Constantine Season 2 Meeting Went Well Says NBC


Minutes ago, showrunner Daniel Cerone and David S. Goyer finished their Constantine Season 2 pitch meeting with NBC executives.

Cerone offered an update of what went down on Twitter stating an NBC executive said to tell the fans it went well. Cerone notes that doesn’t specifically mean anything concrete, but that “hope never hurts.”

Earlier this morning Cerone also asked fans to tweet with the hashtag #SaveConstantine at the start of the NBC meeting. The show regularly tops Twitter whenever it broadcasts, and now it does more of the same as Cerone showed off the fact that Constantine was trending #2 on Twitter to the execs.

Cerone also thanked fans for their support.

“If this show comes back for more, I can honestly say it was the fans. Dab tear now. Thank you,” Cerone tweeted.

Cerone also earlier teased Constantine Season 2 with Doctor Fate, Constantine’s origins and Jasper Winters.

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