Comic Book News

Stay up to date with the latest in Comic Book News, covering the biggest events, new releases, and character developments from Marvel, DC, and indie publishers. Explore articles featuring in-depth reviews, upcoming storylines, and interviews with creators. Whether you’re a fan of superhero sagas or indie comics, this is your source for all the latest updates in the comic book world.

Comic Book News

Review: Archer & Armstrong #10

A brand new story arc awaits you in this months pages of Archer & Armstrong #10! Slightly building off of what we learned from last months amazing zero issue, Fred Van Lente amps up the action and intrigue in a tale that mixes hilarity and truly compelling plot devices into one of the best series on the market today!

Mary-Maria comes a callin’ when Archer and Armstrong seek out information regarding Archer’s latent powers in America’s most highly secured places — Area 51! Unbeknownst to the duo, Archer’s “dead parents” souls have been trapped in Mary-Maria’s body and they want nothing more than the obliteration of their “son!” Van Lente blends perfect comedic retorts and some intrigue that will change the relationship of Archer and Armstrong and the rest of the Valiant Universe in vast ways!

The subtle hints that Van Lente reveals to the reader as his characters progress through a bevy of chaos, is what drives this series past just being an action romp. It is that underlining intrigue and genuine camaraderie that keeps the reader vested in these characters that otherwise could become another cheesy “buddy book” under a lesser skilled writer. Paired with Pere Perez’s stunningly vibrant, eye candy renditions of the characters and you have a book that will please even the most fickle of readers!

Get to your local shop now and demand Archer & Armstrong be placed on your pull list immediately! Then kindly ask them if they still have any of the 8-bit variant covers left. Donkey Kong, anyone? Too cool!


Comic Book News

Review: Shadowman #7

In this harrowing issue that will change the world of Shadowman forever, Jack Boniface discovers that to defend the earth from ultimate evil, he must choose to separate himself from from everything he holds dear and trust an ancient power more demonic than anything he has ever seen!

Justin Jordan pulls the gloves off for a highly intense issue that is teeming with action, moral dilemma and a final panel that will completely change the future of Jack Boniface and the Shadowman loa forever. Coming off of the single best issue to date, Shadowman #0, this issue has a hard time living up to the characterization bestowed upon us from last month but more than makes up for it in the sheer volume of action throughout. There is no time to catch your breath as all out destruction is displayed before your eyes as even the Deadside has more than it’s share of terrifying action sequences that culminates in the final pages! I don’t want to give any spoilers but a tower of impaled souls will need a few sacrifices in order to continue to grow in power!

Jordan continues to push the envelope with this series and does a perfect job of whetting the readers appetite for next months chilling issue. Besides a storyline that pushes Jack to the brink, artist Neil Edwards makes his full issue debut at Valiant comics with this issue and fans will be pleasantly pleased by the Marvel alums rendition of the Shadowman! 

Comic Book News

The “DOC’s” Top Of The Pile for 6/5/2013

The Top of the Pile

By: Chris “DOC” Bushley


This is the weekly “quick pick” of the best 5 comics to hit the shelves! Whether they are riddled with action, have the best dramatic sequences, blast you with a bevy of shock and awe or make you feel like a child again, these are the books EVERYONE should be reading! This “DOC’s” prescription for having the best week possible — begins with these Top 5 books! (In no particular order!)

1.  Astro City #1 (Vertigo/DC):  Kurt Busiek makes a triumphant return to the world of Astro City and comic fans rejoice! One of the nineties most acclaimed and inspirational looks at the super hero genre returns this week under the Vertigo banner! The media has been praising this book for the past few months and it shows, local stores were sold out in minutes and second printings are sure to be in the future for those arriving after the initial “running of the bulls” when they opened! One of my personal favorites from yesteryear, Astro City is a sure fire hit!
2.  Ten Grand #2 (Joe’s Comics/Image):  JMS and Ben Templesmith forge a unique and disturbing tale of a lost love and how far you would go for just five more minutes of contact with them. The tale of Joe Fitzgerald is both stunning and gut wrenching as we watch a man perish over and over again in order to make up for past sins and that five minute window of bliss with his departed Laura. This book is something special and another instant sell-out!
3.  All-New X-Men #12 (Marvel):  Bendis has his original X-Men come face to face with Rick Remender’s Uncanny Avengers in a book that is both nostalgic and heart warming. The meeting of “young” Cyclops and his “older” brother Havok will bring an instant smile on your face and make you wish for simpler times in the Marvel U.! Bendis may not know a thing about how to write Cosmic, but he does a hell of a job depicting the “Merry Mutants!”
4.  Kick -Ass 3 #1 (Icon/Marvel):  This is it, folks! The final chapter in the life of Dave Lizewski as Kick-Ass and it is as hilarious as when we first read about him in 2008. Hit-Girl is imprisoned, the heroes are losing interest in protecting the streets and High School is over. What does a young hero with no powers do now? Take cool “Batman-esque” photos at his parents grave is what! And maybe kick a little ass as well! Plus, there are six interlocking variant covers that merge to make one awesome poster!
5.  Avengers Arena #10 (Marvel):  Dennis Hopeless crafts a stunning and emotional tale yet again, and this time, you WILL hate Dennis Hopeless for the ending! From the initial page you know in your bones what is going to happen and even though you pray that it won’t, you are still shocked by the outcome. This has been a fantastic book from the start and has more depth than anyone would have ever thought. I implore you to give this book a try, you will be hooked!
Comic Book News

The “DOC’s” Top Of The Pile for 5/29/2013

The Top of the Pile

By: Chris “DOC” Bushley


This is the weekly “quick pick” of the best 5 comics to hit the shelves! Whether they are riddled with action, have the best dramatic sequences, blast you with a bevy of shock and awe or make you feel like a child again, these are the books EVERYONE should be reading! This “DOC’s” prescription for having the best week possible — begins with these Top 5 books! (In no particular order!)

1. Next Testament #1 (of 13) (BOOM Studios):  Master of horror, Clive Barker, creates an all new comic that is sure to be as controversial as it is compelling. Steeped in religious overtones, this book follows one man’s descent into enlightenment and the rebirth of a creature that will either be worshipped by man or completely obliterate humanity all together! True horror begins with belief, and I believe Clive Barker has created something stunning!
2. Earth 2 Annual #1 (DC):  Although James Robinson may have left the DC stable as of late, we still get to enjoy a few more issues by the amazing scribe! This “farewell annual” will certainly leave fans clamoring as we get a definitive origin of Atom Smasher and the debut of the “all new” Earth 2 Batman! Speculations have run the gamut as to just who this Batman will be, everyone from Ted Grant to Hourman have been mentioned, but you will just have to wait and see for yourselves!
3. X-Men #1 (Marvel):  Okay, so how many X books are there now? Well, this one is special un to itself, and I’m not just talking about the all female roster either! Veteran scribe, Brian Wood (DMZ, The Massive) brings a cohesiveness to the group that is sorely missing in the other books and brings back an old X-villain that will be sure to please fanatical X fans! If you are looking for something new, exciting and overtly fantastic — this one’s for you!
4. B.P.R.D.: Vampire #3 (of 5) (Dark Horse):  Mike Mignola and the fabulous Ba’ and Moon brothers take Agent Anders directly into the “heart” of horror in this amazing tale of a man that has lost everything except is lust for revenge. But being focused solely on one target leaves you open for an attack from the peripheral, leaving you blindsided by something much worse than you were after! This is a fantastic tale about falling so far that when you eventually get the chance to stand up again, you can barely recognize yourself.
5. The Wake #1 (of 10) (Vertigo/DC):  Scott Snyder hangs up the cape and cowl long enough to bring an eerie tale of discovery and wonder that is 50% drama, 50% horror and 100% stunning! Revolving around a “sound” captured on tape, this tale is steeped in creepy suspense that may make you question going underwater anytime soon. I have to say, I thoroughly enjoy Snyder’s Batman series, but he is truly a modern master of the horror genre! Find it while you still can!
Comic Book News

The “DOC’s” Top Of The Pile for 5/22/2013


The Top of the Pile

By: Chris “DOC” Bushley


This is the weekly “quick pick” of the best 5 comics to hit the shelves! Whether they are riddled with action, have the best dramatic sequences, blast you with a bevy of shock and awe or make you feel like a child again, these are the books EVERYONE should be reading! This “DOC’s” prescription for having the best week possible — begins with these Top 5 books! (In no particular order!)



1. Green Lantern #20 (DC): So, we may already know the final outcome due to a “shipping issue,” but this is book isn’t just about the end of the “Wrath of the First Lantern” crossover. This is the final farewell to writer, Geoff Johns! The man who brought Hal Jordan back from the dead, created the rainbow rings, dredged up Nekron from the depths of mediocrity and gave fans THE best run on GL in decades! This issue will touch on everything Johns has brought to the book from day one and will leave fans clamoring for more! As he paves the way for Robert Venditti to take over the book, fans cannot help but feel a bit melancholy over his departure. Geoff Johns has become synonymous with Green Lantern and he will be sorely missed. Thanks Geoff, it’s been a hell of a ride!
2. Occupy Comics #1 (Black Mask Comics): A collaboration of more than fifty of the best writers and artists in the business, this artistic tribute and sponsor of the Occupy Movement is more than just a comic — it is a record of modern history as it happens! A volunteer based anthology of prose, art and true comic form, Occupy Comics, was funded by a Kickstarter program last year and will eventually be turned into a hardcover edition. With ground-breaking creators like Alan Moore (Watchmen), Ben Templesmith (30 Days of Night), David Lloyd (V for Vendetta), Mike Allred (Madman) and David Mack (Kabuki) at the reigns, this is a veritable “who’s who” of the beset of the best! So, let your money speak for something more and get Occupy Comics #1!
3. Half Past Danger #1 (IDW): You want to know what this comic is all about? It would actually be easier to tell you what it isn’t about! This is Stephen Mooney’s epic pulp noir tale that includes everything a comic fan could want! Protagonist, Tommy ‘Irish’ Flynn must keep his troops alive through a tour of the South Pacific in 1943, but it isn’t just the German army that is a threat. They need to look out for DAMES – DINOSAURS – and – DANGER – as this yarn completely blows you away! A fantastic read that will remind you of great comics from the past!
4. Daredevil #26 (Marvel): Mark Waid has been turning the screws on Matt Murdock as of late, but it is the story he has been telling about Foggy Nelson that has been riveting! Foggy, DD’s best friend and confidant, has been diagnosed with cancer and no amount of super powers can help him. It is the soul searching and the bravery he finds in the faces and minds of children in the hospital that truly gives him a fighting chance. Waid breathes reality into the comic world as we empathize with these characters and we, and Foggy, are stronger for it! Plus, we finally find out the TRUE fate of a classic DD villain! No spoilers — I think you can “hit the mark” all on your own!
5. Lobster Johnson: Satan Smells A Rat (Dark Horse):  Yes, I LOVE pulp noir stories and you should too! Mike Mignola returns to his justice branding vigilante in this new one-shot revolving around the murders of skid row bums. It is up to Hellboy’s boyhood idol to find the diabolical fiend that’s been dumping bodies and slap them with the burning claw of justice! Buy it for the name, love it for the all out zaniness! 
Comic Book News

Review: Nova #4 (Loeb & McGuinness)

Hear those wails of agony when you open issue #4? It’s the sound of Wolfman, Abnett, Lanning, Giffen, and everyone else who has ever written a good Nova story screaming their rage at what has been done to the Nova concepts. You don’t hear Loeb’s voice because he’s never written a Nova story. He’s only written bad NINO stories – and issue #4 continues that sad trend.

Remember when Star Trek fans hated Wesley Crusher because he detracted from the adult orientation of the show? Some writers just couldn’t resist the cutesy, silly, child oriented, hackneyed writing device where Wesley was smarter than all the adults, wiser than all the adults even though he had no actual experience/training, and “saved the ship” while all the experienced adults just fell all over themselves lost in their own incompetence. Yes, that only happened in a couple of episodes – mainly because fans loudly expressed their outrage about being talked down to and refused to accept the degradation or juvenilization of the concepts that made Star Trek great. Thanks to fan rejection, Wesley was eventually written out of the show. Too bad comic book fans won’t demand the same quality Star Trek fans demanded when faced with a similar situation.

Enter Loeb’s NINO to “Wesley Crusher-ize” the Nova concepts (thus the figurative screaming of all the writers who wrote Nova well in the past). Unfortunately, NINO survived the blast from the Chitauri warship that concluded issue #3. He was just “playing possum” to fool the lamest villains in the cosmic rogue’s gallery. After being inspired to attack the lead warship by his experiences playing video games and watching Star Wars (I’m not being sarcastic here – this is actually part of the little twerp’s “reasoning”), NINO is captured by fallen Black Nova, Titus, who is now in league with the Chitauri. Together, Titus and the Chitauri have managed to construct an Ultimate Nullifier and for some reason they want to use it on Earth. I guess they didn’t read the part of the instruction manual where the user is destroyed, too? Anyway – Titus explains how all the Black Novas were killed, NINO outsmarts Titus and grabs the nullifier, then stupidly takes the nullifier back to Earth and hides it in a garbage can outside his home. Of course, Titus follows and threatens to kill everybody NINO holds dear. We’re promised that the story will be concluded next issue. If only that meant that next issue would be the last ever – we could all stop screaming in agony. Sadly, there will be more NINO to further sully the Nova concepts and legacy.

Just when I thought this storyline couldn’t possibly get any more silly and child-oriented – Loeb ups the level of stupid juvenility and proves me wrong. Leaving aside the implausibility, recklessness, and immorality of sending an untrained and inexperienced 15-year-old child into kill-or-be-killed combat, how is it that NINO is able to fool and overpower an experienced Black Nova like Titus? Why would NINO bring an Ultimate Nullifier back to Earth where it could be used to destroy the planet rather than take it into deep space and destroy it? Stupid, stupid, stupid.

And speaking of stupid – why would Loeb kill off the only compelling characters he has created in this sorry excuse for a cosmic comic book? The Black Nova Corps was really the only partially interesting and innovative thing about Loeb’s hijacking of the Nova legacy and concepts. He kills all of them in this issue. What a stupid decision. But, of course, the “architects” mistakenly believe that “Nova” works best as a Spiderman-ish powered-down angsty teenage “Lone Ranger” flying around Long Island and hanging out with Daredevil.

Yup – I said Daredevil. “Cosmic” is now to visit Hell’s Kitchen – reduced to as street level as you can get. Editor Stephen Wacker thinks that a NINO and Daredevil team-up would be a grand idea as he falls all over himself in the letters page pretending like that (wink) “fan-suggested” story idea wasn’t already in the works. Wacker then condescendingly dismisses another fan’s complaint about alienation of the established Rider Nova fan base as essentially fanboy whining. This from an editor who regularly appears on forums to insult and otherwise antagonize the Rider Nova fan base. Here’s another idea Wacker: Team NINO with Casper the Friendly Ghost. Maybe do a cross-over with Archie and Jughead, too. That would help capture the demographic you’re aiming for with NINO wouldn’t it?

Of course, McGuinness’ art and Gracia’s coloring remain at their expected first-rate level. The art and coloring are really the only interesting thing about this book. The storyline is just hackneyed child-oriented fantasy that you’ve seen in other comic books many times in the past. So save your money and avoid this sad degradation of the once great Marvel Cosmic line. Vote with your dollars and bring this cutesy, child-oriented, insultingly bad book to its deserved end. That’s the only way to show the “architects” how wrong they are. Let’s show the “architects” that we want a mature, powerful, badass Rich Rider Nova continuing the Nova legacy – not a silly, cutesy, angsty, immature, annoying little twerp sullying the Nova legacy.

Let’s show them that we want Nova – not NINO.

Comic Book News

Review: Harbinger #12

Before you read this review you need to ask yourself,” Why do I read comics?” “Is it for the heroes in intense situations?” “Is it for the exceptional writing that makes these situations come to life before your eyes?” “Is it for the depth of character the writer builds upon so that these heroes resonate with us?” “Is it the amazing art that visually draws us into the world the writer has created?”

If you answered,”Yes,” to any of these questions, I have one more for you. “Have you been reading Harbinger?” If you said, “Yes,” then you know how great a book this has been. If you said, “No,” let me change your mind!

Harbinger #12 continues the Harbinger Wars crossover that has been waging through Harbinger, Harbinger Wars and Bloodshot for the last few months. We see Peter Stancheck’s Renegades finally come face to face with the psiots that have escaped from Project Rising Spirit, as well as how these young powerhouses have been dealing with their new found freedom. A clash between these groups is inevitable, children with power to shake the earth are not always welcoming to strangers, but it is the soul, the emotion of this book, not the action, that will truly grip you.

Joshua Dysart writes some of the most compelling characters on the market today. Teamed with the exceptional artistry of Khari Evans, Dysart has not only built visually intriguing characters, but ones that fans can empathize with. These characters have a humanity deeply rooted within their bones, something most super heroes tend to lack. They have fears, hopes and dreams as well as wield godlike powers! They are the everyman living in a scary world with the ability to change it for better or worse.

In this issue we see how manipulation, torture and a life of solitude can change a person. It is unnerving, to see Harada’s early attempts at activating psiots but, it is even worse when Peter meets Chronos and we know the same thing has been done on children! The duality of Chronos and Peter is what drives this tale. Even though Peter did not have an ideal childhood, being institutionalized and left by his mother, he eventually got to live in the outside world, while Chronos did not. Similar to a point, you can see what Peter could have become where it not for his chance for freedom and friendship. Chronos, on the other hand, had no escape until now and the world will pay for the sins committed against him. He is a fascinating character and a true image that Dysart can make every new character as rich and emotionally stirring as the rest!

So, if my little review hasn’t swayed you about Harbinger, I have another idea. For a single dollar you can get yourself the Valiant One Dollar Debut Edition of Harbinger #1. One dollar can open up your eyes to a whole new world of comic greatness. Don’t you think you can spare a dollar to broaden your horizons? I do! 

Comic Book News

Review: Archer & Armstrong #0

When companies tend to do zero issues, it can become a toss up of whether it will be used as an origin tale or something congruent with a current tale running though the book. In the case of Archer & Armstrong’s zero issue, it is a bit of neither, a bit of both but undoubtedly — so much more!

Fred Van Lente uses this very special issue to minimize the hilarity that usually accompanies each tale, in order to give the reader a solemn look at Aram and his brothers on a quest that will forever change them. Loosely melding The Epic of Gilgamesh with his own “epic” tale, Fed Van Lente has created a mesmerizing tale of brotherly kinship that will resonate with readers on an emotional level. It will make one ponder the everyday aspects of life that truly matter, the single moments that rise above the the rest. The dance, the song, the love are to be cherished, for they will be gone before we know it and they will only live on in memory.

This issue will also have readers seeing Aram(Armstrong) in a slightly different light. He begins in normal Aram style, awaiting five women for nightly festivities, but as he speaks with Archer, a poetic almost melancholy aura emerges from him. As the ancient tale of his adventure with his brothers progresses, we find he is more noble sage than drunken ruffian, a duality to the character that further pushes him to the forefront as one of my favorite characters!

If you didn’t believe Fred Van Lente was a masterful writer before — you will now! 

Comic Book News

The “DOC’s” Top Of The Pile for 5/8/2013


The Top of the Pile

By: Chris “DOC” Bushley


This is the weekly “quick pick” of the best 5 comics to hit the shelves! Whether they are riddled with action, have the best dramatic sequences, blast you with a bevy of shock and awe or make you feel like a child again, these are the books EVERYONE should be reading! This “DOC’s” prescription for having the best week possible — begins with these Top 5 books! (In no particular order!)



1.  Uncanny Avengers #8 (Marvel):  Rick Remender is a repeat performer and a constant member of The Top of the Pile, and for a good reason! His amalgam team of Avengers and X-Men are not only at odds with the biggest threats to the world, but are at odds with each other as well. The deception and secrets has made these heroes question the integrity of everyone, leaving the reader with an aura of continual awe and merriment. Plus, who gets to kill a Celestial? Rick Remender — that’s who!




2. Batman and Red Hood #20 (DC):  Peter J. Tomasi may be leaving Green Lantern Corps after this weeks issue, but you NEED to check out what he is doing for the Batman mythos as well! Since the death of Damian Wayne, Bruce has been lost, swimming in despair and rage. So, he calls upon the first Robin to have died and they take out their pain on the snipers that attacked Damian on that fateful day! But, what seems to be a reconciliation between Bats and Red Hood may end up destroying their partnership forever! A great look at the emotional side of two great characters that will never be the same again!




3. Harbinger #12 (Valiant): The third chapter of the epic Harbinger Wars crossover, this issue shows just how brutal children with massive powers can be! Especially, since these powerhouses have been tortured, belittled and separated from the rest of humanity all their lives! This is a fantastic character piece that showcases the perfect balance of emotion and action on many levels. Stunning!




4. X #1 (Dark Horse):  Duane Swierczynski has not only revamped the killing machine, Bloodshot, for Valiant Comics, now he has brought back the most brutal vigilante to ever grace the pages of Dark Horse as well! X is a non-stop menagerie of brutality that will ensnare you in the filthy underground world of Arcadia. Now, with a journalist on his trail, will X let up on his reign of terror he has placed on the worst criminals of the city? Hell No! Great stuff!




5. Justice League of America #3 (DC): Geoff Johns has taken a motley crew of “heroes” and made them into one of the most interesting reads every month. This issue sees the truth behind Green Arrow’s attackers come to light and the “team” set up one of their own! Plus, Stargirl gets a dose of reality from Amanda Waller and Catwoman gets a little too close for comfort with Martian Manhunter in a great back-up story by the acclaimed writer of Mind MGMT — Matt Kindt! Two amazing writers for one low price! Who could ask for anything more?

Comic Book News

Review: The Walking Dead #110

Don’t be mistaken by the cover, you won’t be able to whet your appetite for action in this issue! Although, Kirkman does rectify the situation with an intense look at the expanded world of TWD, a slow burn build up of a larger battle to ensue.

Fans may see this issue as just another actionless issue that doesn’t give you any shock and awe, but it is this type of issue that truly broadens the scope of the book past all the other “zombie” books that litter the racks. It is the building of emotional ties to the characters that gives the biggest payoff when something horrible occurs, the tether that keeps fans interested is built by the issues that rely on characterization and not always the shock!

The book is broken up into three distinct tales, focusing on small individual groups, that merge into one grand overall tale. The first aspect deals with Jesus and ramifications he must endure after having told Kal EVERYTHING about the plan against Neegan! It showcases the fear and hatred that Neegan has bestowed on everyone he meets and just how much others are willing to do to survive.

The second story arc revolves around Rick and his “hit squad” traveling to and eventually meeting with Ezekiel, the “king” of The Kingdom. It deals with the division of the crew and their ideas on the newly acquired “friendship” with Ezekiel. It is a nice piece and well thought out, especially since we get to see wonderment in Carl’s eye again.

Finally, the second arc branches into the third as we see Michonne and Ezekiel find a camaraderie out of their mistrust. Beginning with the drawing of swords and ending with a smile, this was the best part of the book. We receive both Ezekiel and, his pet tiger, Shiva’s origin tale and find this new character quite intriguing. He is a man that has taken the challenge of leadership upon himself in a similar fashion as Rick has, but choosing a higher moral compass.

This is another well written tale that will become a stepping stone for a grander finale, it may leave the “action junkie” in all of us a little depressed. But, all you have to do is look at the cover of June’s issue #111 to get that adrenaline pumping once more!


The Walking Dead #111

Comic Book News Marvel

Thanos Rising #2 Review

It is a crying damned shame what’s being done to cosmic in the vain pursuit of mass market appeal. Well – mass comic book reader appeal to be more precise. Loeb has turned Nova (in name only) into a child-oriented teen Spiderman clone, Bendis has turned Guardians of the Galaxy into an Earth-centric Avengers-like book re-characterizing Star- Lord et al into clichéd and unrecognizable caricatures of their former glorious selves, and now Aaron is apparently turning Thanos into an utterly disgusting run-of-the-mill psychotic serial killer – a Dexter with none of the cleverness or appeal of Dexter. And it’s not even working to attain the desired sales figures – so cosmic is being run into the ground for no reason other than the vanity of Loeb, Bendis, and the other “architects.” Like I said – a crying damned shame.

In the previous issue, Thanos was portrayed as a weird, un-likeable, pitiable little kid manipulated by Death into starting down the pathway toward becoming her avatar. In this issue, that excruciating process continues with Thanos being portrayed as a cruel, callous, brilliant, but psychotic little jerk taking pleasure from the tortured screams of his animal and Eternal victims as he vivisects them over the course of several hours and then whines about how nobody loves him. Death is constantly at his side, flirting with him and using his sexual attraction to her to encourage his sick pursuits while at the same time spurning all his overt sexual advances – an apparent attempt by the writer to explain Thanos’ death fetish. A terribly sexually frustrated Thanos even threatens to rape Death – but Death stops him cold – humiliating him, browbeating him, and otherwise psychologically castrating him as she urges him to kill again and again. Yeah – that Death is a real evil bitch. The torturing of innocents throughout this book was hard to tolerate, but the final scene of this book where Thanos begins vivisecting his helpless psychotic mother so disgusted me that I honestly don’t know if I can pick up and read another issue of this train wreck.

Now you all know that I like edgy, adult-oriented comic books, and I can even enjoy knife-kill horror stories such as Seely’s excellent and recently sadly ended Hack/Slash series, but this Thanos Rising series is pushing the boundaries in a bad way. If the writer was trying to evoke an emotionally unsettling response, he certainly succeeded – but not in such as way as to motivate me to continue buying the book. There is literally no joy to this book and that makes it a tough read. Plus – it sullies the appeal of Thanos as a villain – making him unrespectable, creepy, and disgusting (like the child murderer he’s being portrayed as) rather than how he ALWAYS SHOULD BE PORTAYED – as a force to be reckoned with.

I get it that Thanos is a tough character to write – full of inconsistencies and contradictions. This storyline is not the way to resolve the inconsistencies and contradictions. It would’ve been better to just deal with them the old fashioned way: don’t think about them too much and write a good adventure story. There is no logic or reason to Thanos’ craziness. That’s why crazy is called crazy and Thanos is called “The MAD Titan.” This attempt to impose a dark psychological background story onto Thanos to explain his madness just feels wrong and stands in stark contrast to the best Thanos stories told to date.

Giffen’s excellent Thanos series was the best portrayal of Thanos since Starlin’s early work with the character. In Giffen’s series, I could begrudgingly like and respect the brilliant magnificent bastard that was Thanos at the same time I was disliking him and hoping he would ultimately fail – all while blithely ignoring every logical contradiction inherent in the character. Now THAT’s the Thanos I want to read. This Thanos Rising portrayal of a confused, easily manipulated, sexually frustrated, psychotic, cruel, sick, whiny little jerk preying on helpless innocents? Nah – I don’t want to read this – I just want to see the Eternals put him out of his misery medieval style and as soon as possible.

The art and coloring of this book are certainly adequate to good, but they are not enough to save it.

Basically, this book is an embarrassment to the Thanos mythology. I don’t see how this is going to make a whole bunch of new Thanos fans eager to see him on the big screen for the second Avengers movie. In fact, the opposite is more likely. Frankly, I’ll be glad when this mini is over and (hopefully) forgotten as it is just one more black eye to cosmic courtesy of the architects.

What a shame.

Comic Book News

The “DOC’s” Top Of The Pile for 5/1/2013



The Top of the Pile

By: Chris “DOC” Bushley


This is a “quick pick” look at the Top 5 comics that EVERYONE should be reading this week! Whether it’s rife with astounding visuals, has top notch characterization, is filled with emotional strife, has a bevy of high octane battle sequences or is just a plain ol’ great read — these books belong at the “Top Of The Pile!” (In no particular order!)



1. Shadowman #0 (Valiant): Fan favorite, Justin Jordan, truly out does himself in this melancholy origin tale of Valiant’s biggest bad of all time — Master Darque! From birth to his “re-birth,” Justin Jordan weaves sympathy, angst and hatred into the very fabric of the Master Darque character, creating a book that far outshines everything Jordan has done thus far in his career! Although Shadowman isn’t in the book at all, you are so enthralled with his greatest villain you won’t even mind!



2. Ten Grand #1 (Joe’s Comics/Image):  Written by, CBN creator Matt McGloin’s favorite comic scribe, J. Michael Straczynski and drawn by fan favorite Ben Templesmith, not only is Ten Grand is a moving tale about loss and what you would do to regain everything, it is also the relaunch of the Joe’s Comics imprint created by JMS! Though this style of tale about choices and the ultimate ramification has been done before, it is the art of Templesmith that astounds the reader with every page. Come for JMS’ morality play, stay for a true masterpiece by Templesmith. That’s if you can find it! The buzz surrounding this book has led to instant sell outs at numerous shops, so be vigilant or the world of second printing awaits you!



3. Superior Spider-Man #9 (Marvel):  So, I believe that Dan Slott is actually addicted to controversy! Well, he will definitely get his fix after this issue! By now you have probably all heard about the ending of this book, but that is not the reason it made it on the Top of the Pile. The internal struggle between the consciousness of Peter Parker and Doc Ock is what drives this book — and it is astounding! Peter having to place his memories in the line of fire against his own fears was extremely jarring. Seeing Uncle Ben being shot again and the Green Goblin slaughtering Gwen Stacy with a laser was highly emotional, but it is the frailty of Peter that makes this issue great even if it will drive fans crazy!



4. The Victories: Transhuman #1 (of 5) (Dark Horse):  Dubbed as being “Super F$%#!d Up!,” Michael Avon Oeming’s super hero team tale is exactly that! This second installment of The Victories stories has the team dealing with a new villain that is more powerful than anything they have seen before! Even if they do save the world, are they strong enough to overcome their internal demons in order for all of them to survive? Graphic, vulgar and overtly amazing, this is a book that you should not miss!



5. Abe Sapien: Dark and Terrible #2 (Dark Horse):  Mike Mignola and Scott Allie converge on this unnerving tale of Abe Sapien’s journey to not only find where his altered form fits in to this new and frightening world, but also to see how far this world has changed humanity in it’s wake! Rich and deeply jarring, this tale of fear of the unknown will make you question just how “human” humanity can be in a mob mentality. Fascinating! Plus, be sure to check out the CBN exclusive interview with Scott Allie regarding all things Dark Horse with our very own managing editor, Byron Brewer!

Comic Book News

Advanced Review: Shadowman #0

Justin Jordan and his motley crew of artists, has created an enthralling, sickly sweet and chilling tale that gives fans a definitive origin to the most powerful creature in the Valiant Universe — Master Darque!

Known as the biggest, baddest villain to ever cast a shadow across the Valiant Universe, Master Darque is one of the most dramatic characters created in the past twenty years. Now, with the twisted imagination of Justin Jordan, modern readers can be enthralled once again by a tale that showcases the brutal birth of this destructive character.

From birth to “death”, Jordan and his fantastic artistic team will fascinate you with Master Darque’s origin, a wickedly jarring tale of witchcraft and the hell that parents can render upon their children. It showcases the deconstruction of innocence, the betrayal of loved ones and the forging of true evil through desperate measures. It is the pinnacle of characterization, an enthralling tale that lulls you in with the false hope of a happy ending, that maybe just maybe, all could turn out differently. But, alas, this is an origin tale of true evil and true evil cannot begin without a fall from grace!

Utterly breathtaking, Justin Jordan has truly surpassed everything he has done so far for the Shadowman mythos. This is the new high water mark for the series and I, for one, cannot wait to see what comes next!

Comic Book News

Advanced Review: Harbinger Wars #2

Fans were blown away with, not only the all out action of the first issue of this crossover, but with the overall ease with which the casual reader can immerse themselves into the storyline. In a market plagued with mediocre crossovers that strive more on gaining your hard earned cash instead of delivering a quality product, Valiant stands as the shinning example of how to please it’s fans! If you were enthralled with the first issue, the second in the series will utterly take your breath away!

Written by Joshua Dysart, with story conceptualization done by both Dysart and Duane Swierczynski, Harbinger Wars #2 is a tidal wave of all-out action that is stunning on all aspects. The reader is given the chance to delve deeper into the seediness of Project Rising Spirit and witness the re-birth of another long forgotten Valiant concept bound to thrill readers all over again! Though I won’t spoil any part of this outstanding tale, I will say that you will see some horrific deeds take place and the true heart of Toyo Harada will forever darken the corners of the Valiant Universe!

Masterfully crafted by Joshua Dysart and crew, Harbinger Wars is bound to become one of the most comprehensive, overtly exciting and reader friendly crossovers ever written. It is steeped in emotional duress, shockingly horrific circumstances and riddled with action sequences that will blow your mind! It is the blueprint as to what ALL crossovers should be like no matter what company employees you!

Comic Book News

Valiant and Image Present: Dollar Days!

That’s right, folks! Just as the dog days of summer begin to creep upon us, Valiant and Image Comics present one cool deal to help beat the heat and not your wallet! 

To help kick off Free Comic Book Day, May 4th, Valiant and Image Comics have decided to re-release some of the most sought after first issues of the past twelve months — for only a dollar each! Eleven total issues will be re-released on May 1st, five Valiant issues and six Image ones, and you can have them all for a measly ELEVEN DOLLARS! In a market that usually sells comics for $3.99, this is the perfect opportunity for anyone to inquire about books that may have slipped past them the first time around and are now fetching a hefty price for first editions! Below is a list of all the books you SHOULD be reading!

To help celebrate their one year anniversary, Valiant is actually re-releasing every first issue of all their books. Written and drawn by some of the best comic creators in the business, Joshua Dysart, Justin Jordan and Fred Van Lente to name a few, you just can’t go wrong with any of these books. I highly recommend them all, but be quick to grab as many Harbinger and Bloodshot copies as you can due to the extremely popular Harbinger Wars crossover! 

Valiant One Dollar Editions: Archer & Armstrong #1, Harbinger #1, Bloodshot #1, Shadowman #1 and X-O Manowar #1


Although Image does this promotion every year, this group of books in particular, are some of the best series they have put out to date, including the all-ages adventure series Super Dinosaur written by The Walking Dead creator – Robert Kirkman! Be sure to grab extra copies of Mind the Gap and the insane version of Peter Pan everyone loves — Peter Panzerfaust, too!

Image Firsts: Bedlam #1, Great Pacific #1, Mind the Gap #1, Morning Glories #1, Peter Panzerfaust #1 and Super Dinosaur #1


With Free Comic Book Day just around the corner and a bevy of comic book movies hitting this summer, there is no better time to become a comic fan! So, get out there, grab eleven books and tell your local comic shop owner, “I’d buy that for a dollar!”

Comic Book News

The “DOC’s” Top Of The Pile for 4/24/2013


The Top of the Pile

By: Chris “DOC” Bushley


This is a “quick pick” look at the Top 5 comics that EVERYONE should be reading this week! Whether it’s rife with astounding visuals, has top notch characterization, is filled with emotional strife, has a bevy of high octane battle sequences or is just a plain ol’ great read — these books belong at the “Top Of The Pile!” (In no particular order!)



1. Uncanny Avengers #7 (Marvel): Rick Remender has crafted a series that has fans debating, completely awestruck and overtly excited! This week he melds a storyline from Jason Aaron’s amazing Thor: God of Thunder into his own tale and the payoffs are incredible! Tensions flare between our “mutant” and “non-mutant” heroes but that isn’t the main draw of this book. If you are a cosmic fan, this issue will give you something you have never seen before! What could make a Celestial ever feel sadness? You have to read it to believe it!



2. Jupiter’s Legacy #1 (Image): Frank Quitely brings his artistic talents to Image Comics to render a book that will become an instant classic! Written by fan favorite Mark Millar, Jupiter’s Legacy, is an up close and personal look at the lives of the children of the world’s greatest super heroes. But, how can they truly become their own heroes when they will always be in the shadows of their astounding parents? For that matter, why would they want to spend their days slugging it out with world conquering villains when they can just relax and let the “old folks” save the day! A very poignant look at the perils of youth, blind obedience and the failing economic climate of the modern world. Fantastic stuff form a fantastic team!



3. Joe Hill’s Terrifyingly Tragic Treasury Edition (IDW): This over-sized extravaganza of horror laced tales by Stephen King’s son, is just the thing to keep you up at night. This $10 book may seem like a steep price tag for reprints of four previously released tales but, believe me, it is well worth it! Inside you will find the “Kodiak” one shot, that will have you never wanting to go in the woods again, the Eisner Award winning tale “The Cape” about a man that chooses to use his power of flight to right a wrong, the Locke and Key short “Open the Moon” and the final off-beat tale of Seth Fisher in “Freddie Wertham Goes to Hell.” Creepy and thought-provoking stuff that will whet your appetite for the release of Joe Hill’s new novel, NOS4A2, about a child abductor that comes out April 30th!



4. B.P.R.D.: Vampire #2 (Dark Horse): Thematically reminiscent of Herman Melville’s classic Moby-Dick, this tale of longing and revenge is turning out to be an instant classic in and of itself! Beautifully horrific art by brothers Fabio Moon and Gabriel Ba helps to solidify Mike Mignola’s tale as a pure masterpiece of cryptic wonderment. Haunted characters, vampire cults and plenty of witchcraft will make you second guess those shadows looming in the corners!



5. Avengers Arena #8 (Marvel): Let’s begin with talking about an ending, shall we? Why would we start at the end you might ask? Because that’s what EVERYONE will be talking about after today! Some fans will cheer, some fans will protest but all fans will get involved with the discussion about the end! Especially, since some endings are actually new beginnings — cryptic enough for ya? Dennis Hopeless has created an outstanding series that is character driven, shocking and enthralling. Plus, there still is that ending that hangs over our heads!

Comic Book News

“Just What the DOC Ordered: Your Summer Movie Reading List!”

“The Book Is Always Better”

By: Chris “DOC” Bushley



Another comic book inspired season is upon us at your local theater and no fan is happier than I am! With intense blockbuster sequels, franchise dependent re-dos and some obscure independent debuts, it is a cornucopia of genres that is sure to make us believe, cheer and possibly question the reason they are being made in the first place! Comic fans and non-fans alike will be making their way to theaters in droves this summer, but where do these bigger than life movies come from? From the back issue bins of comic shops of course, and I’ll give you the rundown in order for you to catch up on some inexpensive summer reading before you drop $20 a ticket for 3D IMAX seats! Without further ado, Lights!,Camera!,Action!



Let’s begin with a movie that has comic fans heated and Tom Cruise fans jumping on couches in delight! Oblivion! Opening on April 19th, Oblivion is another look at a post-apocalyptic world that portrays Tom Cruise as a human version of Disney/ Pixar’s Wall-E! While this is being advertised as coming from the 2012 graphic novel by indie publisher Radical Studios, written by the movies director Joseph Kosinski(Tron:Legacy), the graphic novel doesn’t actually exist! At the 2012 San Diego Comic Con, “concept art” pamphlets were handed out to fans to promote the alleged book, but it never came to fruition. As a matter of fact, it is questioned if a graphic novel was ever truly going to be in the works or if the “concept art” for it was only to help push Kosinski’s movie idea to the forefront! Looks like it worked! You can find the “concept art” books on eBay for varying prices but don’t get fooled into thinking you are acquiring anything more than beautiful visuals! But, if you are looking to get your hands on a Radical Studios graphic novel that will actually in a more productive manner that just conceptualizing, I suggest you get your hands on the Hercules:Thracian Wars TPB for around $15! You have plenty of time before the Rock lays the smack down next July to get as much reading done as you can!



Next up is Iron Man 3, starring fan fave Robert Downey Jr. and releasing everywhere on May 3rd! By now everyone knows the tale of Tony Stark, even if we do want to forget Iron Man 2, but how much do non-comic fans know about this years two big baddies that will threaten our hero? To help ease you into the  rivalries between the Mandarin, Dr. Aldritch Killian and Tony here are a few “must reads” to get you ready for battle! To find the first appearance of the Mandarin you will have to grab yourself a copy of Tales of Suspense #50 from 1964. Now, you have two choices, you can go for the 8.5 CGC graded version that will set you back $1,245 or you can download a copy from Comixology for #1.99! Your choice! But, if you are like me and like to actually hold a book you are reading, you can acquire a copy the Revenge of the Mandarin hardcover published in 2012 for around $15. Between the covers you will find reprints of Iron Man #8-#14(1998), Fantastic Four #15(1998) and Iron Man/Captain America Annual ’98, and stories that revolve around Tony losing control of his armor, the Mandarin destroying things and War Machine coming to Tony’s aid. I also recommend Warren Ellis and Adi Granov’s stunning Iron Man: Extremis TPB(2007) that gives you issues #1-#4 of the series and also gives the first taste of the Extremis armor that will be featured in the film as well as the depth of Dr. Aldrith Killian cunning to destroy Tony at all costs. This one will set you back another $15 bucks but it’s well worth it!




June 14th will be the day that makes or breaks DC and Warner Bros movie franchise! Not only does the Man of Steel have to save the world from battle hardened Kryptonians, he also holds the weight of building a cohesive “movie world” on his shoulders! What looks to be an amazing movie seems too far away for fans to wait. So, until we “believe a man can fly” again you can satisfy every super need with a single book. DK Publishing put out the Ultimate Guide to the Man of Steel in 2002 but has just updated the cover with a more modern picture that reflects Supes New 52 costume. For $20 you can get all the general knowledge you need about Clark Kent and his alter ego. If you are looking for something a little more in depth and see how a a hero goes from boy to “super” man, I recommend Geoff Loeb and Tim Sale’s Superman: For All Seasons. It is a coming of age book that will meld nicely with the more human side of Superman that seems so prevalent in the movie trailers. Also, for something more brutal, pick up Superman Vs Zod TPB(2013) for $12.99. This collection reprints Adventure Comics #283, Action Comics #473, #548-549, DC Comics Presents #97 and Action Comics Annual #10 and contains all the best battles of a pre New 52 DC Universe!



July 19th gives the comic book industry some offbeat indie comics to check out on the big screen. Both are starring a bevy of big name actors and actresses but will that be enough to drive non-comic fans into the seats. It might not be enough to drive comic fans into the seats either! These “off-beat” movies are going to need as much help as they can to beat out the “Big Two” movies this summer, so let’s build their fanbase with a little reading! First up is RED 2. Now, RED 2 doesn’t really have a comic attached to it, and the first movie was so different from the original Homage Comics(an imprint of Wildstorm Productions now owned by DC) three issue action/suspense shooter, by Warren Ellis and Cully Hammer, that it really didn’t matter if you read it or not. So, instead of checking out the goofball comedy/action flick starring Bruce Willis, try the 2009 Red TPB for $15 instead! Then check out the 2010 prequel, written and drawn by Cully Hammer, Red:Eyes Only($4) which explains what horrific event took place to make Paul Moses retire from the CIA. in the first place!



 Second up on this day is the “dead cop” buddy movie starring Ryan Reynolds and Jeff Bridges in a strange time travel, body jumping, demon killing western called R.I.P.D. This comic was an original four issue series that focused on a character named Nick Cruz who was killed and after 100 years of service in the R.I.P.D. was given the chance to find out who murdered him. R.I.P.D. Vol.2: City of the Damned is a four issue movie prequel series that focuses on Roy Pulsipher and his partner Nick Walker as they expel demons in the Wild West and find the true history of Roy Pulsipher’s past. Both are great reads and can be had for dirt cheap! R.I.P.D. Vol.1 (2nd edition) published by Dark Horse, will only set you back $12.99 while R.I.P.D. Vol.2: City of the Damned can be bought as a bundle on Dark Horse digital downloads for a mere $5.99 for all four issues! That’s WAY better than spending $20 for a migraine at the theater!



The Wolverine, starring Hugh Jackman, cuts it’s way into theaters on July 26th and fans are anxiously awaiting anything to purge their minds of the horrendous Wolverine:Origin fiasco! Based on the classic Chris Claremont and Frank Miller’s Wolverine #1-4 solo series from 1982, this movie is getting fans “x-cited” again and July couldn’t come soon enough. There are hundreds of Wolverine stories out there but you only really need to acquaint yourself with a single storyline this time in order to fully immerse yourself in Logan’s Japanese adventure. Considered THE best Wolverine story, you can get your hands on a CGC 9.8 graded copy for around $250 or you can try and find yourself a first edition hardcover reprint of the four issue series for around $50. Me, I think I’ll stick with a newer edition that collects Claremont and Miller’s Wolverine #1-4 for a measly $14! As soon as I get my Barnes and Noble rewards coupon –it will be even cheaper!




August heats up with the prequel to 300, 300: Rise of an Empire! Now, this one is going to be a little tricky! When Zack Snyder made the original 300 from Frank Miller’s outstanding graphic novel, he actually had a one stop shop in order to procure Miller’s artistic vision. This time around there isn’t one to get! Well, not really. See, there is no graphic novel for 300:Rise of an Empire, there isn’t even a solo comic series to get all the ideas from either. This time around, Frank Miller and Dark Horse comics released Miller’s prequel story, revolving around the egomaniacal Xerxes, in a series of comics. Beginning in (and helping to re-launch the series in 2011) Dark Horse Presents #1 and finishing in Dark Horse Presents #6, you can acquire the entire story that the movie will be based on. Now, that doesn’t seem too bad, especially since you can still find copies at your local comic shop. The bad part is when you see the price tag when you finish acquiring the story! You see, each issue of DHP comes in at a hefty 80 pages and will cost you around $8 each! That’s $48 for a single story! But, with no collected edition in sight, at least at this time, that’s the only route you have to read the original story. Me, I’ll just pay the $15 at the movies and sit in awe like I did with the first one! 




Finally, on August 16th, Mark Millar unleashes his foul, brutal and awesomely good Kick-Ass series on the big screen again! Kick-Ass 2 will show us all how villains can make heroes even better than they were, when the Mother F*#*#! tears down Kick-Ass’ world! Vibrant, funny and extremely violent this sequel actually needed two different comic series to make a single movie! But don’t worry you can still acquire them both for under $50! First you will need to pick up the Kick-Ass 2:Balls to the Wall TPB(2012), in which everything in our hero’s world comes unraveled. A super hero team is formed but the streets aren’t what the need to look after, it’s the past that will kill them. This trade will cost around $15 and can be found at your local comic shop undoubted paired with this next trade. The Kick-Ass 2 Prelude:Hit-Girl hardcover was just released on March 6th and tells the tale between the first and second Kick-Ass series. It follows Mindy in her quest to lead a “normal” life and put the katanas down. It is a great read that shows how socially awkward such a badass character is in the “real” world. This hardcover will run you about $20 but it’s well worth the cover price! You don’t need to read them both in order to enjoy the story but who doesn’t want to know how Hit-Girl handles High School?

So, before you go and spend an ungodly amount of money at the movies, at least give yourself some background information on them before you do. Plus, it’s always more fun when you can enjoy the “Easter eggs” movie studios love to throw into their films. Or, if you don’t get to see them for any reason, at least you will have the knowledge that you have the best version sitting directly in front of you, waiting to be enjoyed whenever you want!

Comic Book News

The “DOC’s” Top Of The Pile for 4/17/2013


The Top of the Pile

By: Chris “DOC” Bushley


This is a “quick pick” look at the Top 5 comics that EVERYONE should be reading this week! Whether it’s rife with astounding visuals, has top notch characterization, is filled with emotional strife, has a bevy of high octane battle sequences or is just a plain ol’ great read — these books belong at the “Top Of The Pile!” (In no particular order!)



1. Fanboys Vs. Zombies #13 (BOOM! Studios): Don’t have enough space faring heroes in your life? Who can’t live without a little more zombie action? Well, BOOM! Studios solves all of your nagging problems this week as Fanboys Vs. Zombies takes a treck to “where no one can hear you scream!” That’s right, it’s the “all space” issue as three of our heroes get locked in an escape pod with a zombie and are jetisoned to “where no man has gone before!” A fun book laced with enough “geekisms” that no one will be disappointed!



2. Daredevil: End of Days #7 (Marvel): Bendis may have lost the battle with acquiring fans to his lackluster Guardians of the Galaxy book, but he is writing a fan favorite with this future tale of Daredevil. Is Matt Murdock really dead? All signs point to yes, so who is the hero in the Daredevil costume? This is a fantastic read that follows Daily Bugle reporter Ben Urich on a case to find the truth while visiting almost every character in the Daredevil mythos! This is a real treat for any DD fan! 



3. Bloodshot #10 (Valiant): Continuing through the Harbinger Wars arc, Bloodshot must now become more than just an elite weapon of mass destruction. He must become a protector to some of the most powerful and dangerous children ever born! This is a true character piece that evolves the Bloodshot character to new heights of greatness while allowing for all the standard mayhem and bloodshed too!



4. The Black Beetle:No Way Out #3(of 4) (Dark Horse): Sometimes you need to turn the dial back and enjoy some classic pulp heroes in all their gritty glory! Well, you can’t go wrong with Francesco Francavilla’s creater owned Black Beetle series. Evocative in both prose and renderings, this is a series that is a true work of art on so many levels. So, grab a fedora and hit the streets with this amazing book!



5. Justice League #19 (DC): Geoff Johns and Ivan Reis continue to shift the Justice League into new and exciting directions. As new recruits are courted for admidtance to the team, who stole information from the Justice League? Was it one of the recruits or could there be descention in the ranks of the core Leaguers? Tempers flare and the cover says the rest! The seeds of war have been sown and this will lead directly to the Trinity War crossover that begins in July!

Comic Book News

Advanced Review: X-O Manowar #12

When Aric of Dacia was bonded with the Shanhara, the X-O armor, all he dreamed of was revenge against the Vine that destroyed his life. Seething from the atrocities against himself and his people, Aric vowed to wipe all remnants of the Vine’s touch from the Universe. But, what happens when his vengeance blinds him from everything else, especially since there is a secret that proves Aric may not be the last of his kind?

Continually proving that this book is more than the sum of it’s parts, Robert Venditti crafts a fantastic tale about a warrior that may lose himself in the red rage of vengeance, thus becoming the very thing he hates the most! X-O is a true warrior’s tale that focuses not only on all out action, but the journey of a man that has lost everything. With surprises, plot twists and the general evolution of the character, Venditti has transformed a sci-fi epic into an amazing opus for the ages!

The Planet Death storyline continues to astound readers as the scope of Aric’s rage changes in this issue. Could there actually be remnants of his fellow Visigoth alive even under the Vine’s oppressive thumb? Can Aric refrain from the ultimate slaughter of the Vine in order to learn from them, be worshipped by them and to eventually coexist with them? Or will he become something more horrific, more vicious than the Vine ever where all in the name of revenge?

For the answers to everything, get X-O Manowar #12 this week and prepare yourself for Revolution to unfold next month!

Comic Book News

Advanced Review: Bloodshot #10

As the Harbinger Wars runs rampant through the Valiant Universe, one man must find himself in order to preserve the lives of the most powerful children in the world. Through massive amounts of blood, bullets and rendered flesh, this man will become more than just a killing machine, he will become — a father!

Duane Swierczynski (X,Punisher,Godzilla) is a master crime novelist and an extraordinaire when it comes to dark, bloody tales revolving around hatred and vengeance. In Bloodshot #10, you will receive more than your fair share of all those things but it is the further development of the Bloodshot character and his supporting cast that will truly grip you.

Though briefly touched upon in other issues, Bloodshot’s quest for his own humanity is what drives this book. When faced with protecting some of the most dangerous and powerful children ever born, this engineered weapon of mass destruction delves inward in order to dredge up every ounce of humanity in order to guide him. Though he is beaten, berated and almost mentally manipulated, he only focuses on the safety of the children. It is this surge of “fatherhood” that shatters his visage of a one dimensional character, creating instead a hero that fans will not only root for but clamor over!

With an amazing cover by fan favorite Mico Sauyan and beautifully vicious interiors by Barry Kitson, this book will become an instant “must have” for not only Valiant fans, but comic fans in general! Plus, the final page will be enough to drive fans ravenous until the next installment of Harbinger Wars hits the stands next week!

Be bold, be determined, be — Valiant!

Comic Book News

Review: The Walking Dead #109

It begins with a solemn look at death in the world of The Walking Dead and ends with what could be the catalyst for ensuring the deaths of many more. What happens between these solemn tent poles is an issue full of drama and characterization that separates it form so many other books.

Rick’s lies to his community begin to catch up with him, making the call to arms against Neegan a more difficult task than originally planned. It also helps set the stage for a threat that looms within the very confines of their home, one that may eventually see Rick in dire straits amongst friends. The build up of the ensuing battle against Neegan is what drives most of this particular book, but it is the “down time” of two extremely different characters that make the book truly resonate with the reader.

Maggie’s mourning of Glenn is a pitch perfect piece that shows that no matter how difficult and jarring life has become in a walker filled world, some things still anchor them to the world before. A burial, a tombstone and the ritual of grieving will never lose it’s meaning to those who hold them dear. In fact, the mere sight of of these things can make someone who has become numb with death realize just how important they are to keep their own humanity.

Secondly, there is a conversation held between Rick and Michonne that truly puts their entire world into perspective. Tired and weary, Michonne let’s her softer side prevail as she expresses her feelings about taking up arms again. It is a brief but compelling moment that makes us believe that beneath her hardened facade beats the heart of a woman that yearns for a moment of peace.

Kirkman’s pacing is top notch on this issue, giving the reader glimpses into possible future outcomes as well as making a well deserved look at the internal workings of key characters. It may not be flooded with walkers nor be riddled with flying bullets, but it is a well built story that paves the way for both of those things to come. So, enjoy the relaxation for the moment because the cringing ending guarantees that it will not last for long!

Comic Book News

Advanced Review: Archer & Armstrong #9

With the deadliest amongst their ranks possessed by the Last Enemy of the Null, will anyone be left to save the earth?

An amalgam of riveting action, historical situations and all out hilarity, Fred Van Lente continually churns out some of the most interesting and engaging story lines on a monthly basis. From a certain “grassy knoll” to an equally dangerous present, Archer & Armstrong #9 culminates with a satisfying conclusion that will leave their world literally changed!

Completely mesmerizing on so many levels, Fred Van Lente and artist Emanuela Luppacchino, have created a book that mixes complex ideas with an underlining score of humor. This pairing of different aspects can come with disastrous results making a book seem too hokey and lose the reader, but Van Lente knows when to reign in the hilarity and amp up the intrigue enough to appease even the most fickle reader. 

Full of all out action and harboring an ending that will shock readers, Archer & Armstrong #9 has everything that a comic fan could ever want in a single issue! 

Comic Book News

Advanced Review: Harbinger #11

The Harbinger Wars is upon us and fans have been raving! The smashing debut issue not only helped to knit more pieces of the Valiant Universe together, but it also posed an insurmountable amount of questions! Not to worry though, Joshua Dysart begins to let things unfold further in this weeks Harbinger #11 and things will never be the same again!

Mixing flashback sequences with current story lines, Dysart lets the reader peek at the history of Toyo Harada and Project Rising Securities, better known as Project Rising Spirit. We see their first real interaction together and it is a terse one to say the least! Within these sequences Dysart also let’s us see a more optimistic Toyo Harada as opposed with the opportunistic one we are more prone to. This insight creates a richer depth to the character, making the lines between hero and villain blur, leaving the reader with a moral conundrum on how to perceive his choices.

Not only does Dysart make us question our “villain”, he makes us question our heroes as well. While Peter Stancheck has been having visions of the Bleeding Monk, his Renegades have been contemplating their new found place in the world. Powerful, young and lawless, these “heroes” find themselves in a moral dilemma all their own. Do those that have been beaten down emotionally and physically now have a moral obligation to help others just because they now have the power to? Do they have the right to live above the law since they can simply choose to do so? Do they even have a choice in the matter or do their powers automatically oblige them to do what’s right? The questions posed by Dysart make these characters extremely “real” to the reader and that is what makes this book so brilliant month after month. These characters are all of us, just on a grander scale! They bicker and fight, they have fears and dream of amazing things, they are scared and powerful and they need each other even though they won’t admit it. They are as “real’ as super heroes will ever become, which in my eyes, is truly amazing!

Take the next step into the Harbinger Wars in Harbinger #11 and always remember to: Be smart, be diligent, be — Valiant!

Comic Book News

Advanced Review: X #0 (Dark Horse)

Back in 1994, Dark Horse published the original X series, written by Steven Grant and drawn by fan-fave Doug Mahnke, and it instantly became one of my favorite books! Now, almost a decade later, it has returned with an even more powerful team behind it, becoming one of my favorites yet again!

Serialized from it’s three stories found originally in Dark Horse Presents #19-#21, this new take on the over the top vigilante is a blitzkrieg of action and mayhem that will excite any comic fan! Written by acclaimed crime novelist and comic book master Duane Swierczynski (Bloodshot, PunisherGodzilla), X #0 is a dark and brutal book that looks at the underbelly of crime and the sheer horror that will befall anyone that crosses X!

The tale is one of revenge, though the reader never truly knows the full extent as to why, and it’s quite simple. If you do bad things and receive a photo of yourself in the mail with an X marked across it — X will kill you. The premise is easy, the brutality and execution of the slayings is what’s hard. But, not for the artistic talents of Eric Ngyun! His unique visual perspectives makes each panel feel like a well rehearsed dance routine. He draws the eye to every miniscule detail of the page and then slowly pulls back to reveal the visceral carnage before you. It is dark, exquisite and overtly beautiful. Not to pull any punches, this book is intense and not for young readers!  

Swierczynski’s tale puts the reader “behind the scenes” and follows three ruthless thugs through the book, the pigs if you will, and we see first hand how nasty they can be. We also get to see their inner thoughts as to how they will deal with their “big bad wolf” when he comes a’ blowin‘. The book never reveals the thoughts of X nor his actions prior to his attacks, thus making the moment he appears that much more explosive. It is dynamic, vicious and expertly written — everything a “street level” book should be!

Pick up another great 90’s character brought back into the fold by Duane Swierczynski! If you want something intense and amazing, this is the book for you! Though, I have to warn you, you may become a vegetarian after reading it!  

Comic Book News

Advanced Review: Sledgehammer 44 #2 (of 2)

With so much talk revolving around a certain movie that will have numerous suits of armor featured, I thought it imperative to focus on a different “iron” tale this week. One that features a single suit of armor, Hyperborean armor — the Iron Prometheus!

Mike Mignola and John Arcudi have created their own niche within the confines of tales regarding heroes donning suits of armor in order to save the day. Their tale may have similar overviews with Marvel’s blockbuster hero but that’s where the differences cease. Their tale, one rife with Nazis, gunplay and Mignola’s classic take on tales of the ethereal, transcends that of just a super hero tale. It is a story of true heroism and the internal anguish sometimes caused by it.

Rendered expertly by artist Jason Latour (Django Unchained, B.P.R.D. Hell On Earth: The Pickens County Horror), this issue follows a group of GIs that have just evaded certain death at the hands of the Nazi regime and are now trying to protect their immobile metal savior. As the action sequences berate you, it is easy to get caught up in the moment and believe that you are just reading another WWII battle book. Then, you remember Mike Mignola is a master word smith and the tale becomes something so much more than the sum of it’s parts. It becomes a sad, insightful look at what it takes to be a hero. It is not the suit nor the range of powers that can be derived from it, it is not the man that wields it but, it IS the heart and soul of that man that makes him a hero. It is also the sacrifice that is made in order to overcome fantastic odds for the betterment of the greater good that defines him. These are the aspects that will resonate with you as you complete this fantastic book about sacrifice and brotherhood. 

Mignola and Arcudi have created one of the finest new heroes within the pages of this book. It is a character that I hope to find many years from now, still donning the cover of his own book, in my local shop. This book is simply sublime!

Comic Book News

Review: Shadowman #6

Justin Jordan and Patrick Zircher have worked tirelessly to create a fresh and exciting “new” Shadowman character that fans have been clamoring over. Now, with Shadowman #6, we get to actually see a true new character emerge from their collective conscience, one that has set his diabolical sights on our hero and won’t let up until death has been claimed for the victor!

The “dynamic duo” of the Valiant Universe, Jordan and Zircher, have been putting our hero through the emotional, if not physical, ringer as of late and this issue brings more of the same style of highly developed characterization to the table. Distraught and emotionally scarred by his actions, or inaction, to save a friend; Jack Boniface gets to do some soul searching throughout the issue. Although he is the title character and has some great developmental sequences, most of this particular tale revolves around the schemes of some rather nefarious characters and brings one of them to the forefront as a dire threat to Jack. We all know that a hero is only as good as his villains make him become, well, by the end of this tale Shadowman will be one the lips of comic fans everywhere! 

The only detraction I have with the issue is with the choice of so many artists. Each of their skill sets are phenomenal, rendering different aspects of the story to give each section its own individuality and scope but, at times it was a little distracting. You get accustomed to a certain flow while following the story the artist unfolds before you and with three different artists, it instead became jarring to transition between the story changes. 

Still, Shadowman is a rare gem of concentrated high level writing and artistry that never fails to excite and entrance each and every month! I am proud to say that I was a fan of the original series and now, with Jordan and Zircher breathing new life into the character — I’m an even bigger fan!

Comic Book News

Review: Harbinger Wars #1

The spring’s biggest crossover has finally been released and Valiant does nothing more than completely blow you away!

The writers of the fantastic series of books, Harbinger and Bloodshot, have converged to bring you a tale of the past, present and future of the Valiant Universe. This is an in depth look at all the little secrets that have been kept from prying eyes for so long, the revelation of what Toyo Harada and Project Rising Spirit have been creating long before Peter Stancheck even knew he had powers! These revelations will lead to an uneasy alliance between Peter Stancheck’s Renegades and the assassin Bloodshot’s prepubescent gang of human weapons. Though the world of Valiant will soon become a scarier, more dangerous place, there will be a definitive winner in all the chaos — the readers!

Told as a part flashback part present story, Dysart and Swierczynski’s tale perfectly combines the current storylines of both the Harbinger and Bloodshot books while imbuing it with a completely new tale revolving around a captive group of psiots at the mercy of Project Rising Spirit. It is this fresh tale expertly rendered by fan favorite, Clayton Crain (X-Force), that is the most intriguing and carries the weight of the overall story. Through the eyes of these “new” characters, the reader can connect with the pain and degradation they endure and we can empathize with, not only them, but ALL the characters being hunted without even having to read the primary books to do so. It is this attention to not alienate the curious reader, whom may or may not know the outlining parts of this epic story, that makes it the perfect stepping stone for anyone while not disengaging from the loyal fans that wouldn’t want a “rehash” comic in their hands. A truly fantastic effort by some of the most talented creators in the industry!

It is easy to get enveloped into this magnificent world created by so many talented individuals, but I’m warning you, once you step into the Valiant Universe –you’ll never want to leave!

Review: Thanos Rising #1
Comic Book News Marvel

Thanos Rising #1 Review

I had high hopes for this one, but sadly the re-launch of Marvel Cosmic continues to under-whelm and disappoint.

That being said, origin stories are difficult and Jason Aaron has chosen a particularly difficult origin story – that of Thanos the Mad Titan – a character literally filled with contradictions. He seems to be trying to make the character more accessible to the typical non-cosmic-fan comic book reader – and like Loeb’s re-launch of Nova and Bendis’ re-launch of Guardians of the Galaxy – the story and character suffer due to that effort.

Thanos was born to Mentor and Sui-San – Eternals of Titan; Thanos carries the Deviant gene and his appearance is more akin to that of Deviants than that of Eternals. He has never exhibited the Deviant ability to shape-shift. As an adult, Thanos has historically been portrayed as a tactical, scientific, and mystical genius who has boosted his natural powers as an Eternal with bionic implants and sorcery. Thanos has historically been portrayed as having what can best be described as a “death fetish” – being literally in love with the Marvel “abstract character,” Death, and going to extraordinary lengths to please her by sacrificing enormous numbers of lives to her. However, Death has nearly always been a bitch – rejecting almost all of Thanos’ advances.

Why wouldn’t he just kill himself to be with Death you ask? Well – he has occasionally – and in my opinion best been portrayed as wanting to die but unable to die due to his Eternal heritage or, most recently as portrayed in The Thanos Imperative, being the chosen Avatar of Death. His driving force in this portrayal is inability to completely fulfill his death fetish by killing himself to physically be with death, so doing the next best thing and killing others to please Death in the hope that in pleasing her his love for her will eventually cease to be unrequited. If I don’t think about it too much, I can buy that as a motivation – and both Giffen and DnA wrote some fantastic Thanos stories with Thanos being portrayed as a “Magnificent Bastard” with just such underlying dark motivations.

In contrast, Aaron has chosen to portray Thanos as born to a rejecting mother who wants to kill him and is driven insane in being prevented from doing so, and to an absent and neglectful father. Thanos as a child is shown to be bookish, nerdy, and socially awkward. Refreshingly, he is not bullied by the other Eternal children – but is instead shown acceptance and kindness despite his appearance and social awkwardness. Thanos is initially kind to animals and becomes nauseated when dissecting one in school. Then, at the behest of a character that is just suddenly dropped into the story (and who is apparently Death), he is involved in a terrible accident where several of his friends – including the girl he has a crush on – die and are eaten by animals. Thanos survives and is wracked by survivor guilt which Death capitalizes upon, misdirects to rage, and then focuses on the unfortunate animals which ate Thanos’ friends. Thanos then cruelly knife-kills all the animals while Death stands in admiration of his cruelty.

Wow. I can see how this psychological pseudo-drama will appeal to the non-cosmic-fan who has little knowledge of Thanos other than his occasional tussle with The Avengers. As a cosmic fan, I’m a bit perturbed by all the inconsistencies with continuity – both with Thanos in particular and with the Titanian Eternals in general.

In Aaron’s interpretation, Thanos is basically a nerd turned into a typical sociopath by bad parenting and the direct manipulation of the abstract character, Death. At this point, Thanos is neither a compelling nor a sympathetic character. He’s just an enormous bore who is being manipulated. That makes it hard for me to see how he becomes a threat to the universe.

The art and coloring are certainly respectable, but lack the crispness and definition that are the only saving graces of Marvel’s other two “pseudo-cosmic” titles.

All-in-all, unless this title saves itself in upcoming issues, it stands as yet another example of the decline in Marvel Cosmic from its most recent height late in the last decade.

Comic Book News Marvel

Review: Guardians of the Galaxy #1 (Bendis & McNiven)

McNiven’s art and Ponsor’s colors are nothing short of magnificent. You’d be hard-pressed to find better “photo-realistic” style art and eye-pleasing coloring in any comic book on the shelves today. That being said, if I had to criticize anything – it would be that Star-Lord has been rendered a bit too much the “twenty-something pretty boy” rather than the older, more seasoned and hardened look of times past.  I actually prefer the older, seasoned, hardened look and feel to the character.  I know this entire series is essentially a prequel to the 2014 movie – so the characters are being rendered to look somewhat like their movie counterparts, but it’s hard for me to take this version of Star-Lord as seriously as previous versions as he looks like he should be modeling for GQ rather than leading a guerilla task force protecting Earth from incursions from the great empires controlling the local group of galaxies.

Let me pause to take some Pepto-Bismol before I talk about Bendis’ writing, story direction, and characterization.
There – that’s better.  Thanks.
First off: What the hell is Iron Man doing in this book?  I mean, I get it that he’s the “gateway” character to lure Avengers fans into actually breaking out of their rut and trying Bendis’ “Cosmic Avengers” – but his shoehorning into the book and storyline feels completely un-natural and un-necessary.  He might as well be wearing a tee-shirt with “Gateway Character” written on it. I can tolerate and enjoy Robert Downey Jr.’s interpretation of the character in the movies, but I haven’t cared for the comic book version of Tony Stark since Civil War.  I’d go as far as to say that Stark’s behavior during Civil War disqualifies him for any leadership position – much less a high-stakes one such as defending Earth from incursions.  Plus, the “duck out of water” angle doesn’t really apply to Stark as he’s had many space adventures over his career. Finally, he just doesn’t mesh well with the Guardians.  I’m sure in upcoming issues we’ll be treated to predictable clichés such as him putting the moves on Gamora. Maybe we’ll get lucky and she’ll kill him.
Next, what is it with the daddy issues? Why does every cosmic character have to be driven by daddy issues? Lack of creativity or originality perhaps? Besides – the daddy issues aren’t even consistent with Star-Lord continuity. Jason and Peter settled their differences back in the 1970’s storylines and even went adventuring together. How is it that Peter has been regressed in age/mentality by at least 10 years Marvel time and is back to having daddy issues? Seriously, I much prefer the grizzled smart-ass tactical genius from Annihilation and GotG Volume II to Bendis’ watering down of the character in the name of mass market appeal.
Also, the gateway character himself – Stark – points out that there’s numerous Avengers teams defending Earth. I’d add that there’s S.W.O.R.D., SHIELD, X-Men, and numerous other heroes, teams, and organizations available to defend Earth. Why exactly are the Guardians needing to park in low Earth orbit? Isn’t S.W.O.R.D already there? Isn’t Earth well-protected enough? Wouldn’t the Guardians be better placed back on Knowhere with access to the entire universe instantly at their fingertips? Shouldn’t the title be changed to “Guardians of the Earth?” This Earth-centric focus is once again nauseatingly aimed at mass market appeal arising from Marvel Editorial’s long-held belief that cosmic hasn’t historically sold in high numbers because there’s no market for stories set in space far away from Earth.  Yeah – I remember back in the 70’s when some said the same thing about Star Wars.  Funny that the GotG movie is already being compared to Star Wars.
In terms of characterization, I’m wondering why in the world Peter is suddenly so concerned with Earth to the exclusion of the rest of the local group of galaxies. The same question could be asked of Drax, Rocket, Groot, and Gamora. What’s their stake in this? Is it just loyalty to Peter? If so, that’s sure a major change in characterization from Volume II.  Also – where’s the rest of the team from Knowhere? Intuitively – it seems they’d be better choices to round out the team than Stark.
In the final analysis – my whole problem with Volume III is that at best it’s “GotG Light.” That is – it has some of the same characters only softened, re-characterized as less mature, and apparently motivated for vastly different reasons than those presented in Volume II. Whereas Volume II was soaring space-based para-military science-fiction, Volume III is mediocre Earth-centric clichéd super-hero-ish fantasy. Volume III’s Bendis-ification makes it pale in comparison to Volume II. With Gaiman taking over in a few issues – maybe it can be salvaged.  Let’s hope so.
Comic Book News

The “DOC’s” Top Of The Pile for 3/27/2013


The Top of the Pile

By: Chris “DOC” Bushley


This is a “quick pick” look at the Top 5 comics that EVERYONE should be reading this week! Whether it’s rife with characterization, filled with emotional strife, has a bevy of high octane battle sequences or is just a plain ol’ great read — these books belong at the “Top Of The Pile!” (In no particular order!)



1. Uncanny Avengers #5 (Marvel):  If you have EVER been a fan of the X-Men or Avengers — this is the book for you! Rick Remender is a master of bringing such intricate details from past storylines into current and future tales, that it should almost be illegal! Familiar characters from his Uncanny X-Force run emerge, babies are born, the line-up expands, major Avengers villains return and Havok yells, “Avengers Assemble!” What else do you need in a comic? NOTHING!



2. Teen Titans #18 (DC):  Something isn’t quite right with Tim Drake after the events of “Death of the Family.” Now, after Robin’s death, it is even more apparent that there are some dark secrets tugging at Tim, ones that will put him on a path with the Suicide Squad! Great character build-up and the return of Superboy (at least for now!) help this one land on the Top of the Pile!




3. B.P.R.D.:Vampire #1(of 3) (Dark Horse):  Directly following the events of the critically acclaimed mini-series, B.P.R.D.:1947, Mike Mignola brings a tale of revenge and blood back to the stands this week. But, he didn’t come alone! Fan favorites, Gabriel Ba’ and Fabio Moon return as well to tell the tale of Agent Anders and his loss of humanity at the hands of vampires! Great stuff!



4. Red Team #2 (Dynamite): Garth Ennis’ tale of a quartet of police officers that cross the line in order to ensure another bad guy doesn’t “slip through the cracks of Justice,” continues this week and it’s a doozy! This book has perfect characterization and will make you question all you ever thought of what’s right and what’s wrong. This is a fantastic morality play and is well worth the $3.50!




5. Uncanny X-Force #3 (Marvel): Yes, it’s another “Uncanny” title, but they are just so good! Stan Humphries does X-Men history stories almost as well as Rick Remender and it’s astounding! We get a short origin of Psylocke, some triple Fantomex action and we finally get to see Bishop unleash his inner beast! Now that I wrote it, that does sound a little strange on paper but, believe me, it’s even stranger when you read it! A very cool story that leaves you wanting the next thirty days to fly by!

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