Kevin Feige Wants Keanu Reeves In The MCU


Lately, Keanu Reeves has been talking how he wants to play Wolverine more than any other character, and now it is confirmed the actor has talked with Marvel Studios.

While doing press for Spider-Man: Far From Home, Kevin Feige lets it be known that he wants Keanu Reeves a part of the MCU and that they have discussed roles for basically every movie.

“We talk to him for almost every film we make,” Feige said with a laugh (via CBS). “We talk to Keanu Reeves about. I don’t know when, if, or ever he’ll join the MCU, but we very much want to figure out the right way to do it.”

It’s noted that Kevin Feige went on to compare casting Keanu Reeves in the MCU to casting Jake Gyllenhaal as Mysterio for Spider-Man: Far From Home in that they also talked to Gyllenhaal multiple times until they found the perfect role. Feige and Marvel are hoping a similar situation occurs with Keanu Reeves in the MCU.

Regarding what Keanu Reeves has said about Wolverine, he recently said, “When I was a kid, I always wanted to play Wolverine. So Wolverine.”

Back in December of 2018 also saw the actor asked if he would rather play Batman or Wolverine, with Reeves replying the latter.

“Of the two, I’d love to play Wolverine,” Reeves said, adding that Wolverine would be the only comic book role he would consider. “I don’t have another [role I would rather play], to be candid.”

Back in February also saw a rumor hit that Reeves might be involved with the MCU, with some fans speculating possibly the Silver Surfer and other fans recommending Mr. Fantastic and even Doctor Doom or Moon Knight. Check out fan art below.

Keanu Reeves MCU fan art:

Keanu Reeves Marvel MCU Fantastic Four

Keanu Reeves Doctor Doom

Keanu Reeves Silver Surfer

Keanu Reeves Moon Knight

Keanu Reeves Wolverine

Keanu Reeves Wolverine

Keanu Reeves Wolverine

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