Titans Reveals Nightwing Suit


Following the earlier leaks, now Titans officially unveils a look at the Nightwing suit for the show’s second season. 

Airing on the DC Universe streaming network, the suit will debut in the Titans Season 2 finale which is aptly titled “Nightwing.”

WB and showrunner Greg Walker, held a special unveiling in Burbank, which can be viewed in the video below.

 “It’s such a big deal, becoming [Nightwing], and we didn’t just want him to show up in the suit,” Walker said. “It had to be a representation of where he evolved as a character over the course of those two seasons.” 

Brenton Thwaites plays Dick Grayson in the series.

The episode airs Friday, Nov. 29 on DC Universe.

Nightwing suit for Titans:

Titans Nighting suit

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