Wonder Woman Movie & Green Lantern On Display At NYCC By DC


Take an early look at the DC Entertainment display being put up at this week’s New York Comic-Con.

DC will have the Wonder Woman movie on display, and we also see what looks to be DC’s Rebirth event on display with Green Lanten.

DC did announce their Wonder Woman display will feature a close look at costumes and props from the upcoming feature film – including the costume donned by star Gal Gadot – along with the original costume worn by Lynda Carter in the 1970s Wonder Woman television series. 

Last year at the NYCC, DC did have the Batman Vs. Superman costumes on display, which also saw the LexCorps viral campaign begin. It’s possible something Wonder Woman related could kick off at this year’s NYCC as well (crossing fingers).

I don’t believe anyone from the DCEU will be at the NYCC, so more than likely no big news will be dropping, though they are celebrating Wonder Woman’s 75th Anniversary there, so maybe a new Wonder Woman teaser? 

You can find DC’s NYCC schedule here and signing info here. 

(via reddit)

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