Twitter Reacts To Kevin Smith Crying Over Black Panther: Wakanda Forever

Twitter Reacts To Kevin Smith Crying Over Black Panther: Wakanda Forever

Big surprise! Kevin Smith takes to social media to post a selfie of himself crying over Black Panther: Wakanda Forever! So Twitter reacts!

We’ve never seen that before, right?

Following watching the movie, Smith posted the following image of himself on Twitter noting, “Just saw @theblackpanther. Jesus, that mid-credit scene… Worth the price of admission alone.”

Following the reactions, Smith then replied to himself, “Cryrony: When total strangers cry about *my* crying.”

Kevin Smith crying Black Panther Wakanda Forever
via @ThatKevinSmith on Twitter

Twitter calls out Kevin Smith for crying

Twitter immediately reacted and called Kevin Smith out. Why? Well, per the screenshot below taken from Google Images, that’s what the dude does ALL the time.

“Dude. Just stop. It’s old. You come off as so unbelievably disingenuous when this is your reaction to everything,” states a Twitter user.

Another fan adds, “Dude we all know why you keep doing these tweets. You think that if you simp for Disney enough times they’ll give you an MCU project to direct. Hate to break it to ya but that’s not gonna happen. If they wanted you to do one, they would’ve hired you years ago.”

Smith replied to that tweet, “I’d rather make my stuff. I’ve also said many times on many different podcasts that I’d never make a @MarvelStudios thing. I’m not good enough to do that stuff. I know this, they know this, and you know this. I simp for them simply because I love what they do. I’m just a fan.”

Kevin Smith crying tweets
via @ThatKevinSmith Twitter

“Why do you keep doing this, Kevin?” questions another fan with the response getting 270 likes.

“Oh shit, Kevs crying again,” says another.

“You have literally one emotion,” states a tweet.

Smith caught wind and said, “But it’s the good one.”

“Is this a parody account? This is what a Smith parody account would post,” says another tweet.

Kevin Smith cries Black Panther Wakanda Forever
via @ThatKevinSmith Twitter

Another fan responded to that tweet with a crying face emoji, “As meta as She-Hulk.”

“You’re such a joke,” says another.

Former Green Lantern artist Ethan Van Sciver also got into the mix.

“This guys cries at superhero movies and takes out his phone to take a selfie of himself crying at superhero movies. Then he posts them to Twitter,” tweeted Van Sciver. “He is responsible for other males, like Mundane Matt, thinking it’s okay to cry at trivial shit on the internet. It is bizarre.”

Kevin Smith cries Ethan Van Sciver
via @EthanVanSciver Twitter

Another fan called another fan out.

“I cried so many times, I told my wife, ‘I feel like Kevin Smith.’ Masterpiece!” says the tweet.

The second fires back, “Then your wife turned to her boyfriend and rolled her eyes, right?”

Kevin Smith crying
Kevin Smith crying via Google Images

Fans cry over Black Panther: Wakanda Forever, too

Kevin Smith isn’t the only one crying as some fans responded they cried, too.

“It was really tough to watch having lost both parents in the past few years. Beautifully done though,” replied a fan to Smith.

“What an incredible film,” says another.

“The opening got me as well as the mid credit. A lot of eye wiping from a lot of people as the lights came back up,” states a tweet in agreement.

“This film helped restore some of the lost Marvel love. I wasn’t a big fan of the first BP, it was okay, but man this one was real,” states another.

“Same energy. Such a good movie and tugged at a lot of grief with recent losses and how I’ve also dealt with them,” says a tweet.

kevin smith cries black panther wakanda forever
via Twitter

“Yes it was. I’m glad the whole movie was great too,” a fan responds.

“Had to be one of the most gorgeous tributes. A lot of tears there,” says another.

“We all need a good cry after the last 2 1/2 years. Hell, I need a good cry after the last 24hrs,” says a fan possible in reference to the death of Batman voice actor Kevin Conroy (today also marks four years since Stan Lee died).

“Dude I was the same,” says a tweet in agreement.

“Gonna see it tonight at a drive-in, got two rolled and im ready to lose my fluids lets do this thing,” says another.

Cried at the beginning. Cried at the marvel logo. Probably cried at least once in the middle. Cried during the credits. Cried during the end credits scene. Don’t care. Make fun of us for having emotions,” replies a fan.

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