Moon Knight Filming Teases Mr. Knight, Werewolf By Night


The light knight rises as details on the Moon Knight Disney Plus series become known in regards to filming on the show.

While it was thought Marvel would be filming Moon Knight sometime this Summer, similar to She-Hulk, updated production information for the show says that Moon Knight will film November 16 and film for 26 weeks under the working title “Good Faith.”

A description for Moon Knight also offers potential details in that “Mr. Knight” is mentioned who in the comics appeared in the 2014 series which saw Marc Spector return to NYC where he utilized two costumed personals, with one being Mr. Knight, who helped the NYC police department in dealing with common thugs and crimes such as kidnapping.

Moon Knight rumors Disney Plus

Moon Knight description:

Moon Knight — who showed up as a good guy in 1975’s Werewolf by Night No. 32 — is the vigilante alter ego of mercenary Marc Spector, but it’s actually more complicated than that: Spector also has a couple of other alter egos (millionaire Steven Grant and cab driver Jake Lockley) that may or may not be separate, alternate personalities, and the same may be true of Khonshu, the Egyptian deity who is either guiding Spector through his costumed adventures or a figment of Spector’s imagination. In recent years, another persona has emerged: ‘Mr. Knight,’ a police consultant who dresses in all white and wears a mask while solving unusual crimes.”

Per the description, rumors also offer Werewolf by Night might be involved and even that Werewolf by Night might get its own series.

Additional rumors have it that The Mandalorian‘s Pedro Pascal is being eyed as Moon Knight, that Dracula might be introduced, that it pulls heavily from the Warren Ellis comic book run, and that the show will be shocking:

It’s further said that Marc Spector will be the MCU’s first truly flawed protagonist. He will make decisions that will shock you. Currently, in the first episode, he throws a man off a skyscraper to his death. Despite it being Disney Plus, it is claimed they aren’t pulling any punches.

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