Venom Movie In The Works Unrelated To Marvel & Tom Holland Spider-Man


It still sounds like Sony hasn’t learned anything from the Amazing Spider-Man movies.

THR is reporting Sony is developing a new Venom movie which is: “being envisioned as a franchise apart from and unrelated to the upcoming Spider-Man movie in the works with actor Tom Holland.”

It’s noted long-time Spider-Man producer Avi Arad is behind the new Venom movie along with Amazing Spider-Man producer Matt Tomalch. Edge of Tomorrow writer Dante Harper is writing the Venom script.

Avi Arad was previously blamed for the failure and problems associated with the Andrew Garfield Amazing Spider-Man films, and it was said when Marvel got the property back, they wanted nothing to do with Arad. According to previous reports, both Avi Arad and Matt Tomalch have been “downgraded” as executive producers on the new Tom Holland Spider-Man, with it said they will have “no real say in the creative direction of the franchise.”

Now it appears as they can no longer do anything with Spider-Man, the pair have set their sites set on the next best thing with Venom.

THR’s report makes mention it’s unclear what version of Venom they are going with: The classic Venom that is a monstrous alien symbiote or the version in the comics that is more of an anti-hero attached to Peter Parker’s buddy Flash Thompson.

It’s further said: “This Venom is meant to not only stand on its own but to also launch its own franchise.”

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