Tobey Maguire Rumored Back As Spider-Man


It’s claimed that Tobey Maguire will be back as Spider-Man, again paired with director Sam Raimi.

According to the Lords of the Long Box YouTube channel, Tobey Maguire will be back as Spider-Man in a live-action Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse movie from Sony.

It’s said that the live-action Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse movie will give Tobey Maguire a farewell similar to the farewell Robert Downey Jr. received in The Avengers: Endgame.

The flick “will also be a chance for director Sam Raimi to say good-bye to the beloved version of his character.”

It’s also said the flick will lead to the introduction of the live-action version of the Miles Morales Spider-Man.

Worth a mention is that Sony owns the film rights to Spider-Man, so they can do whatever they want with the character on film, but the rumor makes it sound as if Marvel Studios will be involved.

Tobey Maguire Spider-Man

Tobey Maguire rumored for live-action Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse film

Sam Raimi is already back with Marvel as Raimi is directing Doctor Strange 2, so maybe Raimi will stick around and direct a second Multiverse movie with a live-action Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse film.

The Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse animated movie was really popular and a big success, with the sequel due out Oct. 7, 2022.

Raimi directed Tobey Maguire in the three Spider-Man movies in the early 2000s that brought in over $2.5 billion.

I spoke with Sam Raimi a few years ago where he talked about Evil Dead with mention of Spidey. Cool dude.

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