Exclusive: Zack Snyder Wants Mark Strong As Lex Luthor For Man of Steel 2

Exclusive: Zack Snyder Wants Mark Strong As Lex Luthor For Man of Steel 2

With Man of Steel tipping the scales domestically at over $200 million it seems a sequel is more than likely, with lots of talk surrounding that.

Both director Zack Snyder and Henry Cavill have stated they want more Superman before the Justice League movie, as well as mention of Big Blue taking the lead in the JL film as well.

There has also been a rather large development at Warner Bros. in regards to WB Movie president Jeff Robinov apparently leaving; just how that affects the DC movies remains to be seen.

Chatting with our DC Entertainment source, we were told the following.

Robinov was a big DC supporter; depends what the new guy at the top thinks, but the source is pretty sure all of WB will get behind the DCCU after Man of Steel.

We were told a tidbit regarding General Swanwick in the Man of Steel as the character was originally General Lane, and that is how Lois got access to Superman when he surrendered. They changed it around and replaced General Lane with General Swanwick played by Harry Lennix.

The source says it’s been said that filming for the Man of Steel sequel will be begin next year, and Mark Strong is wanted for Lex Luthor by Zack Snyder. Expect pre-production to start coming together by October-December.

David Goyer is hard at work on a first draft of the screenplay for Man of Steel 2. The source says Chris Nolan is sort of overseeing the script/story, but may not have as much input as before as he is focusing on his new film project, Interstellar.

The source noted he would personally like Jonathan Nolan to help Goyer with the screenplay.

Also, David Goyer has a short treatment for Justice League, but there is no story or script so far.

Our DC Entertainment source previously provided us information on the Man of Steel including the bus crash scene that was featured in the movie and more.

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