the news… I was like, ‘Well, I guess I can understand that,’ …they were having test screenings – spoilers kids, I don’t know if they are going to continue doing this in the movie – but they did this once in the comics – spoilers for that as well… In the comics, many years ago, Black Manta killed Aquaman’s son, the Aquababy. Aqualad. Him and Mera’s baby,” explained Smith.

Smith continued, “That’s a pretty famous comic book storyline, and it sounds like they included a version of that in this new Aquaman movie, where Black Manta kills Aquaman and Mera’s baby, and audiences you know f’n walked out. They were like ‘f–k this.'”

Smith added, “I can get my head around that, if some audience is like, ‘I don’t f’n come to no superhero movie to watch a f–king baby die,’ but the comic book guy in me was like, ‘Well, that’s what they did in the comics.’

“So it sounds that’s probably going to go away. It sounds like like they’ve been changing this movie so much,” said Smith. “Dude, they’ve had, minimum, two Batmans in this movie. They had Michael Keaton Batman and they also had f’n Ben Affleck Batman.”

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Black Manta a bigger villain than Thanos

The Variety article also said Amber Heard scenes have been cut from Aquaman 2.

“She’s probably fighting Black Manta to save her baby,” said Smith.

Bernardin and Smith go over how the first Aquaman was a “candy-colored fish.”

“Could you imagine like, ‘Aquaman 1! Hey, here’s an octopus! It’s playing drums!” said Smith making fun of the movies. “Aquaman 2. There’s a dead baby floating at the top. Somebody fish that out. Somebody get the net and fish that out.”

However, Smith says the baby death scene wouldn’t make him leave the movie.

“I’m all for baby killing by any stretch of the imagination, Mark, I know that’s a hot take but I’ll say it right here,” said Smith. “That being said, that would not make me leave that movie.”

Smith added, “I would not be on my feet and like ‘how dare they.’ I’d be like ‘wow this shit took a f’n turn’ [they both laugh].”

Smith continued joking that Black Manta is now more of a villain than Marvel’s Thanos.

“Of all the Cinematic bad guys I believe Black Manta now takes the cake. I mean at least you know Thanos was like ‘half of everybody, I’ll never meet them,’ you know, just f’n what did he say about it? He was like fair or some such  shit – balanced – but fk when you’re just like killing babies, f’k man, I mean I could see why Warner Brothers was like,’ perhaps no.'”

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AI-generated fan art

Momoa is perfect for Lobo

Bernardin also goes over more of the Variety article which offers that none of the Zack Snyder Justice League cast will be returning and that Jason Momoa is in talks to play Lobo (said to be a confirmed and a done deal).

“That honestly makes absolute sense to me,” Smith said. “He looks like Lobo… Momoa is perfect for Lobo!”

Bernardin agreed with not bringing back the Justice League actors.

“If you’re going to get a new Superman, you kind of have to get a new everybody else anyway, and if you want a clean start, if you wanna the DC Universe begins here, all of that makes sense,” said Bernardin.

That said, Bernardin added, “But then again Violet Davis is going to still be Amanda Waller and John Cena will still be Peacemaker and those things.”

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