Darth Maul Robot Legs Revealed

Darth Maul Robot Legs Revealed

With the upcoming release of the Han Solo movie on digital and Blu-Ray, Disney releases an official look at Darth Maul with the robot legs!

While only the top half of Darth Maul (or Maul, as he dropped “Darth”) was featured in Han Solo, below you can check out the full look of the character who survived getting chopped in half in Phantom Mance, as revealed by the Star Wars animated series.

“I found out last June/July when we were in Guatemala,” Darth Maul actor Ray Park informed Forbes. “I got the phone call from Lynne Hale from Lucasfilm. And it was really nice of her, because she said to me ‘Ray, we’re just calling to see if you would like to do it.’ And I went [inhales slowly] ‘Yeah. Do you want me on the plane now?’” 

With the fan-favorite character returning, maybe Disney will do a spinoff?

A few years back I was told the idea of a Darth Maul movie was being tossed around involving the character hunting down his nemesis with a possible plot point involving a 5-year-old Luke Skywalker somehow tied into the story as bait for Obi-Wan.

Han Solo becomes available September 14 on digital and on Blu-Ray September 25.

Darth Maul

Darth Maul Robot Legs

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