Comic Book News

Stay up to date with the latest in Comic Book News, covering the biggest events, new releases, and character developments from Marvel, DC, and indie publishers. Explore articles featuring in-depth reviews, upcoming storylines, and interviews with creators. Whether you’re a fan of superhero sagas or indie comics, this is your source for all the latest updates in the comic book world.

Comic Book News Marvel

More Proof Marvel Is Blocking Use Of X-Men & Fantastic Four


Last night saw it become known that the X-Men and Fantastic Four characters had been removed from the Marvel Universe characters poster.

Now further proof that Marvel is intentionally blocking the use of the X-Men and Fanastic Four comes from the official Facebook pages for the Marvel Mighty Heroes mobile game and Trends International, the official publisher of the Marvel poster.

A user on reddit took the screenshots of the following responses.

You will also obviously notice no X-Men and FF characters on the above Marvel Mighty Heroes image.

Disney seems pretty mum on the subject. I can’t recall any big comic book “news” websites or entertainment “news” websites asking Disney about it other than back in November with Disney’s Alan Fine and Fox’s Jim Gianopulos stating they have no idea.

Comic Book News Marvel

X-Men and Fantastic Four Dropped From Marvel Universe Poster


Who needs more proof that CEO Ike Perlmutter ordered the removal of the X-Men and Fantastic Four from Marvel?

Well, here you go as the updated version of the Marvel Universe characters poster is minus both of them (via Bleeding Cool).

The original poster is below for reference.

Fox Studios owns the rights to the X-Men and Fantastic Four, so as the characters won’t be featured in the Marvel movies, Disney – under billionaire Perlmutter – has begun to yank the characters from comics and merchandise.

I’m wondering when the X-Men fans are going to wake up and start a Marvel comic book boycott like the Marvel Cosmic fans have been since Loeb and Bendys ruined cosmic because of the movies.

And to anyone at Disney Marvel reading this, Marvel was much better off back when the original poster was created (circa 2007) than it is now. Go back in your house, mouse.

Update: Trends International and creators of Marvel Mighty Heroes confirm Marvel dictating what characters can be used.



Comic Book News

Review: Invincible #120

Tired of Marvel disrespecting cosmic and talking down to cosmic fans?  Tired of the terrible writing and art in the books Marvel is calling “cosmic” these days?  I’ve got a simple answer for you.  Invincible.

This book just keeps re-inventing itself.  And I mean that in a good way.  The characters change, grow, and mature just as they would in real life.  They are faced with situations every day – both fantastic and mundane – but nevertheless the story is written in such a way as to keep the reader riveted if only because the characters are so appealing.

Sadly, a great warrior and fan favorite character is lost in this issue.  I will miss this character.  But it sets things up nicely for Mark to face the biggest and baddest of the the big bads – King Thragg – in future issues.  Especially since King Thragg is building an army of Viltrumite hybrids.  I think the Invinciverse is going to be in for a rough ride in the near future.

Ottley’s distinctive artistic style is the perfect complement to Kirkman’s outstanding writing.  This book would simply not read the same if not for this team-up of creators, and I hope this team stays together for the next 100 issues of this fine book.

If you’re a cosmic fan, rush out and buy this book.  Reward great quality with high sales.

Comic Book News Marvel

Review: Guardians 3000 #8

Today we bid a sad farewell to Marvel’s only true Cosmic book, Guardians 3000.

It’s sad, really, that Marvel wouldn’t commit to this true example of Cosmic, but will commit to all the truly terrible pseudo-cosmic books like GotGINO, NINO, etc.

This issue wraps the series and paves the way for a re-telling of The Korvac Saga during Marvel’s upcoming Secret Wars event.  The quality of the writing and storyline is light years ahead of everything else Marvel is calling “cosmic” these days.

Abnett weaves a complicated and riveting ending to what would now be called a “limited series” with the G3K crew playing a pivotal role in using Korvac to try to correct the damage being done to the universe by Dr. Doom at the start of the Secret Wars event.

The art is much improved from the first several issues of this series and should be much more palatable to most readers.

I am truly sad to see this book ending.  I hope that Abnett’s retelling of The Korvac Saga continues the fine quality represented by this, Marvel’s only truly cosmic book.  Reward this quality by buying this book and leaving the pseudo-cosmic trash like NINO and GotGINO on the shelf.  That will send Marvel a message that there is a market for good quality cosmic

Comic Book News Marvel

Review: NINO #31

Happy Day!  This trash book is finally over!  It can now be relegated to the dust bin where it and other bad memories belong.  Hopefully, Brevoort and Alonso will join it there when their Secret Wars event flops.

The art is particularly bad this issue.  I have always hated this Manga-ized version of the Nova uniform, but NINO looks particularly stupid in it this issue.  In some panels, his neck is the size of a pencil.  When his helmet is off, he has Dumbo-sized ears.  I guess that’s the source of his flight powers.

The story is just as dumb as always with NINO improbably beating a much more powerful and experienced fighter after his actions place Earth in danger.  I, as always, was rooting for the villain.  The perfect ending to this story would’ve been NINO’s death.  Sadly, he survives.  And his unfit parents look to be letting him continue to wear the helmet.  Hey Marvel, this isn’t entertainment.  It’s a tragic example of why kids shouldn’t have super-powers and shouldn’t be soldiers/cops – and why unfit parents shouldn’t have kids.  Not to mention an example of why Duggan shouldn’t be allowed to write cosmic.

Rocket Racoon and Beta Ray Bill have cameos in this issue – showing up just in time to keep NINO’s screw-up from laying waste to Earth.  Yet literally thousands of fairly large asteroids are shown left circling Earth – with no indication that NINO actually cleaned any of them up.  Irresponsible?  I guess anyone can be made an Avenger these days.   At least NINO’s upcoming Avenger book will have a short life span.  Maybe after that, Marvel will give up on this failed experiment.

NINO’s gone, and good riddance to him and his fans.  It’s been too long in coming and he won’t be missed.  Leave this one on the shelf.  Nothing to see here.  And the last issue needs to go out selling less than 18K to ice the NINO failure cake and send Marvel a clear message:  No more NINO’s!

Comic Book News Marvel

Review: Guardians of the Galaxy #27 (Bendys)

The cover teases “The End?”  Oh – please let it be so.  The end of Bendis’ run on this book, at least.  He’s done everything he possibly could to run it into the ground.  It deserves to be put out of its misery.

This absolutely terrible storyline is finally brought to its inevitably stupid end.  Thank God.  I don’t think I could’ve handled any more of the sit-com type banter between Star-Lord and Kitty.  It was groan and eyeball-roll time every time they interacted.  This has to be the most stupid comic book marriage of all time.

And of course, Bendys couldn’t resist throwing in a bunch of “Blam!  Murdered You’s” any time he could squeeze one into Rocket’s dialogue box.  He obviously hasn’t given up on that catchphrase and no doubt dreams of the cash to be made having it emblazoned on millions of tee shirts sporting Rocket’s image.

Hey Bendys – did you never come to the simple realization that the comic didn’t have to be an even more ridiculous version of the movie?  Alternatively, the comic could actually be written as the GOOD source material that the movie writers then have to water down to make palatable to the great unwashed masses.  You know – just like what Gunn did to the original well-written DnA source material and is doing again using the good DnA source material for the sequel.  He’s staying away from your stuff because it’s so bad.  Probably no one else will tell you this simple truth out of politeness.  I’m not polite.  But – take it to heart anyway.  Do the right thing and leave this book to a more talented writer.  Cosmic isn’t your thing.  Follow your dream and go write TV sit-coms and rom-coms.

The art this time out is variable – at times impressive and at times jarringly bad.  It doesn’t save this book.  It’s just par for the course.  Bad writing and commensurate art.

Let’s all join hands and pray that Bendis moves on to something else after this Secret Wars atrocity stumbles to its end.  I guess it would be too much to hope for to have Bendis, Loeb, Brevoort, and Alonso all gone after this event.  But we can always dream of a time when they are just bad memories.

Review: Secret Wars: Infinity Gauntlet (In Name Only) #1
Comic Book News Marvel

Review: Secret Wars: Infinity Gauntlet (In Name Only) #1



An Opinion-Editorially Oriented Review


First off, don’t believe the hype for this book being shoveled high and deep by Marvel shill websites like CBR and IGN.  This book is really just another showcase for Duggan’s un-originality and an opportunity for Marvel to answer all the media criticism about females and racial minorities being in short supply in their universe with yet another replacement of an established superhero with someone with politically correct demographics.

Duggan freely admits that he blatantly re-packaged teen Spiderman tropes for his excruciatingly bad NINO series which thankfully and mercifully ended this week.  For Infinity Gauntlet in Name Only (hereinafter referred to as IGINO), he simply begins with the tired old “Lone Ranger” cliché that has too often been applied to the Nova concepts, adds a Good Times-like family with all the desired PC demographics as the protagonists of the story, inferiorly re-packages the Annihilation Prologue storyline, and throws all this into a War of the Worlds type setting with a raggedy-looking Thanos skulking around in the background looking for Infinity Stone fragments as the only real tie to the namesake of this storyline – Marvel’s best pre-Annihilation cosmic story, Starlin’s original The Infinity Gauntlet.  Given all that, I’d have to conclude that Duggan has replaced Bendys as the King of Hackery.  He’s obviously poorly versed in Science-Fiction and it shows.  He simply re-packages concepts from popular SF-oriented comic books, TV, and movies – and produces something vastly inferior to the original.

Frankly, I’m tired of all the PC nonsense.  All this howling in the mainstream media is mainly directed toward the Marvel Cinematic Universe and is primarily coming from critics who don’t buy and read comic books.   If there really is a comic book market of buyers eager to buy books about female and racial minority heroes, it isn’t evident if sales history is used as a measure.  She-Hulk, Spider-Girl, Spiderwoman, Captain Marvel, Black Panther, Falcon, etc. have all had multiple re-launched books and have never really been able to stay above cancellation threshold for very long.  Sure – some of them were kept on life-support for a while.  But none of them have had real staying power.  I give credit to Marvel for trying.  But if the buyers aren’t there, they aren’t there.

What annoys me is when Marvel cheats and takes the lazy (and racist and/or sexist in its own way) path out.  Instead of taking the risk and creating new characters with PC demographics from scratch and trying to make them compelling enough to catch on with the general population of comic buyers, they, in a form of reverse racism/sexism, replace beloved white male superheroes who already have a large following with female and/or racial minority characters knowing that the buyers will continue to buy the books they habitually buy for a while – all the while knowing in the back of their minds that the originals will return.  Does anyone really believe that Thor Odinson and Steve Rogers won’t return to their respective roles of Thor and Captain America once the PC characters now filling their shoes wear out their welcome?  Of course not.   Marvel doesn’t want to lose those habitual buyers.  The exception to this rule appears to be Richard Rider’s Nova.  For some reason, Marvel doesn’t care about alienating his fan base, and Marvel Writers and Editors go out of their way to insult and denigrate his fan base.

First we’ve had Loeb’s truly pathetically bad half-Xandarian-half-Hispanic teen idiot, Sam Alexander, as Rich’s permanent replacement.  Now comes Black Female teenage Xandarian, Anwen Bakian, and her family – including a salty old grandpa and a dog.  Could you get more PC than this?  I think not.  And the zombies and the small minority of PC-lovers are standing in line to drink this Guyana Kool-Aid.  Of course, I fully expect to be viciously attacked by the PC-Police with their Ferguson-Missouri-Police tactics merely for expressing these views.

Let’s talk about how clichéd and dumb this IGINO concept and storyline are in the first place.  How many times have you seen this kind of chase and narrow escape scenario?  In just about every monster movie you’ve ever seen, right?  How many times on how many TV shows have you seen a grandpa and son-in-law argument such as presented in this book?  On how many dumb child-oriented TV shows are the teenagers and children portrayed as wiser, smarter, and braver than the adults?  And how stupid is that anyway?  I’ve got no problem with there being dark-skinned Xandarians.  I do have a problem with there being a dog on Xandar.  Why is there a German Shepherd dog on Xandar?  I have no problem with a dark-skinned adult female Nova Corpsman.  I have a problem with the entire family getting Nova powers.  Once again, Marvel is going down the immoral child soldier pathway.  And I have a huge problem with Anwen being the next in line as Rich’s replacement.  I suppose the dog will also get powers – or more likely, since Duggan can’t resist a good cliché, the dog will die a tragic, heroic death since none of the principals except maybe dad or grandpa will get killed.  Why is Thanos skulking around in the background?  He’s not that kind of guy.  He’s a lot more powerful than the bugs and Anwen’s mom.  Why doesn’t he just stride in and take the stones he’s looking for?  Also, why do we need another NINO type book aimed at children?  Wasn’t the original NINO experiment a big enough failure? This book is hardly original or of high quality – unless you have the deficient mentality of a CBR/IGN reviewer or a CBR forum regular or one of the chronic complainers who show up on Facebook to take issue with me.  In that case, you probably think it’s wonderful as you wash it down with the rest of your Pablum.

Weaver’s art is decent for most of the book.  At times – such as the underground scene and some of the chase scenes – it’s muddled and confusing.  But for the most part, it’s well done.  It’s not enough to save this book – but it keeps the book from being a total waste of paper.

So, my advice, particularly if you’re a Rich Rider Nova fan, is to vote with your dollars and boycott this Politically Correct NINO-ette (hereinafter referred to as PC-NINO-ette).  Marvel needs to be slapped down for disrespecting the Rider Nova fans once again, for disrespecting the Annihilation and The Infinity Gauntlet source material, and for producing this PC-NINO-ette disgusting, hackneyed trash.  Making this book a sales failure is a good way to do it.

Comic Book News

DC Comics Ad Split Pages Confirmed


It’s confirmed that DC Comics has split its comic book pages with ads.

Chris Burnham, artist on DC’s Batman Inc., received his comp copies a week early and tweeted a couple pics of the new layouts.

We see Twix ads with Nich Lachey (seriously? lol) are now positioned at the bottom half of the pages.

Batman artist Greg Capullo also appears to be not too happy.

The ads will begin to appear in next week’s DC titles. It’s unknown for how long the new format will continue.

Comic Book News

Watch: Justice League: Battle For Metropolis


The Justice League: Battle For Metropolis interactive theme ride exhibit is now operational at Six Flags Texas.

Check out video below of the grand opening as well as a POV tour of the ride.

Justice League: Battle For Metropolis is a cutting edge, fully immersive dark ride experience which places you right in the middle of the action – in 4D!

As you explore the interactive Hall of Justice, you’ll be given special 4D glasses and a working stun gun to help you battle Lex Luthor and The Joker. They’ve hacked into BATMAN’s computer and kidnapped the world’s favorite superheroes, SUPERMAN, BATMAN, WONDER WOMAN, and GREEN LANTERN. Now you must bust into Lex Corp. to rescue them! 


Riders will board motion-based vehicles for a wild journey through the Metropolis streets, where you’ll meet up with life-sized animatronics.

Everywhere you look, state-of-the-art 4D imagery will draw you deeper into the adventure. Your unique transporter will take you piloting through a realistic 4D environment.

Can you thwart The Joker’s evil plan to infect the city with laughing gas? Only if you’re brave enough to join the JUSTICE LEAGUE Reserve Team!

Comic Book News

Valiant Comics Announces Divinity II

DIVINITY II – Matt Kindt & Trevor Hairsine’s Sold-Out Sci-Fi Saga Returns in 2016!


DIVINITY concludes in stores today…but the sold-out sci-fi saga of the year is only just beginning! 


Valiant is proud to announce DIVINITY II – a new prestige format limited series continuing the critically acclaimed, much demanded debut of Valiant’s first all-new, headlining character from the minds of New York Times best-selling writer Matt Kindt and blockbuster artist Trevor Hairsine! Set for release in April 2016, DIVINITY II will reunite Kindt and Hairsine with inker Ryan Winn, colorist David Baron, and cover artists Jelena Kevic-Djurdjevic and Tom Muller as Valiant’s all-star creative team reconvenes to deliver a breathtaking new vision of humanity’s next epic encounter with the being called DIVINITY!

“DIVINITY has been a bellwether moment in the history of the Valiant Universe,” said Valiant CEO & Chief Creative Officer Dinesh Shamdasani. “DIVINITY’s debut was always part of a much larger plan, but, after five sold-out printings of the first issue, repeated allocations due to fan and retailer demand, and widespread praise from critics in all corners, there is no denying that DIVINITY has exceeded all expectations. This series has established DIVINITY as one of the next great heroes in the Valiant Universe, and DIVINITY II will go even further in building that foundation.”

“Matt Kindt and Trevor Hairsine have created an extraordinary story with DIVINITY, one that has resonated with fans around the world,” said Valiant Editor-in-Chief Warren Simons. “Combined with Jelena Kevic-Djurdjevic and Tom Muller’s breathtaking covers, Lewis LaRosa’s wonderful costume design, and the incomparable work of Ryan Winn and David Baron, it’s sci-fi at its best – an innovative, compelling, visually arresting story. DIVINITY was always intended to be a major player in the future and, in the lead-up to his second series, those threads will begin to reveal themselves. This summer alone, the character’s presence will be felt in IMPERIUM and BOOK OF DEATH…but the story that Matt and Trevor have in store for DIVINITY II will be well worth the wait in 2016.”

At the height of the Cold War, the Soviet Union – determined to win the Space Race at any cost – green lit a dangerously advanced mission. They sent a man farther into the cosmos than anyone has gone before or since. Lost in the stars, he encountered something unknown. Something that…changed him.

Long thought lost and erased from the history books, he has suddenly returned, crash-landing in the Australian Outback. The few that have been able to reach him believe him to be a deity – one who turned the scorched desert into a lush oasis. They say he can bend matter, space, and even time to his will. Earth is about to meet a new god. And he’s a communist. How long can it be before the first confrontation between mankind and DIVINITY begins? 

“DIVINITY is different than any character I’ve ever written before. I thought it would be fun to purposely create a character that is so overpowered – so amazing – that he’s practically a god. The fascinating thing is then creating a scenario and a challenge for him. What can stand against a character like that?” said series writer Matt Kindt. “I’ve been blown away by the response that I’ve gotten online and in-person at conventions – I’m always working to create a story that I think would be fun for me to read, so seeing the enthusiasm that DIVINITY has created has been amazing.

“Now the fun is launching this insane cosmic being into the existing Valiant Universe and seeing what trouble he can cause (or solve) in other books,” he added. “And best of all? We’ve been green lit to do a full-on sequel! I’m super-excited to be joining up with Trevor, Ryan, David, and Jelena for the next chapter — we have an even bigger story in store for next year. DIVINITY is a character that started out as a small idea and blossomed into a character that I have years of ideas for. I’ll be returning for as long as they’ll let me.” 

In 2016, the Valiant Universe continues its first encounter with a god-like being held back by the humanity of a man, only in DIVINITY II – an all-new prestige format limited series from master storytellers Matt Kindt and Trevor Hairsine! 

Plus: in the wake of DIVINITY #4 (of 4) – in stores today alongside the DIVINITY #1 FOURTH PRINTING and DIVINITY #2 SECOND PRINTING – Abram Adams’ journey through time and space continues on August 5th in IMPERIUM #7 by New York Times best-selling writer Joshua Dysart(HARBINGER, HARBINGER WARS) and fan favorite artist Scot Eaton (Black Panther)! Toyo Harada has collected the monsters that will make his vision of world peace a reality. Now he pursues the most difficult and desirable asset of all – the spaceman with all the powers of a god – the outcast who can rewrite reality with a thought – the man who is no longer a man – the all-powerful being who is simply called DIVINITY!

And catch up on the entirety of Abram Adams’ first appearance and origin with the DIVINITY TPBcollection – in stores July 15th! For just $9.99, this intro-priced volume re-presents all four issues of DIVINITY’s sold-out limited series, just in time for DIVINITY II’s 2016 debut!  With upcoming appearances in IMPERIUM, DIVINITY II, and beyond, start at the beginning to discover the seminal arrival of Valiant’s major new force as he reshapes the landscape of the Valiant Universe in comics and beyond in the months and years to come.

Written by MATT KINDT
$9.99 | 112 pages | T+ | On sale JULY 15 (FOC – 6/22/15)
ISBN: 978-1-939346-76-6

Cover A by KANO (JUN151620)
Cover B by PERE PEREZ (JUN151621)
Variant Cover by PHILIP TAN (JUN151622)
$3.99 US | 32 pgs. | T+ | On sale AUGUST 5 (FOC – 7/13/2015)

DIVINITY II #1 (of 4)
Written by MATT KINDT 
$3.99 | 32 pgs. | T+ | VALIANT PRESTIGE | Coming APRIL 2016



Comic Book News

Disney Continues Cancelling X-Men & Fantastic Four Merchandise


It’s been stated Marvel CEO Ike Perlmutter isn’t happy that Fox Studios owns the rights to the X-Men and Fantastic Four, so much so that Permlutter has ordered the cancellation of the comics and merchandise.

As Rob Liefeld previously pointed out, there was no merchandise for X-Men: Days Of Future Past.

The Fantastic Four comic has been cancelled, and Wolverine has been killed off.

There is even Marvel Comics killing off the Fantastic Four actors.

Marvel/Disney, under what is said to be a mandate by billionaire Perlmutter, has also cancelled planned Fantastic Four posters and removed Fox Studios-owned characters from t-shirts.

Now the latest is confirmed to be the cancellation of both X-Men and Fantastic Four statues from XM Studios, which were underway with sculptures already designed.

Bleeding Cool points out XM Studios updated their Facebook page with the following:

Folks, it’s been a sad day for us… due to reasons we aren’t at liberty to disclose, we have been asked to put a hard stop to all X-Men characters for now. That means Cable can’t be released, and neither can the awesome Sentinel Diorama which we’ve all been so looking forward to. Still, we continue to have faith that this isn’t an indefinite red light forever and you can have our promise we will be back to producing these dream pieces once the coast is clear – no matter how long it takes!


No Fantastic 4 too… same issue

Also, check out the original Secret Wars cover t-shirts that have been changed:



Comic Book News Marvel

Watch: Matt Fraction Talks Writing Hawkeye On Late Night With Seth Meyers

Check out Eisner-winning comic book writer Matt Fraction appearing on Late Night With Seth Meyers above.

Fraction wrote a popular title at Marvel with Hawkeye, who arguably stole the show during The Avengers 2.

This past February also saw Fraction and his wife, fellow comic writer Kelly Sue DeConnick, sign a two year deal with Universal TV to adapt some of their comic books as well as original TV series concepts.

Fraction’s other comic book works include: The Invincible Iron Man, The Mighty Thor and Avengers Vs. X-Men at Marvel, as well as Image Comics’ ODY-C, Casanova, Satellite Sam, Last Of The Independents, Five Fists Of Science and Bitch Planet.

Fraction also served as a consultant on Iron Man 2 and wrote an episode of FX’s animated comedy Archer.


Comic Book News

Watch: Jim Lee Blueline Batman Figure Reveal For Comic-Con

Check out video above featuring DC Comics co-publisher and artist extraordinaire Jim Lee revealing the Batman Blueline figure that will be available exclusively at Comic-Con this Summer.

The figure was designed by Jim Lee and comes with a Lee Batman print for $40.

A limited edition version is also available, which comes with an original signed Jim Lee sketch of Batman, Harley Quinn or Joker (limited to 150 pieces at $300 per piece).

A Krypto plush will also be available.

Full info:

DC Comics BlueLine Edition – Jim Lee action figure (Limited Edition) – World renowned comic book artist, Jim Lee, brings his extraordinary vision of Batman to life in this exclusive pencil deco Batman action figure sculpted by Jack Mathews. Encased in an intricately designed package, each Batman figure includes an original sketch drawn and signed by Jim Lee. The sketches feature one of three iconic characters from the Batman Mythology – Batman, The Joker or Harley Quinn – and are divided equally among the limited 150 figure quantity. This rare Batman action figure is priced at $300.00.

DC Comics BlueLine Edition – Jim Lee action figure (Standard Edition) – Similar to the Limited Edition, the Standard BlueLine Edition features the same remarkable pencil deco Batman action figure designed by Jim Lee and sculpted by Jack Mathews. Produced in a larger quantity, each standard figure is enclosed in the same artistic packaging and includes an exclusive Jim Lee print. The standard BlueLine figure is priced at $40.00. 

DC Super Pets Krypto Plush Toy – Based on the artistic style of legendary comic book artist, Art Baltazar, DC Collectibles’ all-new DC Super Pets plush line will release an exclusive 6” Krypto Plush Toy at SDCC.  Priced at $9.95, this cute and cuddly item is sure to impress fans – both young and old! 





Comic Book News Marvel

Marvel Comics Teases “All-New All Different” For Fall 2015

It looks as if the rest of the Marvel Comics readers will catch up with the Marvel COSMIC readers as a new teaser has been released stating “All-New All-Different” for Fall 2015.

Because of the Guardians of the Galaxy movie, Marvel Comics cancelled Marvel Cosmic and replaced it with a parody version of itself.

It’s not exactly clear what is going to happen with the rest of Marvel, but a few changes are already known as the Avengers team revealed on FCBD will stick around. 

The teaser also reads “8 Months Later…” as the titles will be jumping ahead eight months following Secret Wars.


Comic Book News

Jim Starlin Secret Wars#4 Variant Revealed

Check out the Secret Wars #4 variant cover from superstar Marvel Cosmic artist and writer Jim Starlin.

The issue goes on sale June 17th (via Newsarama).

Jim Starlin also has the OGN Thanos: The Infinity Relativity coming out June 2nd.


Cover by ALEX ROSS
Connecting cover by SIMONE BIANCHI
32 PGS./Rated T+ …$3.99


Comic Book News

Lex Luthor’s Post-Convergence Look Revealed

Lex Luthor of the post-Convergence DCU stands revealed.

The pic comes from a preview for Batman/Superman.

DC Comics just released details on their post-Convergence universe, which they are dubbing DC YOU, that consists of 24 brand-new series as well as 25 on-going, best selling fan-favorite series.

Superman has also recently been revealed to be losing his costume as well as shedding his glasses, and Commissioner Gordon is the new Dark Knight.


Comic Book News

New Batman Villain Revealed For DC Comics In August

From the creative team that brought you the Court Of Owls comes the new Batman villain Mr. Bloom.

Check out the cover and solicit for Batman #43, on sale in August.

Bombshells Variant cover by ANT LUCIA
On sale AUGUST 12 • 32 pg, FC, $3.99 US • RATED T
Retailers: This issue will ship with two covers. Please see the order form for details.
In the start of a new epic, a new villain stalks Gotham City. Will Batman be able to uncover the mystery of Mr. Bloom?


Comic Book News

DC Comics Announces DC YOU Initiative


Following Marvel announcing the NEW MU (not a joke), DC Comics reveals plans for their own initiative with DC YOU.

Info and teasers follow:


DC Entertainment Gets Behind New DC Universe Comic Book Slate In A Big Way With “DC YOU”

New Advertising Campaign Celebrates Fan-Favorite Characters, Top-Notch Talent, Diverse Stories and DC Fans, Declares ‘There’s a Story for YOU’


DC Entertainment revealed a bold new advertising campaign today titled “DC YOU.”  The campaign shines a spotlight on the New DC Universe (DCU) line of comic books, and reinforces the company’s commitment to creating a diverse offering of titles – something for everyone. 

“With the New DC Universe, there’s a story for every kind of DC Comics fan.  There’s a story for YOU,” stated Amit Desai, senior vice president of marketing and global franchise management, DC Entertainment.   “The DC Comics slate rolling out this summer truly offers a comic book for everyone and our new advertising campaign – DC YOU – celebrates this bold, new direction.”  

Beginning June 3, the new DCU will consist of 24 brand-new series as well as 25 on-going, best selling fan-favorite series, resulting in the most ambitious DC Comics lineup-to-date.   Celebrating the new direction of the DC Universe, the DC YOU advertising campaign will focus on four main themes:

Characters – DC Entertainment will highlight its iconic characters, like Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman, as well as popular characters, such as Batgirl, Black Canary, Bizarro, Cyborg and Starfire.

• Talent – The campaign will spotlight top writers and artists, as well as emerging fresh voices, who are on board to help create an expansive line of comics that appeals to a broad audience of fans.  Comic talent featured in the campaign include Batman’s Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo, Superman’s Gene Luen Yang and John Romita Jr., Justice League’s Geoff Johns and Jason Fabok, Justice League of America’s Bryan Hitch, Black Canary’s Brendon Fletcher and Annie Wu, among many others.

• Stories – The campaign will engage the readership, showcasing the diverse range of styles and genres as well as approaches to storytelling across the New DCU through various taglines, such as Are YOU ready to laugh?, Are YOU ready to hashtag this?, and Are YOU ready for the new awesome?

• Fans – As the campaign name suggests, the New DCU is first and foremost about our fans and our commitment to creating great stories for all fans.  The campaign will celebrate life-long fans as well as those new to comics.  

DC YOU will appear in print inserts and ads across DC Entertainment’s physical and digital comic books beginning May 20. Digital ads featuring video content will begin airing June 3 across major online platforms.  

The campaign will come to life on the DC Comics website ( and multiple DC Comics social media channels will encourage fans to celebrate and share their DCU via hashtag #DCYOU.  And this year’s Comic-Con International San Diego(July 9-12) will bring DC YOU directly to fans in fun and engaging ways.

As part of DC YOU, DC Entertainment will also offer comic book retailers weekly promotional packs filled with collectible items inspired by the New DCU line of comic-books.  These items will include posters, masks, temporary tattoos, stickers and are sure to encourage fans to visit their local comic book shop each week.

Comic Book News Marvel

Marvel Announces New MU Following Secret Wars


Following deleted tweets by a Marvel writer that stated Marvel is rebooting following Secret Wars, now Marvel has unveiled a teaser for the “NEW MU.”

The aftermath of Secret Wars will find the various Marvel titles jumping ahead 8 months, similar to the recent “Time Runs Out” or DC’s “One Year Later” storylines (as well as NEW MU obviously similar sounding to “New 52”).

Marvel’s Tom Brevoort offered the following (via Newsarama):

“In the same way that events jumped forward in time eight months in Avengers and New Avengers during the lead-up to Secret Wars, so too when we enter the new Marvel Universe eight months will have passed for all of the characters as well. This provides our creators, even apart from Secret Wars, to drop into exciting new situations and status quos on the fly. So look for surprises and mysteries and changes galore as series resume in the NEW MU.

As we’ve been saying, the building blocks of the NEW MU are being established throughout the various Secret Wars titles, with every series contributing something to the NEW MU. Whether that something is a character, a place, an environment, an object, a status quo, or any other thing that you might think of.”

It’s currently unknown what will make up the new line of titles, but Marvel did confim A-ForceWeirdworld, All-New, All Different Avengers and Uncanny Inumans will be a part of the NEW MU, as well as the Maestro, and Mrs. Deadpool & The Howling Commandos.


Comic Book News

DC Comics Ditches Superman’s Costume


Check out preview pages below to Action Comics #41 which apparently reveals DC Comics ditching Superman’s costume.

When the New 52 was launched in 2011, DC Comics did way with the classic look of Superman’s red tights and replaced the costume with something more in line with what eventually Henry Cavill wore in Man of Steel.

For fans following all the movie and comic book news, the move shouldn’t have come as a surprise as it’s known Warner Bros. executive had a say in how Superman (and probably every other DC comic) was handled (is handled?) – just ask George Perez.

Now we see in the preview pages below, the Superman costume is no more.

Action Comics #41 hits June 3rd.

Writer: Greg Pak & Araon Kuder
Art: Aaron Kuder
Description: The epic new storyline “TRUTH” begins! For Superman, there’s no more holding back!  









Comic Book News Marvel

Writer Says Marvel Is Getting Rebooted Following Secret Wars


Reboot? Relaunch? Is there any difference these days?

Marvel’s current event, Secret Wars, recently launched which sees various timelines and dimensions converging on to Battleworld.

The outcome of the event is currently unknown, but fans have been speculating Marvel is going to reboot their line.

Now there is further proof of the thought as a writer for Marvel tweets out there will be a reboot.

Apparently, Marvel writer G. Willow Wilson tweeted then deleted a series of tweets – first stating it’s reboot, but then catching herself following-up stating it’s a relaunch.

Newsarama managed to spot the tweets:

Last before the big Marvel U event starting this month. Then every Marvel title gets rebooted in the fall.

Several minutes later, Wilson clarified it to call the line-wide change a “jumping-on point” and a “relaunch” rather than a “reboot.”

In a recent interview with The Verge, Marvel EIC Axel Alonso spoke about Marvel being relaunched or rebooted and offered it’s up to the fans to decide (whatever that means).

There’s been a lot of talk about how this may or may not be a reboot. My understanding is this is effectively changing the fabric of that multiverse but not necessarily the characters. Is that right?

Yeah, I’d say that’s what this is. It’s ultimately for the readers to decide what they’re seeing. What I will say is that we don’t believe our continuity or our universe is broken. We don’t believe it needs to be fixed. And I think that this story will bear that out. We have a tremendous opportunity here to transform the Marvel universe in a way that makes for incredible stories down the road, for the next 10, 20 years worth of publishing. This is an instance where we’re going to be bringing into the Marvel universe new characters, new regions, new concepts, and, in certain cases replacing, out of necessity, some pieces that were on the board. And it’s going to make this a lively debate on the internet and beyond.

Comic Book News Marvel Star Wars

Top Ten Comic Books For April 2015


The Force is strong with Star Wars, but not for the rest of Marvel comics for the month of April.

Only the Star Wars comics from Marvel managed to grace the top ten, with four of the ten being Star Wars related.

DC Comics took the rest of the six with their new Convergence event and Batman.

Things will more than likely shift Marvel’s way in May as Secret Wars just launched.

Marvel Comics still managed to take the top dollar and unit share for Apri, so it’s not like they have anything to complain about.

Below you can check out the charts via Diamond.









Comic Book News Marvel

Avengers: Everybody Wants To Rule The World Audiobook Trailer

Watch a promo trailer above for Marvel’s Avengers: Everybody Wants To Rule The World audiobook, which is based on the original prose novel of the same name by Dan Abnett.

This adaptation in GraphicAudio comes alive with a full cast, music and sound effects to create an unforgettable listening experience.

This exclusive first LISTEN gets you a seat alongside the Avengers while they embark on an all-new adventure across the planet!

The audiobook is available from and via the FREE GraphicAudio Access Mobile App which allows customers to directly download titles on their Android or iOS smartphones and tablets. 

GraphicAudio CD formats and Marvel prose novel editions also available at comic shops and Super Soldier-loving bookstores near you!

The Avengers: Everybody Wants To Rule The World prose novel is available through Amazon at a discount.


Just in time for Marvel’s Avengers: Age of Ultron: an all-new, original prose novel by the New York Times-bestselling author of Rocket Raccoon and Groot: Steal the Galaxy! and Guardians 3000! The Mighty Avengers face an array of their greatest foes-all at once! In Berlin, Captain America battles the forces of Hydra. In the Savage Land, Hawkeye and the Black Widow attempt to foil A.I.M. In Washington, Iron Man fights to stop Ultron. In Siberia, Thor takes on an entire army. And in Mangapore, Bruce Banner and Nick Fury battle the High Evolutionary. Only one thing is certain: This isn’t a coincidence. But what larger, deadlier threat lies behind these simultaneous att acks on Earth?


Comic Book News

NYCC 2015 Ticket Purchase Equals Epic Failure


Today at noon, NYCC 2015 tickets went on sale – well, sorta.

The NYCC people earlier sent out an e-mail with a link to buy tickets.

I checked the link, and it said to return at noon ET.

A couple of minutes prior to noon, I checked it again and the complete website was down with a “Not found (error to origin)” error.


For the heck of it, I google-cached the site, which also threw up an XML error.

I then proceeded to the NYCC Twitter where they tweeted out not to use the NYCC website, but a different link, which took users to (why didn’t they set up a redirect from NYCC to showclix?).

However, is just as big as a failure as users are put in the queue to purchase tickets, but when the browser is autmatically redirected – it results in a Time-Out error. That means it’s taking too long for the server to communicate, so it times out and throws up an error code resulting in no tickets.


I’ve already refreshed two different browsers (desktop and mobile) with the same error happening.

I’m guessing may have needed to increase their timeout redirective as it seems set at around 30 seconds. Of course, the site is getting slammed with heavy traffic, which is probably more the reason for the failure.

For the life of me, I can’t figure out why these Comic-Con people can’t get this stuff straight. I think this happens every year. Hire a programmer to run some tests. Hire a programmer to run a dummy-user test to see how much load the server can handle. This is inexusable.

I’m also guessing they don’t want to go the ticketmaster route as the Comic-Con people don’t want to fork out the fees.

Talk about frustating. I’m still waiting…. As are others.

Comic Book News Marvel

NINO #30 Review & PC Op-ed

An Opinion-Editorial Oriented Review Decrying Political Correctness in Comic Books


Duggan, like Bendis, has no real understanding of science-fiction.   They both just rip-off plot and action elements from popular cinema and televised science-fiction and science-fantasy.  This issue, Duggan copies some elements from Babylon 5 and Deep Impact to make yet another thoroughly insipid and totally implausible NINO storyline.

Duggan admits he copies teen Spiderman plot elements from the past, and he likes to take to twitter to talk about what a brave, filled-to-the-brim with integrity kind of guy he is because he resists the harsh criticism leveled at him about NINO and keeps churning out NINO trash.  Hey Duggan, that doesn’t make you brave or full of integrity.   Re-packaging well-worn tropes from comics, cinema, and TV just makes you a hack.

The eye-rolling and stomach-churning moments go hand-in-hand in this issue with Duggan having NINO take on an ultra-powerful and ultra-experienced trained warrior – and of course, totally implausibly winning.  Stupid.  Unbelievable (in a bad way).

Of course, NINO predictably continues to screw up and his screw-ups result in Earth being put in incredible danger from multiple sources including a storm of asteroids heading straight for Earth.  Also, predictably, NINO (just like all the other current cosmic characters) has the Avengers on speed dial to call to save the day because cosmic characters are such buffoons under Bendys, Duggan, Loeb, Brevoort, and Alonso – that all cosmic characters can do is screw-up and place Earth in danger.  They can’t save Earth (or anything else).  Cosmic characters can no longer effectively single-handedly deal with cosmic threats.  They just trigger cosmic threats.  Then they’ve got to call The Avengers or The X-Men for help.  How dumb is that?  Pretty dumb.  But what else do you expect from Bendys, Duggan, Loeb, Brevoort, and Alonso?  They wanted to reduce cosmic to bathroom humor level buffoonery and they succeeded.

The art continues to decline on this deplorable book.  NINO continues to look thoroughly stupid in a poorly designed manga-ish military uniform he never earned in the first place.   It’s actually painful to look at the little idiot.

With sales under 20K despite all the marketing hype, a regular cartoon appearance, and shoehorning the little idiot into every major event, Marvel needs to wake up and declare this trash the failure that it so obviously is.  But that would make too much sense.  Instead, they decided to double-down on the failed formula and do an even more politically correct version of NINO, a PC-NINO-ette as it were.  Out with the half-alien/half-Hispanic male kid and in with the black female kid.  I guess the reasoning was, “If it worked for Ms. Marvel, maybe it’ll work for NINO.”

If you’re a true fan of the original Nova concepts and you’d like to see Rich Rider back in his rightful place, its past time to take action.  Boycott, NINO and PC-NINO-ette.  Send Marvel a clear message that they need to stop replacing beloved classic characters just for the sake of appealing to political correctness in the general population.  The general population could care less about comic books. 

That being said, despite all evidence to the contrary, if Marvel thinks that there really is an enormous demographic of buyers out there just dying to buy books about female, racial minority, religious minority, and sexual orientation-minority characters – then by all means please create such NEW characters from scratch and give them a book.  Let’s have a book about a super-powered, bi-sexual, female, half-Gypsy/half-Pygmy, wheelchair-bound, Shinto priestess who’s seriously considering sex change surgery.   Sounds hilarious.   I might even buy the first issue.  This ultimately PC character would certainly please the “small but vocal” PC crowd (and their PC police force who frequently shoot the rest of us in the back as we try to flee this PC nonsense).  But please, don’t use that ultimate PC character as a replacement for Thor, Iron Man, Captain America, Black Widow, Nova, etc.   Live up to your name as the “House of Ideas,” do the courageous/non-lazy thing, and create a brand new character with the demographics you want to capture.  

Comic Book News Marvel

Scarlet Witch & Quicksilver Are No Longer Mutants In Marvel Comics


When you read Axel Alonso stating the MCU doesn’t effect the comics, just laugh out loud like us Marvel COSMIC fans have been doing for the past few years.

Case in point: Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch.

We all know Fox Studios owns the rights to the X-Men and mutant characters, but various characters that crossover to each other’s franchises are allowed to be shared, such as the Avengers (or vice-versa).

We saw how in Avengers 2, Marvel Studios wasn’t allowed to refer to Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch as mutants and insinuated their powers were a result of Loki’s staff –  meaning they weren’t mutants.

Now a week following The Avengers 2 opening in the U.S., Marvel Comics has rectonned the histories of Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch to make them no longer mutants.

We see in the preview for Uncanny Avengers #4 below that the High Evolutionary was responsible for giving the twins their powers. It says so right in the panel.

You can bet if there are any more crossover characters that Marvel Comics will do more of the same.

Reportedly, Marvel CEO Ike Perlmutter and Fox are at odds over the rights to the X-Men and Fantastic Four. Marvel Comics has gone so far and even blown up the cast of the Fantastic Four comics in one of their comics (note: not the FF characters, the actors portraying them). The writer of FF attempted to back-peddle and state people misinterpreted the scene – but we laughed out loud at that, too.



Comic Book News Marvel

Advanced Review: Secret Wars #1

Fans have been clamoring over all the buzz regarding Marvel’s attempt at “re-creating” it’s universes for months. They have been clogging up chat rooms and drooling over the chance to see some of their favorite storylines from the past come blazing back to life throughout the Secret Wars event. I personally cannot wait to see the new take on Inferno, but I digress. Even though the hype is through the roof for this event, it is the first issue that sets the tone and will drive fans to comic shops in droves. Sadly, I was hoping for more than what Jonathan Hickman and Esad Ribic are bringing to the table.

I LOVE an epic tale that throws caution to the wind and has you on the edge of your seat throughout the tale. That is what I was expecting here, and it just never got to that level of excitement. The entire book, from start to finish, is one giant battle that comes across as having way too many moving parts to feel like a cohesive tale. It is just a jumble of explosions and falling debris with commentary by opposing Reed Richards’ that tries to form itself into some semblance of a story. Even the prolific yammering of Doom as potential bookends to the tale just couldn’t hold this story together enough for me to enjoy it as an actual, singular tale that is supposed to launch Marvel into a new era.

And yes, there are some great scenes in this book! There are a number of character deaths that were unexpected and shocking, there is a “fastball special’ sequence that I NEVER would have thought I would see, and there is a particular scene by a gun wielding man that I thought was absolutely brilliant. But all in all, these scattered scenes do not make up the entirety of the book, and there is too much emphasis on fitting the utter destruction of two worlds into this single issue to actually build up a great story.

Fans of the Avengers books will enjoy Hickman’s eventual “payoff’ that he has been building up to for the past few years, but for those fans who want to buy this book to see what is going to happen to the Marvel Universe, they will be utterly lost! Absolutely NOTHING is explained to the reader, you are thrust face-first into utter chaos, and the only options you have are to hold on or close the book and move on. Unfortunately, Hickman has made this book impossible for new readers to feel connected to at all, when the whole point of this event comic is to draw new readers into a brand new Marvel U!

If you have been enjoying Hickman’s run on Avengers then you will love this book. But if you are someone looking for a cohesive, enthralling story that launches into an epic new direction for Marvel, you will be left wanting more.

As of this issue, if my hard earned dollar had a choice of going to a bunch of domes “converging” or two worlds colliding – it would be nestled safely “under the dome!”

Comic Book News Marvel

Major Spoiler Death Revealed For Secret Wars #1


Tomorrow sees Marvel’s latest event kick off with Secret Wars.

Friend to Cosmic Book News, “Richard Rider Is Nova,” sent in some early information about the book.

Spoilers follow.

• The Ultimate Universe battles the Marvel 616 Universe leading to the death of – Rocket Raccoon!

•  Rocket Raccoon gets blasted through the chest – as both world’s destroy each other!

Check it out below.

While we are sad to see Rocket go, perhaps Marvel will bring back the version of Guardians of the Galaxy that inspired the near billion dollar movie and get rid of the version that has become a parody of itself.

Update: Check out our Secret Wars #1 advanced review.


Comic Book News

Justice League Darkseid War Teaser & New Batman From FCBD


Next month kicks off the “Darkseid War” in Justice League #41, but fans got a tease with this weekend’s FCBD issue of Divergence.

Not only did we see the a glimpse into the future of the “Darkseid War,” but also the new Batman, which was previously leaked.

Justice League #41 hits June 17th, with the next issue of Batman on sale June 10th.


Justice League #41

The critically acclaimed team of Geoff Johns and Jason Fabok present the much anticipated, extra-sized first chapter of “DARKSEID WAR”! When the Justice League investigate a series of unexplained murders on Earth, it leads them to the frontlines of a war unlike any the DC Universe has ever seen – a battle between the two most powerful villains in existence: Darkseid and the Anti-Monitor! Meet Darkseid’s daughter – a mysterious force of evil with a bizarre connection to the Justice League! Plus: The horrible secret of Superwoman’s baby! The ultimate temptation of Batman! Lex Luthor vs. Superman – no holds barred! New villains! New allies! And so much more in the DC Event that has been building since JUSTICE LEAGUE #1! 



Batman #41

The all-new Batman makes his debut! Who is he, and what happens next? Find out here as a new era begins in Gotham City!  


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