Popular comic book artist Ethan Van Sciver has recently launched Cyberfrog #3 from his self-publishing company, ALL CAPS COMICS.
Van Sciver is known for a plethora of comic book work including Green Lantern from DC Comics.
Cyberfrog gets an official recommendation from yours truly as I have purchased the first two issues, and issue #2 was absolutely phenomenal. Not only is the art gorgeous, as expected, but the story and writing are also absolutely captivating and top-notch.
Cyberfrog #3 is currently being crowd-funded on Indiegogo and includes a number of awesome perks and is already nearing the $400k mark.
I happened to go with the Executive Red Frog Box which includes Cyberfrog A and B covers, Salamandroid #2, the exclusive Line Art cover edition from my favorite Hulk artist Dale Keown, and more.
Additional perks include the super cool action figures, original art of Cyberfrog and Salamandroid, appearing as yourself in the comic as a victim or even a starring role, Van Sciver original cover art, and Keown original cover art.
The description for Cyberfrog 3: Red Extermination offers:
They’ve SEEN you. You’ve been ISOLATED. Now comes THE SWARM.
CYBERFROG 3: RED EXTERMINATION is the long awaited third installment in the CYBERFROG saga! It will be 48 pages long, and if we can reach $100,000 in funding, it’ll also have the same beautiful chromium cover that BLOODHONEY and REKT PLANET sported! We can do it!
Art and story by me, Ethan Van Sciver.
Colors by Kyle Ritter
Lettering by Eric Weathers
And look at that fantastic wraparound cover by the legendary DALE KEOWN!
Cyberfrog 3 is available through Indiegogo and Ethan Van Sciver also has an eBay store set up with more.
Watch the trailer:
Cyberfrog 3: Red Extermination preview art: