Tom Hardy Drops Out Of Suicide Squad; Jake Gyllenhaal Eyed As Replacement


Citing a scheduling conflict, it’s reported that Tom Hardy has dropped out of the Suicide Squad movie.

Various Hollywood trade sites are stating David Ayer wants Jake Gyllenhaal to play Hardy’s role of Rick Flagg.

Apparently, Hardy was forced to bail from Suicide Squad due to the current movie he is filming, The Revenant, going over schedule into mid-March. Hardy also has to promote the new Mad Max: Fury Road movie, and with Suicide Squad set to begin filming in April, it’s stated Hardy won’t have time to play Rick Flagg, the leader of the Suicide Squad.

Jake Gyllenhaal is not yet confirmed, but he did previously work with David Ayer in End Of Watch.

The Suicide Squad movie is set for an August 6, 2016 release.

Also starring in Suicide Squad are: Jared Leto as The Joker, Will Smith as Deadshot, Jai Courtney as Boomerang, Margot Robbie as Harley Quinn, Cara Delevingne as Enchantress, Viiola Davis as Amanda Waller, and Jesse Eisenberg is rumored to follow his Batman vs. Superman debut as Lex Luthor.

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