Wonder Woman 2 Films This Summer

Wonder Woman 2 Films This Summer

The DCEU has one current success on its hands with Patty Jenkins and Gal Gadot’s Wonder Woman movie.

Following its box office smash, WB was quick to announce a Wonder Woman sequel, which will be released in 2019.

Now it’s learned WB is moving quickly ahead on Wonder Woman 2 as it’s supposed to start filming this Summer.

Gal Gadot Wonder Woman

“We’re in what I would call development of the screenplay,” DCEU and Batman producer Charles Roven explained to CB.com. “We finally, I think, have a good story to tell. Not kind of – we do believe we have a good story to tell. And then we’re also just moving out of what normally we would call soft prep into hard prep. We’re hoping to start shooting the movie sometime this summer, and hope to have it out by the end of ’19.”

No details on the Wonder Woman 2 script are specifically known other than rumors, which includes that it will feature Cheetah as the villain and may be set in the 80s during the Cold War. There is even a wild rumor that Chris Pine will somehow be returning as Steve Trevor.

Gal Gadot Wonder Woman

Gal Gadot previously said she is psyched for Wonder Woman 2 as well.

“I’m very excited to start working on Wonder Woman 2,” Gal Gadot told EW.com. “Other than the wonderful work Lynda Carter did in the TV show this character was never really told on the big screen. We just see her origin story. But there’s so much to explore with this character who has 75 years of legacy, there’s so much material and so many ways and I’m psyched about it.”

Patty Jenkins and Gal Gadot Wonder Woman

Director Patty Jenkins also previously teased Wonder Woman 2, which sees her returning to direct.

“It’s really still going to other values of hers, and a similar formula insofar as making a great, enjoyable fun movie but that ultimately in its third act turns some very big issues, and a very big experience that will aim to have slightly more weight and profundity than it has to have,” Jenkins told Variety in a podcast. “Because that’s a formula that I really like, and I like the idea of taking somebody on a very solid, great journey but that arrives at a bigger question being answered. So it’s like that but because she is Wonder Woman and she’s here now and she’s fully developed, it’s got great fun from the start and great big superhero presence from the start, and is funny and a great love story again and a couple new unbelievable characters who I’m so excited about, who are very different than were in the last movie.”

Wonder Woman 2 has a November 1 2019 release.

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