Fox May Revive X-Files With David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson


It’s learned that Fox is considering bringing back X-Files with David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson.

The good news comes from Fox Television Group chairman Gary Newman who confirmed talks are underway at the recent Television Critics Association winter press tour.

“It’s been reported, and it’s true, that we’ve had some conversations about [reviving] X-Files” [ideally with David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson],” Newman said, reports TV Line. “But I have nothing that we can announce at this time.”

X-Files ran for 9 seasons with 202 episodes and two movies, which kicked off back in 1993.

There has also been talk of an X-Files 3 for quite a while, but series creator, Chris Carter, said it was up to Fox.

Gillian Anderson is currently involved with NBC’s Hannibal, and David Duchovny has a show coming out on NBC as well with Aquarius, so it remains to be seen whether they would be involved in any new X-Files.

Both actors have said at one time or another they would like more X-Files movies, but could Fox be considering a new X-Files TV series?

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