DC Comics Rebirth An Overwhelming Success; Where’s Marvel?


A couple of weeks ago saw the July comic book sales info released where it was learned DC Comics’ Rebirth event is an overwhelming hit.

In a no-brainer (seriously? what took them so long to realize this?), DC returned to a publishing format of pleasing the fans instead of going the previous route, which Marvel Comics continues to do, of forcing characters and stories on the readers that they don’t want. 

The latest regarding the success of DC’s Rebirth comes from the LA Times where it’s noted:  

…the ‘Rebirth’ line has sold 12 million physical issues in its first three months alone, with 11 issues to date seeing orders exceeding 200,000 issues — and that’s with five of the 39 titles still to launch.

The article continues by poking at Marvel and how DC is beating them in sales:

Among the highest sellers are “Suicide Squad’s” break-out character, Harley Quinn, whose relaunched series had 400,000 orders for its first issue alone — higher than the first issue of the Ta-Nehisi Coates-written “Black Panther” comic book from DC’s main competitor, Marvel, which topped 300,000, according to a March statement by the publisher. And the comic that sparked it all, “DC Universe: Rebirth” — written by DC Entertainment President Geoff Johns — has gone back to press four times and is approaching 350,000 copies sold.

It’s also learned Rebirth is crushing DC’s previous New 52 event:

According to DC, the “Rebirth” titles are selling 29% better than the company’s 2011 relaunch. The comparison should be of interest to many outside of DC. After all, “The New 52” reboot didn’t just help DC Entertainment, it strengthened the entire comic book industry.

President of DC, Diane Nelson, also offered the following statement.

“The overall response — from retailers, the creative community and, most importantly, the fans — has been nothing short of incredible. We listened to what the retail and fan communities thought was missing from our books and took the necessary steps to produce stories that have re-energized comics.”

Regarding Marvel Comics, they are already planning a relaunch starting this November with dozens of variant covers and characters fans don’t want to read about. A majority of Marvel Comics series barely make it past issue twelve, which is why Marvel Comics has been relaunching their comics every other year. Eventually the time will come when fans are sick of all the “#1” issues and special variant covers (just like in the ’90s), and then what? The LA Times, notes that not all reboots work:

Rebooting a comic book universe isn’t a new concept. Marvel Entertainment restarts its superhero comic book line on a semi-annual basis in an attempt to lure in new and lapsed readers with new costumes and adjectives to describe their heroes. Unburdened by the often complicated superhero continuity, a good reboot can both entice new readers and excite current fans, while goosing the bottom line. Or it can blow up in their face.

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