Axel Alonso Says Marvel Studios Doesn’t Affect Marvel Comics; Anymore?


In his recent weekly column a fans asks Marvel EIC Axel Alonso how much Marvel Studios influences the comics line.

Via CBR:

Kiel Phegley: Axel, with our fan Q&A for the day I thought I’d start us out on some queries that focus on that even mystifying connection between Marvel Comics and Marvel Studios. Chariset starts us off with this: “To what extent do you use movies as a sounding board for what will work with a character? If the Doctor Strange movie comes out and Strange is a teenager with heavy eyeliner and a lot of tattoos, and it makes money, will you think ‘oh, THAT’S how we write Strange’?”

Axel Alonso: That is definitely not how we do it, Chariset. If Marvel NOW! proved one thing, it’s that we put premium stock in our writers. “Avengers” reflects the vision of Jonathan Hickman, not Marvel Studios. And the same is true down the line.

“Definitely not how we do it?”

Uhh….maybe he meant to add “anymore” (which the first quote below does seem to corroborate).

And also could be good news for Superior Spider-Man fans as well.

“When I got the book, there was a Thor movie coming and there were these kind of guidelines that I had to execute under and Jason’s got none of that. So it’s just kind of pure Jason coming out in the page.”

Matt Fraction

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