Evil Dead Getting Rebooted With Female Protagonist


It’s learned the Sam Raimi and Bruce Campbell Evil Dead movies are getting a reboot treatment again centering on a female protagonist.

It also sounds as if both Raimi and Cambell won’t be involved in the flick, though we can guess the duo more than likely will produce in some form.

Bruce Campbell revealed the title of the reboot, Evil Dead Now, also with the news that it won’t have anything to do with the 2013 Evil Dead Fede Alvarez movie that featured a female protagonist and that Evil Dead Now will be directed by Lee Cronin, who is known for The Hole in the Ground:

Speaking to Empire in the Heroes Issue, Ash himself – aka the ever-groovy Bruce Campbell – opened up about the latest developments around a new film. “We’re just getting off the phone with Lee Cronin, who is writing and directing the next Evil Dead,” he confirmed when asked whether there was life in the old cabin in the woods. “It’s called Evil Dead Now. Sam handpicked Lee – he did a cool movie called The Hole In The Ground. We’re going to get that sucker out as soon as practical.”

As in Fede Alvarez’s 2013 Evil Dead, this one won’t feature Ash, who has hung up the chainsaw and shotgun for perhaps the last time – and will, by the sounds of things, centre on a female protagonist. “From this point forward, they kind of have to stand on their own. Which is fine. And liberating,” says Campbell. “You could have different heroes, different heroines in this case. This one’s gonna be a little more dynamic.” He added: “We jut want to keep the series current. And the mantra, really, is that our heroes and heroines are just regular people. That’s what we’re going to continue.”

Evil Dead

Evil Dead Now sounds similar to Disney Marvel approach

The Evil Dead movies were created by Raimi and starred Bruce Campbell; the original was released in 1981 and spawned two sequels, a popular TV series, and the aforementioned 2013 film.

Sam Raimi is directing Doctor Strange 2 for Marvel, and I can’t help but think that the title of the new Evil Dead Now is similar to the “Marvel Comics Now” initiative that promoted the PC culture and replacement of classic Marvel characters with politically correct characters.

Unfortunately, the same appears to be happening to the Evil Dead franchise, similar to Disney Star Wars, Ghostbusters, Doctor Who, etc.

So no Raimi, no Campbell, no Ash…

Hail to the queen, baby, I guess?

(via Empire)

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