NYCC 2011: The Walking Dead: Robert Kirkman Won’t Kill Carl


By now we have all seen the season two premiere of The Walking Dead, and for those who didn’t — SHAME ON YOU! For all of those who haven’t seen it, I won’t spoil any of it, but for those of you who have — I have on the highest authority a little inside information.

Mr. Robert Kirkman gave me a promise on the inside of my copy of The Walking Dead: Rise of The Governor. And here it is:


But as he wrote that promise he looked up at me and smiled saying, “You know this is a lie, right? Or maybe next time I’ll just shoot him on the other side of the head.”

Well, maybe it isn’t such a promise after all. But it sure was a pleasure meeting the man who rocks our Sunday nights at this weekend’s New York Comic Con! Be sure to watch The Walking Dead on AMC every Sunday night, and pick up your copies of the comic each month from your local comic shop, in addition to the novel which in stores now!

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