Comic Book News

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Comic Book News Marvel

Review: Nova #2 (Loeb & McGuinness)

Once again, McGuinness and Gracia deliver a feast for the eyes with magnificent art and coloring.

Once again, Loeb tries to set the record for cramming as many teen superhero clichés as possible into a single comic book.

It literally took me five minutes to read this book in the store, and I can honestly say that the only thing that kept me from being utterly bored by it was my outrage at Loeb’s rape and strangulation of the concepts that made Nova Volume IV and Guardians of the Galaxy Volume II great.

Let’s start with characterization – specifically Gamora and Rocket.  Instead of the sexy, dangerous, impulsive sociopath, Gamora has been reduced to a “Princess Leia” role uncharacteristically urging restraint while muttering something about NINO being “Our last best hope.” Pardon me while I roll my eyes at this hackneyed and – in this case – totally stupid story device. Two of the greatest warriors in the local group pinning all their hopes on a 15-year-old kid Yeah – that’s plausible – if you’re the nine-year-old boy at whom this book is presumably aimed.

Instead of the smart-ass cool tactician, Rocket is reduced to a hot-headed, impulsive, insensitive jerk who starts firing his weapon at a scared, startled child. Pardon me while I sadly shake my head in disgust.

Is this the Gamora and Rocket we knew and grew to admire in Guardians of the Galaxy Volume II?  I think not. Total mischaracterizations of both by a writer who clearly doesn’t care about what the fans really want from Marvel Cosmic? I think so.

And haven’t we seen this “I know what I saw, so why won’t anybody believe me” type scene many times before in other comic books and in movies and cartoons aimed at the pre-pubescent crowd?  What about the “testing out the powers” scene?  Or the flying through the town signpost scene? Or the “throwing away of the helmet and having it boomerang back” scene?  Or the maudlin daddy issues scene?  Like I said – cliché after cliché.

At least issue #1 had the Black-Ops scenes to save it from being totally boring. No such luck with this issue. Between the clichés, the morphing of Gamora/Rocket into generic supporting character roles, and the total un-likeability of the main character; this issue was a real snooze fest. Literally nothing of real interest happened.

I’m also finding that I’m growing to dislike the manga costume (I refuse to call it a uniform) more and more every time I see it. The adults in the Black-Ops Cohort could pull it off – but it looks totally ridiculous on a 15-year-old kid. 

In the last review I said I could at least respect Wacker’s honesty in telling the Rider Nova fans to take a hike if they didn’t like Loeb’s hack-job on the Nova concepts. I take that back now. After spending so much time denigrating and disrespecting the Rider Nova fans on various forums, Wacker now reverses himself in the letters page of this book and tries to glad-hand the Rider Nova fans. His about-face seems less than genuine to me, and I found it to be the most egregious insult yet – as if a “shout-out” is going to change anything.

Too many brave trees gave their lives needlessly for this book. If not for the art it would be a total waste of paper. If you must satisfy your curiosity, just thumb through this book in the shop and put it back on the shelf. It isn’t worth your time and money.

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Comic Book News

The “DOC’s” Top Of The Pile for 3/20/2013

The Top of the Pile

By: Chris “DOC” Bushley


This is a “quick pick” look at the Top 5 comics that EVERYONE should be reading this week! Whether it’s rife with characterization, filled with emotional strife, has a bevy of high octane battle sequences or is just a plain ol’ great read — these books belong at the “Top Of The Pile!” (In no particular order!)


1. Harbinger #10(Valiant): The Harbinger Wars storyline begins within the pages of this very book! Our heroes are beaten and overwhelmed but all you need is Faith to get you through the toughest of times. This series is one of the most compelling, action packed and emotional stories on the shelves today so, why isn’t it on your pull list? Well, if you don’t know — what are you waiting for!



2. G.I. Joe: Special Missions #1(IDW): This used to be one of my favorite series back when I was a little DOC and now, thanks to IDW and -the legend himself- Chuck Dixon, it can be a favorite again! Centering on select groups of the “All American Heroes”, this series gets fans reconnected to the Joes and can focus on their individual talents. So, grab some gumbo and a Yo Joe Cola and get ready for some nostalgia!



3. Superior Spider-Man #6(Marvel): The most controversial series on the stands today, Dan Slott continues to push the envelope with his hero/villain tale. This issue introduces two jokester villains, Jester and Screwball, that get a kick out of mocking heroes. Too bad good ol’ Doc Ock/Spidey isn’t a fan of a joke at his expense! Plus, this issue sees the return of fan favorite Humberto Ramos on artistic chores! 



4. Constantine #1(DC): Okay, this isn’t the Hellblazer book from Vertigo that we all knew and loved, but it is the New 52 version of everyone’s favorite con man — John Constantine! What makes this series even better is the fact that it is being written by fan favorite scribe Jeff Lemire! Known for dark and completely engrossing tales, Lemire(Green Arrow, Sweet Tooth, Animal Man, Justice League Dark) is sure to get those heart rates pounding with a tale of black magic, demons and more than a little sleight of hand! Plus, no Keanu Reeves, folks!



5. All New X-Men #9(Marvel): Bendis may be missing the mark with his jaunt into the cosmic realm but this series revolving around the original X-Men traveling to the future to set things right, is pitch perfect! The juxtaposition between the past and the future, young and old, hero and villain is done with astounding ease and reminds us what great comics are supposed to look like. Mystique and Sabertooth try to sway the naive young Scott Summers to take down his future (current) self in an issue that reminds me of the good ol’ Chris Claremont days! 

Comic Book News Star Wars

The “DOC’s” Top Of The Pile for 3/13/2013


The Top Of The Pile

By: Chris “DOC” Bushley


This is a “quick pick” look at the Top 5 comics that EVERYONE should be reading this week! Whether it’s rife with characterization, filled with emotional strife, has a bevy of high octane battle sequences or is just a plain ol’ great read — these books belong at the “Top Of The Pile!”

1. Sledge-Hammer 44 #1(of 2) (Dark Horse): Straight from the pages of Lobster Johnson: Iron Prometheus, comes the tale of Mike Mignola’s version of an “iron man!” What could U.S. troops in the middle of a warzone, surrounded by Nazis, use more than a little help from above? How about a bomb that encases the ultimate fighting machine?! This quirky Mignola tale melds WWII drama and sci-fi zaniness into the perfect story that will leave you begging for more!
2. Batgirl #18 (DC): Even though the cover suggests that the issue will focus on the loss of Damian Wayne, this story barely touches on it but is a stunning tale just the same! Ray Fawkes creates a fantastic and eerily creepy tale of Batgirl’s sadistic brother, James Gordon Jr., playing mind games and hunting for prey as his sister deals with a bruised body and a broken heart. It is rich in character development and a true page turner that just might keep you up at night.
3. The Walking Dead #108 (Image/Skybound): Robert Kirkman has been giving fans heart attacks with the last few issues — feigning the death of Carl will do that to a reader! This latest installment will give an insiders look at a bevy of characters thoughts on their new situation and expands on the ever growing world of TWD! I won’t give too much away but I will say, “Ezekiel has a tiger!” Nuff’ said!
4. Star Wars #3 (Dark Horse): Brian Wood has created a fantastic series that feels more cannon than ANY of the prequel movies ever did! Focusing on the strength and determination of everyone’s favorite Princess, this series is a testament to Leia’s true leadership of the Rebellion and that she should NEVER be considered just a damsel in distress! All the original cast is there, no need for discussions or contracts in the world of comics, and this will bring you back to the wonderment of childhood and the amazing movies that shaped our lives from an early age.
5. Avengers Arena #6 (Marvel): Okay, don’t let the cover throw ya, this book has some of the best characterization and dramatic scenes of any comics on the shelves today! Dennis Hopeless and Kev Walker have taken an over done concept and truly made it into something smart and original. Part Lord of the Flies part Hunger Games, this book is harrowing from front to back and it is something every good comic fan should check out more than once! Plus, this one has ANOTHER major death, who would have thought that, right?
Comic Book News

Review: The Walking Dead #108

The fate of Carl has, at least so far, been determined and all has turned right with the world again. Or so you think!

Robert Kirkman does what he does best in issue #108 of The Walking Dead. He has slowly built a story that is multi-faceted and wholly engaging! In this issue we begin to see an array of future possibilities, not only for Rick and Carl, but the entire cast of the book. Extremely character driven, Kirkman takes his time delving into the inner most thoughts of the group and some of it’s villains’. 

There are some great moments in this issue, beginning with a few pages of Carl and Michonne building a rapport that fans of the AMC television series will surely appreciate! But, it is not just this fierce duo that takes the spotlight. A bevy of characters try to work through some emotional turmoil, creating an issue that truly immerses the reader into the inner workings of these characters. It is robust with dialogue, seasoned with all the gory action we have come to love and doused with a shocking revelation that, may or may not, bring the end to a brand new beginning.

Along with the surprises, Kirkman has also introduced not only some new characters, but essentially a whole other “world” in this issue. I do not want to spoil anything regarding this intriguing place but I will say, “Hail to the King!” It is somewhat amusing at first but once you have entered this “other realm”, your penchant for laughter will abruptly stop and you will be as enthralled and intrigued as you were the first time you read an issue of TWD

It is a glorious time to be a fan of The Walking Dead and this issue goes to show that the possibilities for it’s continued growth are endless!

Comic Book News

Review: Shadowman #5

After saving the world and returning from the Deadside, Jack Boniface deserves a little time to relax and be himself again. Unfortunately, the Universe doesn’t rest and neither will Jack!

Justin Jordan and Patrick Zircher continue their quest to make one of the most exceptional books on the market! Shadowman is not only the culmination of two fantastic talents on one incredible story, it is the mingling of genres, horror and super hero, into a stunning read every month.

Jordan and Zircher take a step back from the all out action this month in order to delve deeper into the mythos of the Shadowman and the role that Jack must play as the new heir. For long time fans of the original series, it will be a delightful stroll down memory lane as glimpses of the past are merge with interesting new ideas converging into something truly original. For newer fans, this is the perfect issue to get acquainted with he rich history involved with Shadowman, a key issue into the future of the series. Old enemies take the spotlight while new, more violent characters make their own mark in the book. Valiant fans can also rejoice at the return of a character not seen in twenty years, albeit a wholly new version of it — Dr.Mirage!

As fascinating as Jordan and Zircher’s tale of discovery and loss is, the excitement level is turned up to eleven as some of the best artistic talent in comics bring their styles to the book! Lee Garbett, Stefano Guadiano and, my personal favorite, Roberto De La Torre descend upon this issue with their artistic fervor! Using their skills to differentiate the tale between the past, present and the story of Master Darque’s quest in Deadside, these superstars, along with Patrick Zircher, make this issue a masterpiece for the eyes! It is a delight for the senses, a rare treat that ascends the book to new levels! A fantastic tale laced with perfection!

Shadowman continues to excite, bewilder and intrigue readers with every issue, don’t you think you should become a fan too?!

Be bold, be daring, be — Valiant!

Comic Book News Marvel

Review: Age of Ultron #1

Bendis has finally released the tale of the Age of Ultron that was teased way back in 2009, but is it worth the hype that Marvel is giving it? In my eyes, no!

It is a tale that comics fans have seen time and time again, our heroes battered and broken on the run from some horrific enemy that has taken over the world. What once was the shinning example of staunch heroism has become a rag tag group of revolutionaries knocking on the door to oblivion. With little hope, they band themselves together to fight the despot and maybe one day, change the course of the future by standing up and fighting in the name of humanity. 

Sound familiar? Yeah, I thought so.

The biggest difference to Bendis’ story is that it does not take place in some dystopian future. It is plainly stated on the first page that his tale is taking place in New York City, today! Which raises the question, “How did we get here?” The tale gives no clues to that, we find ourselves in the middle of a decimated New York with aged heroes fighting drug dealers and washed up villains like the Owl and Hammerhead. To be honest, this tale only follows Hawkeye on his quest to retrieve a fallen hero and his brutality with his weapons is all that makes it interesting.

There is little substance to make the reader interested in the hows and whys of the tale, not that we are given any, and it seems like a rehash of a tale we all have read a thousand times before. There is no heart to make us feel vested in our heroes, no emotional tug that pulls you along and certainly no “wow” factor for you to want to purchase the off shoot books that will be released enmasse in conjunction to the core book!

The only interesting factor to the book is the declaration on the first page. New York City — Today. What does that mean? The characters in the tale are older, more beaten, some have different costumes and have clearly been living in these conditions for years! So, I pose the question, “Does this tale actually take place in the Marvel 616 Universe?” Or, could this story actually take place in another one, another planet that is close in comparison to it but different? Hickman’s Avengers series’ has been posing the idea of multiple universes and planets colliding, so could Bendis’ story actually be an alternate version of Marvel 616? What about the Ultimate Universe? It’s will cease to exist soon and the rumors are that some characters will be coming to the 616, could this be their “ultimate” end? Who knows for now but it could be any of those options, especially since it is the only Marvel book without the Marvel NOW! moniker on it’s cover!


All in all, this book fails to excite and intrigue the reader, posing no true reason to want to purchase the rest of the series. Bendis should have left his Avengers stories alone after he left the books, at least those felt original. 

Comic Book News Marvel

Review: Superior Spider-Man #5

When Dan Slott first started his arc of replacing Peter Parker with the consciousness of Doc Ock, fans were enraged! I, for one, welcomed the change but thought Slott didn’t push the envelope enough. Instead it seemed like a watered down tale that amped up Doc Ock’s annoying persona more than anything!

Today, with the release of Superior Spider-Man #5, my hunger for a stronger tale has been satiated, though fans will be even more enraged than they were before! 

The tale itself, Massacre going on a murder spree in downtown Manhattan just to glorify/defamate product placement, seems a little forced and contrived. Slott does however create interesting moments as he continues to build upon the genius that Doc Ock brings into the world of Peter Parker and Spider-Man. Using advanced technologies and what may appear as laziness, but in all actuality is a heightened sense of time management, this “superior” Spider-Man may actually live up to the moniker. Slott has this “new” character conceptualizing things the “old” Peter Parker never would have and it is quite intriguing seeing things through different eyes.

Although Slott creates a solid tale, it is the ending that is going to change how both fans and the entire Marvel U. see Spider-Man from now on! Slott pushes the boundaries of what the persona of Spider-Man would and would not do. “With great power comes great responsibility” is the corner stone of the Spidey mythos, but what if doing the responsible thing sometimes leads to more hurt and death? Are the lives of the innocent worth more than the life of a single murderer? Or, in this case, is the life of a murderer worth trying to save just because he finally shows some form of emotion after being caught? 

It is a tough road that Slott has positioned his character on. One that will see ramifications throughout the rest of the series and throughout the Marvel Universe. It is a tale that I am completely intrigued for, one that has actually made me truly interested in following this character till the bitter end.

Well done Dan Slott, you have turned a cynic into a fan!

Comic Book News

The “DOC’s” Top Of The Pile for 3/6/2013


The Top Of The Pile

By: Chris “DOC” Bushley


This is a “quick pick” look at the Top 5 comics that EVERYONE should be reading this week! Whether it’s rife with characterization, filled with emotional strife, has a bevy of high octane battle sequences or is just a plain ol’ great read — these books belong at the “Top Of The Pile!”


1.  Hellboy: In Hell #4 (Dark Horse): Mike Mignola’s triumphant return to art chores on his creator owned character, Hellboy, has sent fans into a frenzy for this book! Mix in a deep, dark look at the history of where Hellboy truly came from and you have one of the best looking and powerfully story driven books on the racks today. 



2. Green Arrow #18 (DC): Jeff Lemire’s second issue of the floundering series, Green Arrow, has turned the book and it’s fan base on it’s head! Taking away everything Oliver Queen ever had as a crutch in his life, has made the character one that fans can now empathize with and root for. Lemire has pulled away all the pomp and flashiness that muddled this series and has created a book that is streamlined, gut-wrenching and completely enthralling! Become a fan all over again — today!



3. Animal Man #18 (DC): Jeff Lemire hits the Top of the Pile for the second time this week with a harrowing tale that will change Buddy Baker’s world forever! After surviving a horrible possible future, Buddy gets a second chance to set the world right. Too bad not everyone will be able to see this new, brighter future! Jae Lee’s fantastic cover DOES NOT lie, folks! This one’s a doozy!



4. Shadowman #5 (Valiant): Justin Jordan has put his new Shadowman character through the ringer in the first four issues! Well, now it’s time to learn more about the past and just what a Shadowman is. New characters [ like the return of Dr. Mirage after twenty years!] and ancient, deadly foes are introduced as well, creating the perfect amount of drama and intrigue. A fantastic read and the perfect jumping on point for any reader wishing that their comics were laced with perfection!



5. Superior Spider-Man #5 (Marvel): Dan Slott has finally done what I have been hoping for since this book debuted — he pushed the character over the edge! Yes, this “new” Peter Parker might think he is superior but he just did the one thing the old Peter would never do and things will never be the same again! Let the roulette wheel of fun begin and let’s see how drastic Slott will change the status of Spider-Man in the Marvel U.! This one goes out with a BANG!

Comic Book News

The “DOC’s” Top Of The Pile for 2/27/2013

The Top Of The Pile

By: Chris “DOC” Bushley


This is a “quick pick” look at the Top 5 comics that EVERYONE should be reading this week! Whether it’s rife with characterization, filled with emotional strife, has a bevy of high octane battle sequences or is just a plain ol’ great read — these books belong at the “Top Of The Pile!”



1. Teen Titans #17 (DC): In the aftermath of “The Death of the Family” storyline, these young heroes try to see the silver lining of everyday life. Unfortunately, the “Bat” family may not be the only one that is left broken. Things become more difficult as something is amiss with the Titans, plus, we see the return of the New 52 version of Raven — straight from the pages of Phantom Stranger! Great art and a solid read


3. The Answer #2 (Dark Horse): This quirky, smart and original story will leave you asking more questions with every passing page! It is a book that doesn’t fall into the trappings of the “superhero” genre but expands upon it exponentially through fantastic ideas and whirlwind action. Just when you think you know what lies before you, you are spun into another direction entirely. If you are looking for something that is overtly fun and intriguing — The Answer is your answer!


4. Uncanny Avengers #4 (Marvel): Rick Remender knows how to write on hell of an engaging story. From hostile social climates and intense political views, all the way down to classic fisticuffs that rock the page — this book is THE pinnacle of “superhero” books. Remender has such a deep knowledge of X-Men history that literally, every issue has some sort of nostalgic nuance to it. But Avenger fans need not fear, there are plenty of Cap shield wielding, Thor hammering and Scarlett Witch chaos magic to make you all happy! This is the best Avengers book on the shelves and you have Rick Remender to thank for it!


5. Batman Incorporated #8 (DC): Yes, this issue is the death of Robin issue that everyone has been talking about! It deserves a place on your pull list, not only for the death of a great character but because of the general story as well. Full of “little” moments between the “Bat” characters, this issue builds up the emotional dial to eleven before the grand finale! Morrison may be wrapping things up for poor Damian Wayne, but he won’t let him go down without a fight! Cheers to one of the best characters created in the past decade, we’re gonna miss ya!

Comic Book News

Advanced Review: Batman Incorporated #8

Spoilers Ahoy!


The cover was leaked and now everyone is talking about the harrowing details about this week’s Batman Incorporated #8! Even Al Roker from the Today Show led a segment regarding the death of Robin in the issue, by the way, Mr. Roker seems very well versed in the world of comics — color me impressed!

So, it is no secret about the death of another Robin, but how is the book overall? Let me tell you, Grant Morrison delivers a grand exodus for the most complex Robin ever created!

A hero is defined by his actions. Damian Wayne may have started out as just another would be assassin aimed at Batman but his growth as a character saw him become a fan-favorite and one of the most intriguing heroes to read. In issue #8 of Grant Morrison’s epic book about Wayne Enterprises and the legacy of Batman becoming a global conglomerate, we see for the very last time why Robin has acquired so many fans. It is a testament to how well constructed this character was, a true hero despite his villainous beginnings.

An extremely tense action drama unfolds before you as almost every Robin that ever was, stands against a barrage of Talia’s henchmen trying to take over Wayne Enterprises. It is a quickly paced tale that will ensnare you from the opening salvo and grab you by the heartstrings as the inevitable begins to unfold. Morrison layers in moments of emotional gold as he focuses in on the kinship of Damian and Nightwing, making the finale that much more devastating and personal to the reader. 

Morrison’s send off of such a fantastic character is nothing less than pitch perfect. It is exactly the way one would perceive a character such as Damian to end, valiant in the face of danger but with a twinge of fear and regret as well. This is a book that will resonate with a lot of fans, regardless of all the hype it has been given — it truly is fantastic!

As the book begins, Damian asks a question, “What would you do without me, Grayson?” In return, I ask Grant Morrison this, “What will WE do without him, too?” Goodnight, Robin — you’ve earned your rest.


Comic Book News

Review: Justice League Of America #1

There is something amiss in the DCU. The Justice League, a team that has been put on a pedestal by the general public, has been falling out of favor with the U.S. government. Mostly resulting from the ramifications of the attack by Atlantis, the Justice League now finds itself with a target on it’s back, one that has been put there by the same people that helped to back them in the first place. Now, another team has been put into play, and this one has been hand picked to take the Justice League down!

Blockbuster scribe Geoff Johns and fan-favorite artist David Finch have come together to give us a tale of deep intrigue, covert operations and betrayal that will both excite and captivate readers. Though the general outline of the story has been done many times before -government covert ops set up a team of super powered individuals to take down other super powered individuals – it is the structure and scope of the tale that will entice readers to dive into the series wholeheartedly. Through flashback sequences mingled with aspects happening in the present, Johns builds a powerful story of a manipulative Amanda Waller that will not take no for an answer as she builds her ultimate team to become the poster child of the U.S.. government.

The tale is steeped in collusion, bringing some fan-favorite characters back into the DCU in completely new ways and bringing them to the forefront, whether they like it or not. Personally, it was a pleasure just to see Star Girl and Hawkman in the same book once again, and although they have become foreign to me in their New 52 incarnations, they are as exciting to me now as they were the first time I read them in James Robinson and David Goyer’s JSA #1 in 1999! But the character to watch will be Vibe — I know, I can’t believe I said it either! With a completely new origin, Vibe has the potential to become a truly fantastic character and one that will far surpass it’s previous incarnation.

Although Johns weaves a fantastic first issue of beguilement, it is David Finch’s artistic duties that catapults this book further than it would have reached with a lesser talent. His work on Avengers was great but this is truly something special! Darker and using slightly different techniques to diversify the core characters, Finch has given his all for this book. He has gone from a well rounded penciler to an outstanding artist that will tantalize the eyes.

As “set-up” issues go, it is outstanding and will envelop you into Johns’ vision of the new JLA! His opening salvo into a darker era is intense and exceptional while his choices for the team and the reasoning behind them are fantastic, if not somewhat diabolical. I can’t wait for everyone to see who is chosen to take out whom, it will definitely light up the message boards! So, choose your individual state flag cover and get to reading!

Comic Book News

Review: Archer & Armstrong #7

With A new Geomancer being created last issue, what are Archer and Armstrong to do with the Eternal Warrior and his newly acquired object to protect? Cause some all out destruction of course!

Fred Van Lente has a miraculous sense of adventure in his writing. Action packed, comedic and rife with historical relics as well as flashbacks, Archer & Armstrong is one of those books that has a universal appeal. It truly has something for everyone and makes the world of comics a fun and exciting place to be a part of again! The juxtaposition between the overtly serious characters, such as the Eternal Warrior, and the fun loving and clumsy yet clever Armstrong, bring a convivial level to this series that is rarely seen in books today. Fred Van Lente brings the fun back to the world of “funny books” without compromising the level of intelligence of the book or the reader. It is truly entertaining!

While on their quest to track the leaders of the One Percent and the Null, something occurs that readers will find exceptionally intriguing. Though I will not divulge what that something is – no spoilers here – readers of other Valiant books will have to make room for another title that may have more in common with them than at first perceived. The building blocks of the Valiant Universe continue to get bigger and bigger and the unity of their titles have gotten stronger with this issue.

So, if you are looking for something that will satisfy ever aspect of perfect writing, Archer & Armstrong is your one stop shop for it all! It is an extremely exciting to be a fan of Valiant comics, don’t you think you could use some excitement, too?!

Comic Book News

Review: Bloodshot #8

As Bloodshot continues to try and find out his true name in the bowels of Project Rising Star, he has come across more than a few surprises that will turn his entire world upside down!

Swierczynski and Garcia push the limit on an all out action tale that will leave you clamoring for more just as your senses scream for it to stop! This is action at it’s finest, an unrelenting barrage that melds well developed characterization and plot lines with the intensity of a summer blockbuster!

But don’t think it’s all flash bangs and bullets. It is also character piece in self discovery and motivation. Motivation to forgo your own desires in order to preserve the needs of the many. A chance to become something more than just a victim, just a weapon and evolve into a being that has a bigger purpose in the grand scheme of things.

Swierczynski has done well in maintaining the underlying purpose of the book and infusing it into the completely chaotic and brutal action sequences in order to create a well rounded book that is intense on all levels! And the end page promises that next month will be one of the “biggest” battles Bloodshot has ever faced yet!

This tale is building up to April’s massive crossover, Harbinger Wars, and is essential to readers that want to get in on the ground floor before it begins. The future of Valiant lies at your fingertips in Bloodshot #8, don’t let it slip away!

Comic Book News

Review: The Walking Dead #107

Like a rolling thunderstorm, The Walking Dead #107, begins with a cavalcade of chaos that assaults the senses but then mellows out to a distant calm leaving us weary, jubilant for the coming sunshine and hopeful for a better tomorrow.

With all the hype and expectation of something “BIG” to occur in this issue, fans may be taken aback by the subtle change in the overall tone of the end to the “Something To Fear” storyline. There is no grand execution of major characters as may have been perceived by fans and critics alike, but rather a more disturbing look into the bi-polar mannerisms of the Neegan character. There is something truly disturbing about a man who projects his hate and anger into the form of an inanimate object just to believe that his “bad deeds” are not all his doing. It is all the fault of “Lucille” that certain things must be done, a barbed wire wrapped baseball bat that is Neegan’s most cherished possession that will exact punishment with blinding fury!

Tonally, The Walking Dead #107 becomes something different than all the others leading up to it. The fear of what may happen to Carl is dealt with rather quickly creating a a release for all the anxiety fans have been holding onto all these months. It is a shift that is more than welcome and sets the stage for a bigger story arc on the way, one where we may see hope rise once again into the hearts and minds of our disheveled heroes. One that will bring a bigger depth to the world Kirkman has created and give the reader a chance to breathe easier as they can focus on deeper characterization and less on shock and awe.

Some may be disappointed while others may be relieved, regardless, things change in this issue. I for one, thought that it was the weakest of the entire arc and did not have the emotional pull that the others manifested so well. Although the story stayed true to the rest of the tale, it was a decent wrap up issue, a great launch pad for the bigger world for the Walking Dead.

Buy it for the definitive fate of one of the most beloved characters, stay for an open door of possibilities!

Comic Book News

Review: Batman #17

This is it! The finale of the “Death Of The Family” arc, by the dynamic duo of Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo, has hit the shelves and everyone has been clamoring over just what the Joker has been planning for dinner!

A visually intense and emotionally jarring tale awaits you in the pages of Batman #17, one that fans will be heatedly discussing on whether the tale truly paid off or if it was just an ending filled with mediocrity. Personally, I thought it was a combination of both aspects. Part of me was satisfied with the way Snyder exposed the overall “death” of the family, creating a new and intriguing future for the “Bat” kids that has never been truly done before. Part of me was anxiously awaiting something horrifying and epic in scope that would exponentially change the characterization, tone and over all future for Bats. That part of me is still waiting for something that will never come and lies confused, broken and disappointed with the entire issue.

Portions of Snyder and Capullo’s tale resonate with me deeply while others left me wanting so much more than what was given. The coming crescendo of a masterful performance up to that point, fell flat. The build up to issue #17 was pitch perfect but the tale we were given within the finale seemed like it was done using a completely different character than the one that murdered an entire force of the a matter of minutes! When faced with his obsession, the Joker crumbled into a character that we thought was buried under Snyder’s watch, never to return.

I have mixed emotions over this grand finale. Torn between awe and disappointment, I will admit that the final few pages were outstanding! A wrap up worthy of the entire arc that will leave a smile on your face, and you didn’t even need Joker gas to get it!

Comic Book News

Review: Shadowman #4

The Shadowman series culminates in issue four with astounding action sequences and more than a little intrigue to whet your appetite. Let’s just say this book has it all!

The battle in the Deadside continues as Shadowman realizes that he is not only there to save Alyssa. He is there to battle Mr.Twist to the death as the fate of the world hangs in the balance. Not only would he lose Alyssa to the hands of nefarious soul draining ghouls if he loses, he would become the catalyst for Master Darque to roam the world once more!

The writing abilities of Justin Jordan and Patrick Zircher have become synonymous with pure adrenaline! Shadowman is a constant barrage to the senses both visually and conceptually, each issue leaves you breathless! Issue four is the pinnacle of all out action layered with deep intrigue and heaps of emotional duress. A fledgling hero with untested powers is all that stands between the tyrannical return of unfettered madness to the world and certain death — of course there will be emotional duress! But this book isn’t all about the action, Jordan and Zircher have begun to flesh out Shadowman as a character, his lack of trust in himself, his acceptance of his new found powers and his bond with Alyssa are all explored here. It gives the reader a much needed look at Jack Boniface as a person dealing with all the strange predicaments he now finds himself in, especially taking on the mantle of Shadowman! 

Patrick Zircher’s art is overtly majestic, exuding pure excitement from every page! Every diminutive detail has been scrutinized, highly rendered to the finest detail and executed flawlessly, creating a book filled with 32 pages of masterpieces! For my four dollars, there has been no other book that I can say has been continually this visually stunning in recent months. Completely stunning!

Valiant has been putting out some amazing books since their debut last year and Shadowman has been one of the best! You owe it to yourself to dive into the Deadside, you only have your soul to lose!


Comic Book News

Review: Harbinger #0

Before the Harbinger Wars erupts this April, you need to know what started it all!

In the days following the bombing of Hiroshima, a young boy walks the streets in search of his father. What he encounters is a broken, diseased and depraved new world that has enveloped this once simple town. It is the actions of man, prior to and after the bombing, that will forever change the life of Toyo Harada. This once innocent boy has had everything burned away, the being left standing in it’s wake — will become a harbinger of change for the entire Valiant Universe!

I have stated before how fantastic a storyteller Joshua Dysart is, with Harbinger #0, he has surpassed all previous praise. The origin story of Toyo Harada is one of the most harrowing tales I have read in recent years. It is an in depth look at how the actions of man can forever change the world, in the blink of an eye everything can be gone and something new created. Man, god and monster can become grouped into a single entity and all it takes is an action. Dysart encases his tale of the birth of a monster with an overwhelming sense of empathy. Toyo Harada is a product of the comportment of others, he never asked to become what he has, but he will never let it happen again.

Dysart convinces the reader that Harada’s actions have a plausible justice to them, creating a morality play of ones conscience. Are the horrific actions of a man justified if they are done to others that have blood on their hands? But what if he hurts innocents in his actions? Are his atrocities still justified because his own innocence was torn asunder? The grey area of what justice truly means is a hard one to discern and Harbinger #0 will leave you pondering it for a very long time.

Dysart has created a tale that far surpasses the conventional approach to the comics genre, a true case of how magnificent and personal the world of comics can be! So, be sure to add Harbinger to your MUST have list each month, you will be astounded by how thought provoking a book can be!

Comic Book News

The “DOC’s” Top Of The Pile — 2/6/2013


The “DOC’s” Top Of The Pile

By: Chris “DOC” Bushley


( A weekly quick pick of the five titles that should reside at the top of your pull list. IN NO PARTICULAR ORDER! )


1. Green Arrow #17 (DC):  Jeff Lemire and Andrea Sorrentino are the new creative team and they have completely leveled the the playing field in the world of Green Arrow! Everything begins new here — this is how it should have been from the beginning! Emotionally dismayed and financially broke, Oliver Queen has to finally deal with life like everyone else. But, not only that, he has to deal with explosions, murders and a brand new character that won’t rest until Ollie is dead. It’s one bad day for Green Arrow but an amazing one for readers! Check out my full review here!


2. Snapshot #1 (Image):  The creative team that brought you Losers, Andy Diggle and Jock, are back again with a completely unnerving tale about leaving things that don’t belong to you alone. What do you do if you find a cell phone laying around, and what do you do when that cell phone contains pictures of a murder victim? If you are Jake Dobson, you run like hell! Amazing book that will completely unnerve you!


3. Harbinger #0 (Valiant): An origin of one of Valiant’s greatest villains, Toyo Harada, shows just how the depravity of the human condition will exponentially change a person. It is a glimpse into humanity at it’s worst in the days following the bombing of Hiroshima and how a newly “gifted” little boy can survive it’s horrors by — becoming one of them himself. It has terrific characterization and the perfect jumping on point before the Harbinger Wars crossover!


4. Hit-Girl #5 (Icon/Marvel): This is the bloodiest, goriest, most over the top book of the week! When the badguys come knocking at Mindy’s door and threaten her family, there is only one thing to do — kick some @$$! From silencers, knives, chainsaws, a wood chipper and the most brutal rolling pin scene ever recorded; Hit-Girl is a whirlwind of brutality that is not for the feint of heart — but we love it oh so much anyway!


5. Daredevil: End of Days #5 (of 8) (Marvel): Brian Michael Bendis and his longtime Daredevil collaborator David Mack, have converged once again to tell one of the most compelling DD stories to date. Following reporter Ben Urich, as he tries to find out information regarding the death of Daredevil, Bendis and Mack have made the future of DD an awesome tribute for all DD fans to fall in love with! It is chock full of classic DD heroes and villains, creating a veritable “who’s who” of Marvel characters! From Elektra and Punisher all the way to Bushwacker and Bullet, End of Days will make any DD fan cringe in delight and savor the nostalgia as Urich tries to find the meaning behind the word,”Mapone.” A truly fantastic read!

Comic Book News Marvel

Advanced Review: Superior Spider-Man #3

Dan Slott has been under fire since he unleashed the biggest sacrilege in comics history — killing Peter Parker! As frenzied as fans were over it, they became ravenous after it was revealed the Superior Spider-Man was actually Doc Ock in Peter Parker’s body. Personally, I excepted the change but wished that Slott had not revealed his hand so quickly at the end of the first issue. Peter’s ghost was already back and Superior Spider-Man became a comically unbalanced version of the movie Ghost throughout issue two. I had wished Slott’s vision for this book would have relied more on the “revenge of Doc Ock” aspect, truly letting the villain unleash with his newly acquired powers and destroy the good name of his archnemesis. Well, today, we get a glimpse of that unleashing and my dismay over this book is slowly abating.

I will give no spoilers (sorry Mr. Slott, we all don’t do that) for the ending is something I think you will all enjoy. There is a moment in this tale where we see into Otto’s past, a brutal life that even his biggest foe can empathize with, and it becomes a catalyst for what occurs. The cracks in this faux hero’s facade begin to deepen, not only threatening his secret but the very lives of those who ponder something is amiss with Peter Parker.

This is the first issue of this series that I did not cringe out of the sheer annoyance of the Superior Spider-Man character. There was no hokey dialogue that feigned hilarity, nor was there any overt creepiness over M.J. and the mere thought of bedding her. This issue was pure action from the opening salvo but it wasn’t just a “good ol’ slobber knocker” either. Slott laced his tale with hints of characterization that actually solidified the character as opposed to hindering him, making this reader finally feel truly interested in his further development. 

Ryan Stegman continues to make this Spidey, or any for that matter, a complete treat for the eyes. His darker tone for this book is completely stunning, but it his constant effort to bring new and intriguing visual aspects to the fight sequences that push his art to a higher level. From high flying punches to an emotionally distraught child, Stegman makes the page pop with pure electricity!

Though this might not be your cup of tea, I am slowly coming around to Slott’s overall vision. I can do without “ghost Peter” for awhile, but I get it and it’s worming it’s way in. I must say though, kudos for the creative team for printing both positive and negative reactions to Slott’s tale in the letters column. The negative comments are unabashed slams and it takes guts to publicly print the sheer amount that they have. Color me impressed.

Comic Book News

Advanced Review: Green Arrow #17

Jeff Lemire wastes no time turning a faltering book on it’s ear, creating a fresh and visually stunning book that will get fans raving about the “Emerald Archer” again!

Let’s not pull any punches, Green Arrow has been a book that has failed to hit its mark from the initial issue under the leadership of J.T. Krull. And the recent issues by Ann Nocenti, haven’t been able to truly find the “voice” of Oliver Queen, either. Overall, the New 52 version of Green Arrow – as both a character and a book – has been less of a thrill ride and more of a slow descent into obscurity for fans.

Today, all of that changes!

Fan favorite, Jeff Lemire (Animal Man, Justice League Dark, Sweet Tooth), has taken over the reins and has set the world of Oliver Queen ablaze. Literally! There are going to be some drastic changes in the setting, tone and most importantly — the characters of this book. Everything you knew before will be burned away and what is left, is a character that has been broken down to his core elements. He has become, again, a character that must learn to survive with absolutely nothing; there will be no quarter given — he must prove his worthiness on his own!

As fresh and exciting as Jeff Lemire’s tale is, the artistic talent of Andrea Sorrentino (I, Vampire) raises it to an entirely other level! There is an unmistakable realism in Sorrentino’s art that solidifies this tale with a more “urban” feel. The spectacle of the brightly colored super hero has been replaced with a darker tone that matches Lemire’s “breaking of a hero” tale perfectly. It is rich and moody, creating a feeling of an underlying dread that is awaiting Oliver around every corner. It is a visual masterpiece that will stun fans optic nerves as much as Lemire’s tale will rock them emotionally!

Lemire and Sorrentino burn away the last sixteen issues of a mediocre series and leave it in ashes. But what emerges from the minds of this extremely talented duo will catapult this series back into the spotlight for 2013! You owe it to yourself to reexamine Green Arrow, it’s a bullseye

Comic Book News

Batman: Death Of The Family Recap: What Is The Joker Planning?

Just What The DOC Ordered

“Guess Who’s Coming To Dinner?”

By: Chris “DOC” Bushley


(Before you read this, beware! Spoilers Dead Ahead!)

The Joker has been cutting a bloody swath through the streets of Gotham and no one is safe! The G.C.P.D., Commissioner Gordon, the entire cast of Haley’s Circus, Barbara Eileen (Batgirl’s mother) and Alfred have all felt the wrath of this demonic character. But it’s not just the families and friends of the “Bat Family” that have been forced to kneel before the “Clown Prince” — it is the heroes as well!

Scott Snyder and the entire cast and crew that make up EVERY aspect of EVERY “Bat” related character, has been creating an extremely dark and twisted tale in the last few issues of there respective series. From Catwoman having to play a horrific version of chess in order to get a pass from the Joker, to Damian Wayne having to fight his “father” in a battle to the death; each and every costumed character that has fought beside the Dark Knight has been put through a veritable nightmare recently. The relentless beatings and horrific mind games that the Joker has created specifically for each character have been leading up to a grand finale of sorts — a banquet of blood and hilarity that can only be devised by the Joker. But what is the main course going to be? 

Batman #16, Batgirl #16, Nightwing #16, Teen Titans #16 and Batman and Robin #16 have all had the same style final page to them. Each character groggily awakens in a dark room and the Joker stands before them with a covered dish. (Example: Batgirl #16 final page below)


The fan pages have been ablaze with speculation as to what could possible be on that tray and we will have to wait until February 13th, when Batman #17 comes out, in order to have our final answer, but let’s speculate as to what it could be, shall we?

The obvious choice would be Alfred’s head! We know that he was abducted by the Joker in Batman#13 and that some appalling things were done to him from the audio tape Bruce found. We also know that the Joker has said that he NEEDS Alfred to SERVE at the party. Whether that’s a play on words or just a statement — only Scott Snyder knows!

Could it be part of Jason Todd’s face? We see in Red Hood and the Outlaws #16 that Joker has done something to Jason’s face and is applying red paint (blood?) to the inside of his helmet before returning it to his face. He then says, “Only a face a mother can love!” as it is reapplied. Now, in Teen Titans #16, we know that the bottom half of his helmet is broken off by Red Robin, but the top is still intact. Could the Joker have disfigured Jason for cheating death oh so long ago? Maybe.

Could it be Commissioner Gordon? We haven’t seen James Gordon Sr. in a few issues but we know that he was the first to be confronted by the Joker. That confrontation has left the Commish reeling, completely taking him out of sorts and shaking the normally strong willed hero. We know his ex-wife has already lost a finger to the Joker’s demented schemes, why not hack away at the Commissioner as well? Plus, we know that deranged killer, James Jr., has already helped the Joker capture his sister, Batgirl, why not make it a family reunion? 

Speaking about family reunions, could it be Tim Drake’s parents? We know that Tim Drake left his family in Witness Protection after messing with the Penguin awhile back, but does that mean anything to a man who killed two of Nightwing’s best friends and Jokerized the entire Haley’s Circus? In Teen Titans #16, we saw that he Joker already used a fake “daddy Drake” to mess with Red Robin, but that could have just been a “red herring” for the main event — “daddy dinning!”

Maybe, just maybe, it is a smorgasbord of “Bat” cuisine! Red Robin, Red Hood, Batgirl, Nightwing and Robin were all knocked out prior to them seeing the tray presented. Joker keeps calling Batman “the King,” and he, his “Royal Jester.” Perhaps the “Jester” has created a gift pleasing enough for a “king,” an array of treats brought from all the different “lands” beneath the “king’s” royal gaze. Could the tray be filled with delectable digits from the “Bat-kiddies” that were removed while they slept? You never know with the Joker — anything is possible!

All I truly know, is that the “Death of the Family” storyline has been one of the best tales in years! Appalling, horrendous and completely unnerving, Scott Snyder and crew have made the return of the Joker an amazing ride that will be talked about for years. At the end of it all, whether Alfred is gone or not, the “Bat-family” will forever be changed and I am excited as ever to see where it goes from here! 

The “Death of the Family” storyline epically concludes in Batman #17, on sale February 13th, 2013! Get a glimpse of the cover below!


Comic Book News Marvel

Review: Uncanny X-Force #1

So, one completely amazing run on Uncanny X-Force has ended, and even though the CBN offices were very disheartened after the announcement of Rick Remender leaving this book to pursue other Uncanny works, we were completely blown away by this debut issue!

Stan Humphries and Ron Graney continue to bring that air of nostalgia, first introduced by Remender, into the book but not only that, there is an excitement that emminates from Garney’s art that is astounding. It reminds me of all those days gone by, where these characters meant something to, not only the reader, but to themselves as well. That feeling of camaraderie without animosity, a connection between them that was deeply rooted in their history as opposed to just the next big crossover. That’s what this new creative team brings more that anything, connections, not just from past storylines but connections to the fans as well.

Now led by Storm, who gets her awesome mohawk back in the pages of Wolverine and the X-Men #24, X-Force is a broken group in need of solace. Psylocke and Storm embark on a mission to meet someone that left Storm a mysterious e-mail and the action ensues from there. I am not going to spoil any of this story if you haven’t got a chance to get your hands on a copy yet, because it deserves your dollars. X fans are going to appreciate all the little nuances and plot threads that are laid out before them, a tale steeped in the footprints of long ago. But, new fans will not be lost at all in this story and can appreciate the well planned tale of Humphries and gawk at the breathtaking lines of Garney! There is literally something in this tale for every fan regardless of their X history prowess!

Storm, Psylocke, Puck, Spiral, Fantomex, Cluster, Wolverine and Bishop all make their presence known in this outstanding debut issue. I won’t divulge on which line in the sand they stand, but you are in for one hell of a ride! Plus, if anyone can read the last page of this book and not think “Ewwww!” there is something wrong with you!

As a bonus, here is the incomparable Skottie Young’s variant cover to this issue. Awesome!


Comic Book News

Review: Green Lantern Corps #16

Guy Gardner sits depowered in a prison cell, kicked out of the Green Lantern Corps, and a blight on the brilliant Gardner family name. But it doesn’t matter what has been done to you or how people perceive you, it matters what burns inside you. And what burns inside Guy Gardner is the heart of a hero!

Peter J. Tomasi takes one of the best cosmic team books and boils it down to one man and what it truly means to carry the moniker of “hero.” Tomasi has taken a character that has been seen as a joke, a third rate GL and made him one of my favorite characters by instilling in him a sense of “never say die” attitude. This attitude is what makes any normal man stand up and take charge of a situation where others freeze in fear. This attitude is what makes you a person others can rely on, this attitude makes you a “hero.” And that is exactly what this issue is about.

Faced with the force of the Third Army, Guy must make tough decisions in order to not only save others but his family as well. It is a great character piece that shows that it doesn’t take super powers or cosmic rings in order for you to stand up against insurmountable odds, all it takes is heart. And when new GL Baz shows up with his trainer B’DG, the subtle clash between Guy and Baz makes for some great comedic moments! Plus, John Stewart is still on the trail of the pieces of Mogo and he finally realizes all may not be right on Oa.

All in all, a great look into a broken GL and another link in to the tale of “Rise Of The Third Army.” But remember to read Green Lantern #16 BEFORE you dive into this one! And be sure to prepare yourself for the epic conclusion of “Rise Of The Third Army” in the pages of Green Lantern Corps Annual #1 on sale next week!

Comic Book News

Review: Harbinger #8

Joshua Dysart is a true craftsman when it comes to immersing a reader into the emotional duress of a character. From the first issue, where we were introduced to the most powerful junkie you will ever meet, Peter Stancheck, to this week’s broken and formidable, Torque; Dysart makes these characters compelling from the moment you meet them. He gives them a sense of “normalcy,” a relatable aura that makes a reader want to follow them through their ever more chaotic world. It is the work of a true craftsman that makes this book so rich each and every month, Joshua Dysart is at the top of his craft.

Issue #8 introduces us to another new character, Torque, a backwoods hillbilly that has dreams of smashing badguys and bedding women. Such lofty dreams for one such as Torque may never come to fruition, but I will not spoil Dysart’s compelling tale by telling you why! It is a page turning journey you must take on your own in order to fully appreciate the true depth of Torque. He is an amalgam weakness and power that is reminiscent of a few other comic heroes, but taken to an entirely different level. A level of excitement and duress that may actually change the wishes of this newly “born” hero by books end. And by books end, Peter may be looking for a whole lot more recruits to his cause against Harada, not because he has the room — but because he may need replacements! 

As the Renegades continue to gain members, not only have they caught the attention of Toyo Harada, but they have also incurred the wrath of Project Rising Stars. This does not bode well for our ragtag team of “heroes,” for we all know who P.R.S’ little toy is — Bloodshot! This is the stepping stone into the upcoming “Harbinger Wars” storyline and you don’t want to miss a thing!

So, get to your local comic shop and demand a copy of Harbinger #8 — you won’t regret it!

Comic Book News

Review: X-O Manowar #9

When a threat looms in the distance that will ultimately destroy the very fabric of your world, what do you do? Do you accept the inevitable, huddling down with your loved ones in the hopes of a savior? Do you look for solutions, rallying those of the scientific field to somehow slow down the fates? Do you pray for a change of heart in those that threaten you, leaving your future in the hands of the gods?

Or, if you’re Aric of Dacia, wielder of the X-O armor, you call down the threat and stand face to face with them. Never blinking, never questioning your abilities, you just — BRING IT ON!

That fire, that fervor, that blast of emotional rallying is exactly what Robert Venditti and Trevor Hairsine will dredge up in you with the turn of every page! It is a cavalcade of revelations, bringing things that have been brewing since issue #1 to the forefront and laying them on the table. The Vine has been embedding themselves into every aspect of the Valiant Universe and it culminates in this issue. Venditti’s prose anchors you emotionally to the tale, giving you the perfect window into all the aspects that come into play, while Hairsine’s riotous battle sequences will tantalize your senses. Where most “prelude” stories give subtle hints as to what can be expected in the upcoming arc, lulling you in with intrigue and little action; X-O #9 not only “sets the stage” it completely obliterates it! 

A mingling of high intrigue and blistering battle sequences, this issue is an all out adrenaline rush that never lets up to take a breath! So, while some other books may give you a “snoozefest,” Valiant continues to amaze and delight once again!

Comic Book News

The “DOC’s” Top Of The Pile — 1/23/2013

The “DOC’s” Top Of The Pile

By: Chris “DOC” Bushley



( A weekly quick pick of the five titles that should reside at the top of your pull list. IN NO PARTICULAR ORDER! )


I do the research, you reap the reward! Before you head out to your favorite shop today, be sure to add these five titles to your list of goodies! Forget that “apple a day” nonsense, this “DOC’s” prescription to good health starts with these top five books of the week!


1. The Answer #1(Dark Horse): This debut issue from writer Dennis Hopeless (Avenger’s Arena) will give you everything BUT answers! An amalgam wrapped in an enigma, this tale follows a highly intellectual research librarian as she dodges bullets after she solves a puzzle box she received for a birthday present. But it doesn’t stop there! It also contains an evangelistic proponent for world chaos, mercenaries and a costumed hero! But, what does it all mean? I have know idea, but I NEED to find out!


2. X-O Manowar #9 (Valiant): This issue is the “Prelude to Death Planet” storyline that promises to bring devastation to the Valiant Universe. But, this isn’t just a “set-up” issue that relaxes and lulls you into safety before the big event. This story sets the stage and the tone for what’s to come, bringing intriguing plot threads and all out action like you’ve never seen before! Plus, the “shock” ending will have you chomping at the bit for next month! Bring it on!


3. Masks #3 (Dynamite): Who doesn’t love pulp fiction, crime noir tales? That’s right, NOBODY! Well, you need look no further to get your gritty little hands on one of the coolest books around! Why just choose one pulp hero to follow when you can have all the greats in a single title? That’s right, Chris Roberson and, superstar cover artist, Alex Ross have come together with a great tale that brings everyone together. You get The Green Hornet, Kato, The Spider, The Shadow, Zorro and many, many more for just one low price! It’s like the Justice League with cigar stains and fedoras! So, put on your smoking jacket and nestle into your study with a copy of Masks!


4. Green Lantern #16 (DC): The “Rise Of The Third Army” tale has been slow paced at it’s worst and completely unnerving at it’s best. This week sees GL Baz finally get a little control over his ring with the help of GL B’DG! That’s right, folks, as we wait for the return of Rocket Raccoon, why not hang out with the coolest squirrel in the Universe! All kidding aside, this is a great story that solidifies Baz as a true Green Lantern and answers a lot of questions from previous issues! And you find out why he has a gun! Sweet!


5. Uncanny X-Force #1 (Marvel): Sadly, Rick Remender’s run on this fantastic book is over. So, what better way to celebrate the fantastic new creative team of Stan Humphries and Ron Garney than with a shiny new number one issue! Even though I cannot stand all the re-numberings, this issue is pitch perfect for all those X fans clamoring for some nostalgia. This new version has Psylocke, Fantomex, Cluster, Spiral, Puck and Storm rocking her ol’ mohawk! Yes, I said mohawk, kids! Like back when she was the leader of the Morlocks?! Oh well, at least Byron Brewer will know what I’m talking about! Anyway, put on your roller skates and crank up some Joan Jett, it’s about to get retro in here! Plus, the final page gives new meaning to the phrase, “You gotta love yourself” — ewwwww! 

Comic Book News

Review: Archer & Armstrong #6

Everything old is new again! Last month we saw the return of Valiant’s most brutal character, The Eternal Warrior, this week we see the rise of another old favorite — The Geomancer!

As our regular band of misfit heroes take a backseat this week in order to focus on another new arrival, Fred Van Lente manages to create a tale that instantly grabs readers attention and makes you yearn to know more about Kay McHenry.

She is a character that is bold and confrontational, a loaded gun of accusation easily pointed by Elliot Zorn at his competitors. But when the tough questions arise, ones that are directed at who she is and what she stands for, this strong woman is revealed to be just a facade. She is a hardened shell of a woman with no direction of her own. And finally, when she chooses a path — it’s the wrong one!

Van Lente does another fantastic job of taking Valiant characters from the past and breaking them in order to become better, more relevant today. He infuses them with such strong characteristics that they are instantly accepted by the modern reader as fan favorites, at least in my eyes, and we cannot wait for the next installment to see where they go next. He uses such a thin veil between the action, drama and comedic elements — did I mention there is a talking monkey in a dress having a tea party? — that it gently melds into a single amazing tale the captivates you. Nowhere else have I seen this done with such great poise and respect for both the characters and the readers.

No other company this week will have as many elements in a single book that Archer & Armstrong #6 does! From pirates to news correspondents, naval ships to tea drinking monkeys, immortal warriors to talking plants — you want it, they’ve got it!

So get out there and grab something different, grab something — Valiant!

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