Avengers: Endgame Box Office Lower Than Expected


Once again Deadline exaggerates the numbers, as it is learned The Avengers: Endgame‘s second-weekend box office is lower than expected, which means it may not beat Star Wars: The Force Awakens.

Originally, Deadline was spinning things that The Avengers: Endgame was going to beat The Force Awakens‘ second-weekend box office record of $149.2M; however, I pointed out that Endgame was actually trailing The Force Awakens in the daily box office numbers.

Deadline stated Endgame would make $44M on its second Friday, which is -72% from its first Friday, but as I looked into the numbers, I disagreed with their assessment and even compared the flick to Batman vs. Superman.

Avengers Endgame Box Office

Now the most recent estimates have come in – which are even lower than expected – as it is estimated The Avengers: Endgame made only $40,637,000 for its second Friday, a drop of 74.2% from its first Friday (The Force Awakens saw only a 39.8% drop, and Infinity War saw a 70% drop). Deadline now states Endgame may finish with a $146.9M second weekend (they initially said as high as $170M), which is lower than Star Wars, meaning Endgame won’t beat the record.

Update: The weekend numbers are again lower than projected as the Saturday and Sunday box office estimates are in. Saturday is estimated to have a $61,426,000 gross, with Sunday a $43,741,000 gross, which would give The Avengers: Endgame a second weekend gross of $145,804,000, down 59.2% from opening weekend, and short of the record held by Star Wars: The Force Awakens.

Original article continues:

There is actually still a slight possibility that Endgame could beat Star Wars and finish with around $150 million if it doesn’t drop more than 58% from its opening weekend, but it looks to be really close, and again, it is dependent on tonight and tomorrow’s box office. I’m guessing everyone basically went to see the movie the opening weekend, which explains the drop. In addition, today is the Kentucky Derby, which may play into people not going to theaters.

That said, The Avengers: Endgame box office is still sky and should reach 2 billion this weekend (update: it has – see numbers below).

Avengers Endgame Box Office

The Avengers: Endgame box office numbers:

Domestic: $619,698,638

Foreign: $1,569,000,000

Worldwide: $2,188,698,638

Weekend Apr 26–28 (U.S): $357,115,007

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