FBI, Military Respond To ‘Joker’ Threats


The FBI and the U.S. Military are warning its employees and troops about the potential of violence from incels at the upcoming release of the Joaquin Phoenix Joker movie.

According to an e-mail sent out by the U.S. Military, incel refers to “individuals who express frustration from perceived disadvantages to starting intimate relationships.”

It’s said the group idolizes “violent individuals like the Aurora movie theater shooter [James Holmes],” and “they also idolize the Joker character, the violent clown from the Batman series, admiring his depiction as a man who must pretend to be happy, but eventually fights back against his bullies.”

Apparently, the Joaquin Phoenix Joker movie shows Joker as a sympathetic character who rises up against his bullies and Capitalism (I have yet to see the movie) sparking civil unrest and violence in the process.

It has been reported by some that the Joker movie might inspire similar violence among disturbed individuals.

The e-mail from the U.S. Military does go on to state “there are no known specific credible threats to the opening of the Joker on 4 October,” but a memo released by the FBI says there is “very specific chatter in the dark web regarding the targeting of an unknown movie theaters during the Joker release.”

The e-mail from the U.S. Military recommends “when entering theaters, identify two escape routes, remain aware of your surroundings, and remember the phrase “run, hide, fight.” Run if you can. If you’re stuck, hide (also referred to as “sheltering in place”), and stay quiet. If a shooter finds you, fight with whatever you can.”

Joker Joaquin Phoenix

Aurora shooting victims, WB, Todd Phillips, Joaquin Phoenix respond

Five of the victims of the Aurora shooting have also responded to the Joker movie, offering not to cancel the movie, but that Warner Bros. has a responsibility surrounding gun safety issues.

Warner Bros., Joker director Todd Phillips and Joaquin Phoenix have also defended their film offering in part it’s not the responsibility of the filmmaker to teach right from wrong and that Joker is a work of art and fictional material.

Joker movie

Here is the Joker e-mail released by the military:


Posts on social media have made reference to involuntary celibate (“incel”) extremists replicating the 2012 theater shooting in Aurora, Colorado, at screenings of the Joker movie at nationwide theaters. This presents a potential risk to DOD personnel and family members, though there are no known specific credible threats to the opening of the Joker on 4 October.

Incels are individuals who express frustration from perceived disadvantages to starting intimate relationships. Incel extremists idolize violent individuals like the Aurora movie theater shooter. They also idolize the Joker character, the violent clown from the Batman series, admiring his depiction as a man who must pretend to be happy, but eventually fights back against his bullies.

When entering theaters, identify two escape routes, remain aware of your surroundings, and remember the phrase “run, hide, fight.” Run if you can. If you’re stuck, hide (also referred to as “sheltering in place”), and stay quiet. If a shooter finds you, fight with whatever you can.

** this is a condensed version of an HQ Army Materiel Command, G-3, Protection Division Security message **

Here is the Joker memo from the FBI:

FBI Joker

Joker opens Oct. 4.

(via io9)

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