Kevin Smith Bringing Back He-Man As A Goofy Idiot Neanderthal


Kevin Smith appears to be bringing back He-Man as a big dumb goofy idiot Neanderthal which would fit perfectly with his woke Masters of the Universe: Revelation Netflix animated series.

Once again, we have Mattel to thank for the huge spoiler, as an action figure reveals the fate of He-Man in Masters of the Universe: Revelation Part 2.

Recall how before Part 1 aired, Mattel revealed the spoiler figure for Skeletor.

Regarding He-Man, the action figure reveals “Savage He-Man” along with Orko, two characters that “died” in Part 1.

“Get inside, quick! Savage He-Man is on the warpath and he’s headed your way soon! #ThePowerReturns,” tweeted the official Masters of the Universe Twitter account and included images where Savage He-Man can be seen wielding a spear. See below.

Savage He-Man is a Neanderthal incapable of thought

As we see in the images, Savage He-Man appears to be a Neanderthal incapable of thought (not a Barbarian), as the second image below reveals He-Man attempting to think (“Duh, what is ‘dat?”) as he is unsure of what Orko is revealing to him. He-Man is also shown wearing less clothing than his Barbarian form and barefoot with the spear, again, just like the Neanderthal man.

The recent poster that announced the premiere for Part 2 also features the goofy Savage He-Man where just like the action figure, the Savage He-Man looks more like a goofy Neanderthal character than a strong Barbarian man.

It seems pretty obvious what is happening here, as I also said prior to the series airing that they would never allow a blond white dude to be shown in the spotlight, and now in addition to replacing He-Man, Kevin Smith and Teddy Biaselli (the Netflix producer whose version of He-Man is inspired by Footloose) has actually gone and de-evolved He-Man in the series (white man dumb and bad, blond white man even dumber and worse — and we all know which blond guy they are referring to).

Kevin Smith also previously revealed Part 2 will be an Evil-Lyn story, which of course follows the woke Part 1 being all about Teela:

“We mirror Teela’s journey with Evil Lyn’s journey as well. You’re talking about two women who have been in the shadows of very powerful male characters since the inception of the franchise. And Teela, you know, fought side-by-side with He-Man, definitely more of his equal. Evil-Lyn, though, was always Skeletor’s subservient. What happens in a world where the person that helps identify that character, in the case of Teela, He-Man, in the case of Evil-Lyn, Skeletor, what happens if those two figures are removed from their lives, who do they get to be?”

Update: For those thinking this is Wun-Dar, that character is a totally different character than He-Man, but it seems pretty clear that this “Savage He-Man” is Adam, just based on the fact the character has blond hair while Wun-Dar has black/brown and also comes with armor. Also, Wun-Dar appeared in Part 1 looking like his classic self!

Savage He-Man and Orko: Masters of the Universe: Revelation figures:

Save He-Man kevin smith

Save He-Man kevin smith

Save He-Man kevin smith

Save He-Man kevin smith

Masters of the Universe: Revelation Part 2 poster:

Kevin Smith Masters of the Universe Revelation Part 2

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