Doctor Fate Teased For Constantine Season 2


Showrunner Daniel Cerone and David Goyer will be meeting with NBC executives later today to pitch the second season of Constantine.

Cerone has asked the fans to tweet with the hashtag #SaveContantine at 1pm ET so they can show NBC that Constantine is trending worldwide (as if often does).

Cerone also participated in a live-tweet of the re-airing of the pilot where he offered clues as to Season 2. DC Comics fans instantly recognized the helmet of Doctor Fate, with Cerone offering it will be a factor in the Constantine Season 2 premiere.

Cerone also offered Season 2 will feature flashback scenes of Constantine’s origins as well as may feature flashbacks of Jasper Winters (Liv’s deceased father and owner of the house/Constantine’s headquarters).

Update: NBC said the Constantine Season 2 pitch meeting went well.

Check out the series of tweets:

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