COVER SHOOT: The Top 5 Comic Book Covers For 10/30/13



By: Chris “DOC” Bushley


This weekly feature will take a look at THE most visually compelling comic book covers on the market today. Whether they be rare variant editions or just your standard fare, these are the top 5 covers that stand out amidst the bevy of books released each week. They say, “A picture is worth a thousand words”  but these covers are worth more than that! No matter the storylines behind them, these covers compel you to at least check them out, which can be worth exponentially more than just words to the companies that publish them! Enjoy!



1.  Sandman: Overture#1 (DC): Fans have long awaited the return of Neil Gaiman’s acclaimed series and today, they not only get their wish but this amazing cover to go with it! Done by the talented J.H. Williams III, this cover is filled with a myriad of vibrant colors surrounding the dark and shadowy central figure, creating  a vortex effect that is stunning. This is a true work of art!



2. Captain America: Living Legend #12 (Marvel):  Adi Granov is known for his visually perfect, photo-realistic covers and this one is top-notch. The faded background lets the eye focus it’s attention solely on the central figure, one that embodies all the facets of a perfect Cap picture. Steel nerves, honor and relentlessness in the face of great odds, fans can feel all of it with this single image. Perfect!



3. Witchblade #170 (Variant Edition) (Image):  Marc Silvestri pays homage to himself with this amazing cover! Returning to his early days as an X-Men artist, Silvestri mirrors his fan favorite cover for Uncanny X-Men #251, with this amazing pencil sketch of Witchblade. You can see every detail in this cover, from subtle fades of shade to bold crisp lines. Sketch covers are where you can see the true talent of an artist and this one exceeds every expectation!



4.  Superior Spider-Man #20 (Variant Edition) (Marvel):  Few artists are more well known for drawing the female form than J. Scott Campbell and this cover further proves the reason why. Bringing back Spidey’s favorite “bad girl” would have been missing something if Campbell hadn’t been involved! A stark white background makes you focus solely on the central figure and Campbell’s fun, stylistic sense of the female form. Plus, Halloween is tomorrow and you always need a Black Cat around for that!



5. Infinity #5 (Variant Edition) (Marvel):  Scottie Young covers have become some of the most coveted things out there in recent years. Baby versions of Marvel characters may seem silly to some, but my daughter and I love these things and try to get as many as we can. Not only cute and amusing, Young is a fantastic artist bringing his “cartoon” style to the front of comics today, letting it be known that ALL styles of art should be used in the medium. Plus, read what Cap is saying on the cover, it sums up all of Marvel Cosmic in one blurb!

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