Gal Gadot Says Wonder Woman Movie Is Dark


Following Man of Steel and Batman Vs. Superman, it’s learned the Wonder Woman movie is dark as well.

Gal Gadot filled in Digital Spy.

“In Batman v Superman, you get a glimpse of who she is but not where she comes from. In Wonder Woman, this would be the first time we ever tell the coming-of-age story of how Diana becomes Wonder Woman,” Gadot told Digital Spy. “It’s very interesting. It has moments of humour, but it’s pretty dark.”

Gal Gadot continues with mention where Wonder Woman will be in the movie, which is set before the events seen in Batman vs. Superman.

“We all saw before the beautiful coming of age of Batman, Spider-Man, Superman. We don’t know anything about Wonder Woman. We go back 100 years to when she’s more naïve,” explained Gadot. “She’s this young idealist. She’s pure. Very different to the experienced, super-confident, grown-up woman you’ve seen.”

Wonder Woman has a June 23, 2017 release directed by Patty Jenkins also starring Chris Pine Robin Wright, Danny Huston, David Thewlis , Ewen Bremner, Saïd Taghmaoui, Elena Anaya, Lucy Davis and Connie Nielsen.

Wonder Woman featurette movie footage:

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