Doctor Who Coming To Amazon Prime


The BBC recently removed Doctor Who from Netflix and Hulu, and while it was thought the BBC might have been launching their own streaming service, it’s now become known the new home of The Doctor is at Amazon.

In a tweet that has since been deleted for some reason, Amazon announced Doctor Who series 1-8 will be available to stream through Amazon Prime in March.

“Want to know the future? Now you can! Here’s what’s coming to #PrimeVideo in March. #Bosch #DrWho,” the tweet said, which was accompanied by a video (watch below) teasing other titles coming to Amazon Prime next month: season two of Bosch, season three of Orphan Black, the original Ghostbusters movie, and The End of the Tour.

Doctor Who is currently available on Netflix across the pond, but will be removed in May. It’s unknown if Doctor Who will continue through Netflix in the UK or move on to Amazon Prime.

New Doctor Who episodes aren’t set to be released until 2017, so March can’t get here fast enought for Whovians.

Doctor Who Amazon Prime teaser video:

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