J.Jonah Jameson ‘Different’ For Spider-Man: Far From Home


It sounds as if J. Jonah Jameson may finally become a part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, as a producer on Spider-Man: Far From Home basically confirms an appearance, but the question remains in what form.

Will it be John Jonah Jameson, the version from the comics and Sam Raimi movies? Or something like a Julie Jonah Jameson (to go along with Sony/Marvel replacing MJ and Flash for PC purposes)? Or something else?

Spider-Man: Far From Home producer Eric Hauserman Carroll fills in Slashfilm that J. Jonah Jameson will be “different”:

So we’re trying to pay as much homage to the source material as possible, and we do think there are a couple of fun ideas like that in here, most of which I don’t want to spell out for you, but absolutely. We want to take as much of the mythology that people love and present it in a way that’s totally faithful to what people love about it, but in a [different] way.

The article further notes that the producer was asked if it is a fair thing to say that Jameson isn’t in Spider-Man: Far From Home, with Carroll replying, “No.” (which means Jameson will probably appear).

J.Jonah Jameson

Who will play J. Jonah Jameson in Spider-Man: Far From Home?

Regarding the PC replacement of J. Jonah Jameson in Spider-Man: Far From Home, as long as it doesn’t come out forced the way Disney has done with characters in Star Wars, Captain Marvel and Avengers: Endgame, I don’t really have as much of a problem, but how why not create a new character instead of replacing an existing one? That said, Zack Snyder did cast Laurence Fishburne in his DC movies as Perry White who did a superb job.

J.K. Simmons played Jameson in the Sam Raimi movies did say a couple of years ago he would be open to a return: “Never say never. I had an amazing time with Sam Raimi and those movies… that was a great, great time and huge for my career and my life and just pure fun.”

A couple of years ago actually saw Ice Cube rumored as the new J. Jonah Jameson, but he has since shot it down: “If I’m not playing Spider-Man, I’m not doing sh-t. I’m not about to play one of these side-busters,” adding that he wants to play the “Incredible Hulk.”

Spider-Man: Far From Home opens July 2.

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