Luke Cage Series Is Geared Toward Adults Says Mike Colter


While speaking about the Halo series, Mike Colter lets it be known the new Luke Cage Marvel Netflix series is being aimed at adults.

“It’s geared towards an adult audience, which is something that will be different from the Marvel Cinematic Universe that you’ve seen before on the big screen,” Mike Colter told IGN.

Colter, who plays Locke in the Halo: Nightfall series, continues with mention how excited he is to play the role.

“I’m excited about playing the character because I’ve read the comic books,” Colter said. “They’re very detailed, gritty; the world they’ve written in the comic books is very clear. Marvel does a fantastic job about bringing human stories – because you’re telling big stories with a heart at the center of it – and that’s what connects all of the characters to our audience members. Audience members have to feel connected with these characters, to make them relate to the character’s situations and that’s what you see with all of the Marvel characters.”

Colter will first be appearing in the Jessica Jones series before Luke Cage launches, and Colter says he is happy with what he sees.

 “What I’m most excited about is touching on what makes him tick. It feels good to get a character that has such a story, background, and history,” Colter offered. “And when I look at the scripts, I’m really pleased with it because it’s a slow-burn; there’s nothing happening really fast that gets ahead of itself. I’m really with where they’re taking it and how they’re developing the characters, because it’s really cool and it’s geared towards an adult audience, which is something that will be different from the Marvel Cinematic Universe you’ve seen before on the big screen.”

Colter also offers the following about the series approach, which will be different than some of the Marvel movies.

“We have a more gritty, focused story on our heroes and characters that live in New York City, but it’s geared towards a more adult audience and I think that’s the thing about the series that will be different.”

Daredevil premieres on April 10th which launches the Marvel Netflix shows.

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