Brandon Larracuente Teases Blue Beetle


Back in 2018 saw it reported that WB is developing a DC Blue Beetle movie based on Jaime Reyes, and now 24-year-old actor Brandon Larracuente teases the character on social media.

Brandon Larracuente posted images as part of his Instagram story that showed him at Warner Bros. Studios in addition to pics of the Blue Beetle comic books.

It’s possible that Brandon Larracuente could have been going to Warner Bros. studios to discuss the role or even take part in a test shoot.

A user on Twitter spotted the images:

Blue Beetle DC Comics

Brandon Larracuente playing Blue Beetle?

Regarding the Blue Beetle movie, it has been said Gareth Dunnet Alcocer, who is writing a Scarface reboot for Universal, is writing the screenplay with Zev Foreman (Dallas Buyers Club) on board as executive producer. The flick currently has no known director attached.

Brandon Larracuente is known for 13 Reasons Why, Versus, Bloodline and has Party of Five in the works.

Recent images Brandon Larracuente posted on Instagram also show off his potential superhero physique (see below).

In the comics, Jamie Reyes was created in 2006 by Keith Giffen, John Rogers, and Cully Hamner and became the third Blue Beetle following Dan Garret and Ted Kord when he discovered the Blue Beetle scarab that became alive and grafted itself onto Reyes giving him a suit of extraterrestrial armor and powers.

Brandon Larracuente images:

Brandon Larracuente Blue Beetle

Brandon Larracuente Blue Beetle

Brandon Larracuente Blue Beetle

Brandon Larracuente Blue Beetle

Brandon Larracuente Blue Beetle

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