Dark Phoenix; Deadpool 2 PG-13 Get New Release Dates

Dark Phoenix Deadpool 2 PG-13 Release Dates

Following the release of the trailer, Fox Studios has pushed back the X-Men: Dark Phoenix release date, and announced release dates for a Deadpool 2 PG-13 re-release, Gambit, and the Alita: Battle Angel gets a new release date.

X-Men: Dark Phoenix will now be released June 7, 2019, from its previous February 14, 2019 release.

I’m actually wondering if Disney had a hand in the manner, as originally Dark Phoenix was close to the release of Captain Marvel, and both movies are said to feature the Skrulls. In addition, an unreleased leaked Dark Phoenix trailer ended basically the same way as the recent Captain Marvel trailer (with the characters powering up). Disney may not want Dark Phoenix to interfere with the success of Captain Marvel

Speaking of Disney, the Fox Deal is set to go through Spring / early Summer of 2019, right around the new release date of Dark Phoenix.

Fox Studios also announced a PG-13 re-release of Deadpool 2 for December 21, 2018 (doesn’t a PG-13 Deadpool movie sound a lot like Disney?). Note: It will be going up against DC’s Aquaman

Some other updates from Fox includes that the Gambit movie is apparently still happening as it now has a March 13, 2020 release (previously June 7, 2019), and again it will fall under Disney.

The James Cameron Alita: Battle Angel also moves from December 21, 2018 to a new February 14, 2019 release.

Dark Phoenix; Deadpool 2 PG-13 Get New Release Dates

To recap:

Deadpool 2 PG-13 Re-Release: Dec 21, 2018

Alita: Battle Angel: Dec 21, 2018 –> Feb 14, 2019

X-Men: Dark Phoenix: Feb 14, 2019 –> June 7, 2019

Gambit: June 7, 2019 –> March 13, 2020

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