Tom Hardy Reveals Why He Dropped Out Of Suicide Squad


When Warner Bros. officially announced the cast of Suicide Squad, Tom Hardy was listed as playing Rick Flag.

However, Hardy eventually bowed out, with Joel Kinnaman coming on board.

Now while talking with Collider, Hardy explains the situation while also mentioning the script, Harley Quinn and The Joker.

“There’s a very practical element as to why I’ve missed out on that foray, which is because Alejandro [G. Inarritu] has overshot by three months in Calgary, so we’ve got to go back out to Patagonia or Alaska to continue shooting The Revenant which has turned into a much bigger beast than we thought, but that also looks exceptional.

Warner Bros. is my home studio and I love them so I was really bummed out. I wanted to work on that and I know the script is really f—ing alley and I also know what’s gonna happen with The Joker and Harley Quinn in that; I won’t give away too much…it’s f—ing alley. And that whole territory is something that I would certainly—I mean, everybody loves The Joker. Everybodyl oves The Joker. Will Smith is a dope guy, but everybody loves The Joker and that’s gonna, I think, be a very important film for fans.”

Possibly with Hardy not being able to be featured in Suicide Squad, maybe WB will try to stick him in a different role. Any ideas?

Tom Hardy stars in “Mad Max: Fury Road,” which is out May 15th; “The Revenant” has a January 8, 2016 release; Suicide Squad” has an August 5, 2016 release.

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