Vincent D’Onofrio Hopeful For Daredevil Return


Daredevil was recently canceled after three seasons along with the rest of the Marvel Netflix shows, but Kingpin actor Vincent D’Onofrio is still hopeful the series will return in some form.

D’Onofrio, who is supporting a petition to bring back Daredevil, offers that while it was a shock the series has been canceled, he doesn’t think it is gone forever.

“So it was a bit of a shocker. It is a big shame,” Vincent D’Onofrio told Digital Spy. “Do I think it is gone forever? I don’t think it is gone forever. The problem is that Marvel is such a huge company and they have so many rights owned by so many different people for all of that stuff to get in line together.”

The actor continues with mention that the rights need to expire at Netflix before anything happens.

“I know that a certain amount of time has to elapse before they are allowed to do anything away from Netflix. Us actors are the last to know anything,” he said. “But I don’t think it is gone forever. But it was definitely odd for a lot of people. All of those shows got canceled and it had nothing to do with a lack of audience.”


In Netflix’s statement about canceling Daredevil, the streaming network said the series would still air on their service for years to come, so it is speculated Netflix still retains the rights to the Marvel shows for at least two more years.

Now whether or not Disney decides to renew Daredevil or any of the other Marvel Netflix series remains to be seen. Marvel Studios, which is separate from Marvel TV that develops Daredevil, is developing their own high-budget shows for the Disney Plus streaming service, which coincidentally follows the Netflix shows getting canceled, so will Disney let Marvel TV launch new series for Daredevil? Or will Keige and Marvel Studios be behind any new Marvel series from now on? In addition, it has been reported that if any new Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage or Iron Fist series are relaunched, it might be rebooted with new actors. However, we do see Vincent D’Onofrio is obviously interested in a return, so hopefully, that is a good sign.

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