Wonder Woman

Wonder Woman is DC Comics’ premiere superheroine. Gal Gadot plays Wonder Woman on the big screen with the next moving coming out November 1, 2019. Find our Wonder Woman news here.

Movie News

WB’s Justice League Universe Under Pressure To Perform


Warner Bros. is feeling the pressure from Hollywood and investors in regards to its planned Justice League shared universe, according to an article at THR.

With Disney and Marvel Studios being such a success, will WB be able to follow along a similar path and match the near $7 billion that Disney has generated since 2008 with the Marvel movies?

While Marvel has Kevin Feige at the helm, WB seems to be leaderless as shake-ups recently occurred which saw Jeff Robinov (Dark Knight Trilogy, Harry Potterleaving for Sony and Kevin Tsujihara coming on board. Tsujihara, at the recent CinemanCon, even seemed to mention he might not be with WB in the near future. Add to that, the failure of the Green Lantern movie and the lukewarm reception to Man of Steel only fueling the fire, and WB’s shared Justice League universe isn’t a sure bet.

The article at THR specifically questions both the Wonder Woman and Aquaman movies in development. Director Michelle MacLaren recently departed Wonder Woman over creative differences where it became known that WB has five separate writers working on scripts for the film (now said to be down to two), which apparently doesn’t sit too well with Hollywood agents that rep the writers. An insider said the process on Wonder Woman is “unorthodox” with still another adding it “felt like they were throwing shit against the wall to see what stuck.” Regarding Aquaman, the article states WB has three separate writers on the movie, with it said the the writing process is on hold until WB is “ready to proceed.” 

“Marvel has been an unbelievable platform for Disney to build and foster franchises,” BTIG analyst Richard Greenfield said. “The question for Warners is, can they replicate that strategy using DC?” 

“They just haven’t been thorough about their whole world and how each character fits and how to get the most out of each writer’s time by giving them direction,” said a rep with knowledge of the process, according to the article. “Obviously, Marvel’s very good at that.” 

“You can’t just give it to a filmmaker,” said a reported Marvel insider. “You have to give it to someone who has an institutional knowledge of these characters.”

It’s not all doom and gloom for WB though, as Zack Snyder is said to have presented his vision for the DC Cinematic Universe to investors which analyst Michael Nathanson found “very impressive.” However, Nathanson did say he is taking a careful approach.

“Embedded in my earnings forecast [for Time Warner] is some estimate of success for DC, but I would say we’re conservative in our outlook,” he said. “I’m not giving anyone credit for a movie until we see the product.”

DC Movie Universe schedule:

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice  (March 25, 2016)

Suicide Squad (August 5, 2016)

Wonder Woman starring Gal Gadot (2017)

Justice League Part One  (2017)

The Flash starring Ezra Miller (2018)

Aquaman starring Jason Momoa (2018)

Shazam starring Dwayne Johnson as Black Adam (2019)

• Justice League Part Two directed by Zack Snyder (2019)

Cyborg starring Ray Fisher (2020)

Green Lantern (2020)

Movie News

Gal Gadot Wonder Woman Costume In Color


Earlier today saw the Batman Vs. Superman Batmobile revealed as part of the Batman 75th anniversary exhibit which also featured the new costumes from the movie of the new Caped Crusader, the Man of Steel and Wonder Woman.

We have already seen both the Batman and Superman costumes, but this is the first time that the Gal Gadot Wonder Woman costume is available to view in color.

We also see the shield and lasso.

Check out the pics from the exhibit:


Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice” has a March 25, 2016 release starring Ben Affleck as Batman, Henry Cavill as Superman, Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman, Amy Adams as Lois Lane, Laurence Fishburne as Perry White, Diane Lane as Martha Kent, Jeremy Irons as Alfred, Jesse Eisenberg as Lex Luthor, Ray Fisher as Cyborg with Callan Mulvey, Holly Hunter and Tao Okamoto in new character roles for the film. Justice League is to follow directed by Zack Snyder as well.


Comic Book News

DC Comics Fans Break Guinness World Record

DC Comics Super Hero World Record Event Video


Thousands of DC Comics fans have gathered to set the Guinness World Record for most people dressed as a DC Comics super hero in a 24-hour period.

DC announced the news as fans came together from all across the globe ranging from Australia to America.

Fans gathered around the globe to participate in the DC Comics Super Hero World Record Event by donning their favorite costumes inspired by DC Comics’ pantheon of Super Heroes, including Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, The Flash, Green Lantern, Batgirl, Supergirl, Aquaman, Cyborg, Robin, Green Arrow and many more.

“Thanks to all the fans of DC Comics Super Heroes around the world who joined us to set a world record—a record that celebrates the power and appeal of these iconic characters,” said Brad Globe, President of Warner Bros. Consumer Products.

The DC Comics Super Hero World Record Event kicked off on April 18, 2015 in Queensland, Australia, and came to a commemorative close in Los Angeles, CA, USA. Within the same 24-hour period, additional events took place around the world in: Manila, Philippines; Kaohsiung, Taiwan; Madrid, Spain; Rome, Italy; London, Birmingham, Warrington and Cardiff in the UK; São Paulo, Brazil; Paris, France;  “Smallville,” USA (Plano, IL) and Mexico City, Mexico.

Fans are highlighting their participation in the heroic event using #DCWorldRecord on Facebook and Twitter. The official Guinness World Record count will be available in the coming days.

Check out a batch of images from the event:

Movie News

WB Dropped Michelle MacLaren Because Her Wonder Woman Was Like Braveheart


This past Monday saw Michelle MacLaren dropped from the Wonder Woman movie over “creative differences” with Warner Bros.

WB quickly announced that Patty Jenkins had replaced MacLaren.

Now Variety is reporting the reason for MacLaren’s departure.

While the article tries to spin things in favor of WB, MacLaren’s idea actually sounds pretty cool in that she envisioned her Wonder Woman movie to be an action-packed epic origin story in the vein of Braveheart.

It’s said WB wants a Wonder Woman movie to be more character-driven with less emphasis on heavy action, which apparently is what caused MacLaren and WB to bump heads.

The article goes on to mention that studio insiders also said MacLaren was having a tough time with the job (which may very well be BS) in that she was “unaccustomed to the laborious development process associated with making movies” – with one source adding MacLaren felt it “tortuous” when it came to the pre-production of Wonder Woman.

It’s also said WB had little faith MacLaren could pull of such an epic movie as she only had small screen experience working on Breaking Bad, Walking Dead and Game Of Thrones.

According to the report, Jason Fuchs wrote a Wonder Woman script, with WB then bringing in five more writers to work up different versions of a Wonder Woman movie while executives at WB tested the story concepts. It’s said one of the execs stated that they didn’t like MacLaren’s test.

Now WB is bringing Patty Jenkins up to speed to keep up with the 2017 release date and is currently looking to cast Wonder Woman’s love interest.

Gal Gadot stars as Wonder Woman and will first appear in Batman Vs. Superman May 2016.

Movie News

Batman Vs. Superman Trailer: An Intense Breakdown Image By Image

WB and Zack Snyder recently released the Batman Vs. Superman trailer.

Below you can check out some thoughts and speculations on the various scenes.

Overall, I felt the trailer did it’s job by giving us a first look at the Ben Affleck Batman and setting up why Batman fights Superman.

The trailer has been getting mixed reviews online by fans. Personally, I felt it was a bit dark, and I am desperately hoping by the end of the movie that Superman gets looked at as an inspiration and a hero. 

Our movie reviewer, Lawerence Napoli, felt the trailer was trying to be dark and “edgy” similar to Man of Steel, but that it “lacked those certain moments of inspiration and light.” Lawrence didn’t like how “Batfleck, Batman and ‘darkness all over’ highjacked the franchise, and just like that, the whole planet hates Superman.” Lawrence also thinks the trailer means Snyder might be “pulling a Watchmen” again.

Our comic book reviewer, Chris “The Doc” Bushley, felt it was “way too f’n dark!” Chris said Superman needs to offset Batman’s darkness, and that “it looks like they just made an Injustice movie!”

Now on to the breakdown…


The trailer opens up with darkness and asks: “Is it really surprising that the most powerful man in the world should be a figure of controversy…” 

Obviously this is a reference to Man of Steel as well as setting up the rest of the trailer (and guessing the movie). On one hand, Superman saved everyone, but on the other, is he to blame? After all, if there was no Superman, there would have been no Zod. In addition, obviously the most powerful man would be the most controversial as everyone will have an opinion as to what he should be and do. Should he be a dictator and tyrant that tells people what they should do? Or should he lead by example? Should he lead at all?


The first scene of the movie is of Metropolis and the Superman statue, possibly at the Zod battle scene (similar to World Trade Center site). If you recall, a set image landed online revealing part of the statue – meaning it’s real – and now we know that Snyder used practical effects for the movie.

What this tells us is that following Man of Steel, the city (or whomever) thanked Superman for saving the city and the world, so they erected a Superman statue.

The scene also has the following dialogue: “We as a population on this planet have been looking for a savior” (with “savior” giving an echo sound effect). Again, the question rises: Should Superman be our savior? And in exactly what way? Is he here to take care of every one of us? You could argue this has similar political arguments with those who feel the government(s) should be the savior of the people. The narration concludes leading to this image of Henry Cavill as Superman:


Correct me if I’m wrong, but I think this is Superman at a parade for the Mexican Day of the Dead. I think that is what the black and white make-up represents (and not The Purge 2, lol). So we can guess Superman does something super in Mexico, with the people rushing to him. The imagery (at least to me) is also similar from Man of Steel when Superman had the Zod vision of himself in the black suit and all the skulls – obviously signifying death (and from the narrated lead-in above, possibly meaning “Superman our savior will lead to death”).

Next we hear various quotes, with the first being from American astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson: “We are talking about a being whose various existence challenges our own sense of priority in the universe.”

When Tyson states “being,” there is another voice over. I can’t quite make it out, but at least to me it sounds like “Damien.” I’m not sure what that means other than an Omen reference, or “demon,” or Batman’s son, Damien (again, no clue).  Update: It’s “Alien.”

Following Tyson stating “existence” a woman’s voice states: “They are not telling us the truth.”

Following Tyson stating “priority,” it sounds as if voices are stating: “This is our place planet.”

Tyson stating “universe” leads into the following:


We see that the image (Superman saving a Soviet rocket) challenges humanity’s place in the universe as it’s shows an alien doing something humans can’t do. This is sort of waking humanity up to the fact they aren’t the center of the universe. This could be representative of humanity once mistakenly believing the Earth was the center of the universe. It’s the sun that is the center of our Solar System – or Superman, the Last Son, is the center of the universe.

Update: The rocket also has “300” referencing the movie.

A man’s voice then states: “Human beings have a horrible track record of following people with great power.”

A female voice says “tragedy” directy after “record of.”

A second female voice states “power corrupts” as soon as the man stated “power.”

This can obviously be read as: following people with great power causes tragedy.

The female voice then states “And absolute power corrupts absolutely” (update: possibly voiced by Holly Hunter) with a second female voice interjecting “terror” and “chaos.”

Which leads to:


Now there is a lot going on in this image. For one, it shows soldiers bowing before Superman. Notice the Superman shield patches on their arms? They are a part of “Superman’s army.” As I stated in a previous article, I am guessing they are an independent faction who worship Superman or view him as their savior (which references the above: “We as a population on this planet have been looking for a savior.”) They also appear to be wearing black masks to conceal their identity and black clothes. I’m guessing Superman is here to whoop their ass for doing some bad stuff in his name. They see the Man of Steel come down in their bunker and immediately bow before Superman (referencing Zod’s own demand “bow before Zod“). I’m also guessing this is Snyder taking a dig toward the Christian conservative right groups, i.e. they are “militant” and “domestic terrorists.” The image also has a heavy Nazi feeling with the helmets. Perhaps the bigger question: Who is the leader of Superman’s Army? Another interesting aspect of the image is that it’s similar to the Injustice Gods Among Us video game.

Check it out:



The scene ends and goes dark with: “Maybe he is just a guy trying to do the right thing.”

Next, a closer look at the Superman statue is shown with the following said, which looks to be said by Jesse Eisenberg’s Lex Luthor: “We know better now, don’t we?” Again, this is a reference to the above image being representative of Superman as a dictator (leader of the Nazis, Hitler, or whatever dictator) as “we know better now” because we already lived it (those who forget history are condemned to repeat it.)

The same voices that stated above, “This is our planet,” now can be heard stating, “He’s out of control.” This is the anti-Superman crowd (set pics revealed people picketing against Superman) declaring, “This is our planet. [Superman] is out of control [something must be done].”

Lex Luthor continues with, “Devils don’t come from hell beneath us. They come from the sky.”

Between Luthor’s two statements, what sounds like an elderly man saying, “A brother warrior,” can be heard. More than likely, this is some sort of “priest” that is part of Superman’s army. Superman is their “brother warrior” in their fight against – whatever they feel Superman and themselves are fighting against.

Following Luthor stating “[Devils] come from the sky” the following image appears:


Superman is the devil from the sky. He is the false savior, the false god (at least Luthor is trying to convince people that). 

Another voice says: “The world has been so caught up in what he can do” – and then a closer look at the Superman statue is shown – with it questioned, “That no one has asked what he should do.”

This is more repetition of the savior theme: Should Superman be our savior and tell us what to do? Or for that matter: Should we be telling Superman what to do (referencing the end Man of Steel scene with General Swanwick where Superman tells him they will never control him).

The anti-Superman voices then chant,”Go home! Go home. Go home!” –  which means Superman (you alien) go home back to Krypton; with the following then shown:


And this is the end of the first half of the trailer, which introduced us to Superman being looked at as the bad guy (though we did apparently get two images of Superman “saving the day” in Russia and Mexico). 

Now it’s the Batman half of the trailer, which is kicked off by Jeremy Irons voice speaking as Alfred.

“That’s how it starts,” Alfred says, right before the above image goes black. 


We get our first look at Ben Affleck as Bruce Wayne. Now this is it, our first impressions are made from this image and what comes next. 

Alfred continues, “The fever. The rage.”

The camera zooms in on Bruce – “The feeling of powerlessness,” Alfred says.

Bruce is looking at the Batman costume:


Bruce Wayne felt powerless when he couldn’t stop his parents’ death. Batman gives him power (interesting: now that there is a super man, does that make Wayne again feel powerless?).

“That turns good men cruel,” Alfred concludes.

Alfred full words: “That’s how it starts. The fever. The rage. The feeling of powerlessness. That turns good men cruel.”

Now is this just a reference to Bruce Wayne? It probably can be looked at as a reference to how humanity is feeling as well, and especially Lex Luthor

The trailer then cuts away to the Superman shield “in 2016” image:




We then go into the following:

I believe this might be Wayne Manor. Set pics revealed that Bruce Wayne has been staying at a cabin or house by a lake. If it’s Wayne Manor, obviously it’s been vacated for a while as we see graffiti all over the place. Easter Eggs include the Riddler question mark, and maybe “Joe” is a reference to the Joker (Joe being an alias of the Joker in the comics).

Update: There is a Wonder Woman Easter Egg as well with “Aphrodite” (under the Riddler question mark) as Aphrodite was the creator of the Amazons and Wonder Woman. It’s also possible the above scene takes place at an abandoned subway station.


Next the following is shown:

I believe what is happening is that the flying object is a drone and not the Batwing. It’s a drone attacking some sort of warehouse on Gotham River. Of course, it could very well be the Batwing, and I’m wrong.

We then see the Batmobile for the first time:


The trailer makes it look as if the drone (or whatever) is firing on the Batmobile (maybe they did this intentionally to make us question whether it’s the Batwing above).


More of the Superman logo is shown leading to our first look at Ben Affleck as Batman:

It’s not a crystal clear image of Affleck as Batman, but Batman appears to “rising” from the “terror” and “chaos” (recall the above).


More Superman logo imagery is then shown taking us to:

Batman on top of the world.

We saw the earlier image of Superman in the sky, and now we see Batman in the sky. This represents the two being rivals and probably also that Gotham is Bruce Wayne’s city.

Remember what Luthor said? 

“Devils don’t come from hell beneath us. They come from the sky.”

Not only is Superman a devil, but Batman is another devil.

This represents, eventually, Lex Luthor against all the superheroes and the “dawn of justice” (the Justice League are devils, too).

We also see that Batman is holding a rifle, another nod to Miller’s The Dark Knight Returns, in which Batman uses a rifle to fire a grappling hook from one building to another.


We then see the Batman suit that Bruce uses to battle Superman.

It’s a rather interesting look. Not only is it borrowed from Frank Miller’s The Dark Knight Returns, but what is it telling us? More than likely, Batman is using some sort of night vision. Or is it possible that Batman knows Superman may be able to see different light spectrums – perhaps this is some sort of device that will cloak Batman or interfere with Superman’s vision? We see Batman is heavily armored. Is it made of some special material? Is it armor from the Kryptonians? Batman also appears to be wearing a cape (or maybe some sort of parachute device). Questions: Does Batman even know the extent of Superman’s powers? This appears to be their first meeting – is Batman even wearing this suit because of Superman or is this a chance encounter? Did Batman don the suit and purposely try to find Superman (perhaps creating some false emergency to lure him)?

Another question: Is this even a new suit for Batman? It appears already to be battle-damaged (this is a veteran Batman), and this appears to be first Batman/Superman encounter. This might just be Batman’s “heavy hitter” suit that he uses to take on the big bad villains (i.e. Killer Croc and such).


Batman is looking up in the air at a hovering Superman:

Recalling Luthor: “Devils don’t come from hell beneath us. They come from the sky.”


“Tell me,” Batman demands of Superman, leading to the following:

Look how small Batman looks. Look how small the human looks from the super man’s perspective.

“Do you bleed?” Batman asks.

Bruce Wayne’s voice is scrambled through a voice modulator (Arrow did it first!). Does Batman know about Superman’s super hearing? Or does Bruce Wayne always use a voice-changer when he is Batman (and then we never have to hear “swear to me” again!).

Bruce Wayne questioning, “Tell me. Do you bleed?” is an obvious reference to Superman being an alien as well as asking if he is a god (do gods bleed red?) and probably a reference to Shakespeare (“If you prick us, do we not bleed?”). 


Superman comes down to the ground.

Now this is another interesting image.

Here we see the back of Batman, with what appears to be the cape.

We see Superman has come down to Batman’s level – they are both no longer in the sky.

We see Superman has come down, yes, he is part of this world and humanity.

What do we also see?

It shows Superman kneeling before Batman. The trailer ends with Superman just about to get up, but not fully standing. I found it to be an interesting aspect as the other image showed the humans kneeling before Superman. Here at least, Superman, looks humble.



The trailer then goes dark, and Batman says, “You will.”

So Batman says: “Tell me. Do you bleed red? You Will.”

Them be fighting words!


“Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice” has a March 25, 2016 release starring Ben Affleck as Batman, Henry Cavill as Superman, Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman, Amy Adams as Lois Lane, Laurence Fishburne as Perry White, Diane Lane as Martha Kent, Jeremy Irons as Alfred, Jesse Eisenberg as Lex Luthor, Ray Fisher as Cyborg with Callan Mulvey, Holly Hunter and Tao Okamoto in new character roles for the film. Justice League is to follow directed by Zack Snyder as well.

Movie News

Thor 2’s Patty Jenkins To Direct Wonder Woman


Monday saw Michelle MacLaren drop out from directing the Wonder Woman due to creative differences, and now it’s learned Patty Jenkins has been brought on board to take over.

Patty Jenkins was at one time lined up to direct Thor 2, but in similar circumstances, left the Marvel movie over creative differences.

THR reports Jenkins has closed the deal for Wonder Woman with Warner Bros.

It’s said WB and Jenkins need to movie pretty fast to keep up with the 2017 Wonder Woman release date. As far as the script goes, it was previously said that MacLaren was heavily involved in its shaping, so it remains to be seen whether or not Jenkins will need to retool the script or even start over from scratch.

Jenkins saw directorial success with her debut movie starring Charlize Theron on Monsters and has done episodes of the AMC hit series The Killing.

Gal Gadot will star as Wonder Woman and be featured in the May 2016 Batman Vs. Superman.

Movie News

Angelina Jolie Said To Be Wanted For Wonder Woman & Captain Marvel


Update: Patty Jenkins is the new director for Wonder Woman.


With Michelle MacLaren dropping out of the Wonder Woman movie over creative differences with Warner Bros., now a new name has surfaced.

Collider is reporting Warner Bros. is eyeing Angelina Jolie for the job to direct Wonder Woman.

It’s also said Marvel is eyeing Jolie for Captain Marvel.

The problem is that – if Angelina Jolie would even want to – she would have to either pick one or the other as the two movies have close release dates.

Wonder Woman is due out in 2017 from WB, and Captain Marvel hits the following year in 2018.

Angelina Jolie has had critical success as of late with directing her movies Unbroken and In the Land of Blood and Honey and is supposed to direct Africa, which is said to star her husband Brad Pitt.

Jolie recently starred in Disney’s hit movie, Maleficient, which is spawing a sequel.

Obviously it seems both studios are wanting female directors for the movies, but Joss Whedon is now available as he’s taking a break following Avengers 2Whedon is known for his powerful portrayals of female characters and was even once attached to a Wonder Woman movie. Any chance he’s mended fences with WB? Whedon would definitely be a good pick for Captain Marvel.

Movie News

Lynda Carter Wants To Be Involved With New Wonder Woman Movie


Monday saw news that Michelle MacLaren had dropped out of the Wonder Woman movie due to “creative differences” with Warner Bros.

Now Lynda Carter has come out and stated she wants to be involved.

EW.com caught up with the former Wonder Woman where Lynda Carter offered the following:

“I would love to be involved in a creative position of it,” Carter said. “I know so much about what people want from it, I think, that just being as a consultant on a movie. I think it needs a woman.”

Carter also said she is excited to see the Wonder Woman movie continue, explained that “women understand women” and offered she hasn’t talked to the studio about any kind of involvement in the film, but that she may.

Lynda Carter also stated she would be open to a role in the Wonder Woman movie, but would like it to be more than a cameo.

Check out the audio clip below for more.

Gal Gadot is starring in the Wonder Woman film and will first appear in Batman Vs. Superman.

Scott Eastwood Rumor Steve Trevor
Movie News

x For Suicide Squad & Wonder Woman


Actor Scott Eastwood has been cast in the Suicide Squad movie where it was rumored the son of Clint Eastwood would be playing the lover interest to Wonder Woman, Steve Trevor.

However, in Variety‘s own report on the departure of director Michelle MacLaren from Wonder Woman, they state sources have filled them in that Eastwood is not playing Steve Trevor, but that WB is testing four other actors for the role for Wonder Woman.

The report makes no mention who Scott Eastwood could be playing in Suicide Squad (which more than likely also may mean he won’t have a role in Wonder Woman.)

Below you can check out an earlier interview with MTV where Eastwood was asked about Steve Trevor.

So with Eastwood potentially not playing Trevor, just who then?

Suicide Squad has an August 5, 2016 release directed by David Ayer.

Movie News

Michelle MacLaren Drops Out Of Directing Wonder Woman


The Wonder Woman movie has lost its director with Michelle MacLaren.

THR reports Michelle MacLaren and Warner Bros. have parted ways over “creative differences,” though no specifics are known at this time as to the reason.

“Given creative differences, Warner Bros. and Michelle MacLaren have decided not to move forward with plans to develop and direct Wonder Woman together,” Warner Bros. said in a statement.

Wonder Woman was to mark MacLaren’s directorial debut, with MacLaren known for being an experienced TV showrunner and director including having worked on episodes of Breaking Bad, Walking Dead, Game Of Thrones and Better Call Saul.

It’s also unknown if the change will affect the Wonder Woman release date, which is slated for 2017.

The report states MacLaren was hired in November after months of searching by Warner Bros. who was intentionally seeking a female director at the time. It’s also said that multiple Wonder Woman scripts were being developed of which MacLaren had been heavily involved with shaping.

No mention was made of potential replacements.

Gal Gadot is still set to star as Wonder Woman and does have a role in Batman Vs. Superman out 2016.

Movie News

Scott Eastwood Rumored For Wonder Woman’s Love Interest


While it has been confirmed Scott Eastwood will be featured in Suicide Squad, the son to actor Clint Eastwood’s role is currently unknown.

However, online speculation is leading to Scott Eastwood possibly playing Steve Trevor, who in the comics is the love interest to Wonder Woman.

The new DC Comics have Steve Trevor and Amanda Waller discussing the Amazons, with Trevor serving as a goverment liason to the Amazons as well. Steve Trevor has also been attached to various groups including ARGUS, Team 7 and Justice League Of America.

“I’m doing a movie up there called Suicide Squad,” Eastwood confirmed to Canada’s eTalk, as the film is shooting in Toronto. “I can’t tell you anything. It’s all under shhhh.”

Suicide Squad” has an August 5, 2016 release date directed by David Ayer starring Will Smith as Deadshot, Jared Leto as the Joker, Margot Robbie as Harley Quinn, Cara Delevingne as Enchantress, Jai Courtney as Boomerang, Joel Kinnaman as Rick Flag, and Viola Davis is playing Amanda Waller.

Movie News

Gal Gadot Talks Wonder Woman Criticism & Powers


Gal Gadot will first be featured in Batman Vs. Superman prior to her Wonder Woman standalone movie and Justice League.

Gadot, who previously had roles in the Fast and Furious movies, is more known for being an Israeli supermodel, which is what caused a lot of controversy amongst the hardcore fans.

When Gadot was announced as Wonder Woman, some on the internet complained she was too skinny for the role.

Now in a new interview, Gal Gadot responds to the critcism (via robotunderdog).

I’m really lucky nothing in my life was instantaneous. When I was younger I would take criticism really hard. But now it mostly amused me. The true amazons had one boob so it won’t bother them in their archery. So it’s not going to be like real amazons. We always try to make everyone happy but we can’t.

Gadot continues by commenting on the fact that her breast size became a matter of international discussion.

No. After they asked me here, In Israel, if I have eating disorders and why am I so skinny, they said my head was too big and my body was like a broomstick I can take anything. It’s just empty talk. I understand that part of what I’m doing means being exposed. And part of being exposed is being under fire (criticism).

The actress also recounts how she leared she got the part. 

I never had to wait so long for a reply. It was a month and a half of torture. It was a crazy roller-coaster. I couldn’t talk about it to anyone. On the day they promised a reply I was flying to NY for another gig. When the plane landed I saw I had a lot of missed calls. I called my agent still sitting in the plane with the belt on. She told me ‘ Congratulations! You got the part.’ During the flight I set next to a really nice man. A scientist from The Weizmann Institute of Science. He talked the entire flight about quantum physics. Now, imagine me, sitting on the plane, looking for a little piece of privacy, burring my head between my legs and starting to scream ‘Oh my god!’ again and again, because I just can’t believe it. Then I hang up the phone and he looks at me like ‘what just happened?’ and asks if everything is alright. I tell him ‘ I can’t really say anything but you will probably read about it tomorrow in the paper.‘

Gadot also mentions Wonder Woman’s powers, where she says Wonder Woman doesn’t fly. 

She has unbelievable endurance. She is exceptionally strong. She can jump really high and practically fly. She know tons of martial arts styles. She is a strong and serious Woman.

Check out the latest pics of Gal Gadot from her official Facebook page:





“Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice” has a March 25, 2016 release starring Ben Affleck as Batman, Henry Cavill as Superman, Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman, Amy Adams as Lois Lane, Laurence Fishburne as Perry White, Diane Lane as Martha Kent, Jeremy Irons as Alfred, Jesse Eisenberg as Lex Luthor, Ray Fisher as Cyborg with Callan Mulvey, Holly Hunter and Tao Okamoto in new character roles for the film. Justice League is to follow directed by Zack Snyder as well.

Movie News

Arrow & Flash Cast Talk DC Movies

The cast of Arrow and The Flash attended PaleyFest where a pair of super cool trailer was released.

Clevver Movies YouTube also managed to ask the cast which of the DC movies they were most looking forward to.

John Barrowman offers when he was younger Aquaman was his fantasy, with Paul Blackthorne adding, “Oh, yeah. Me, too.” Barrowman then jokes, “I bet. He’s such a liar,” and offers a story about his husband, Scott: “I joke with [him] all the time that I’m going to give him an Aquaman outfit that he can swim around in the swimming pool with, but we’ll just leave it at that.”

Jesse L. Martin also likes Aquaman: “Jason Momoa is the man. And the picture they showed – it’s nothing at all like I thought Aquaman would look like, but it’s still really cool. Like really, really cool.”

Check out more above.

Marvel Movie News Star Wars

Watch: Patton Oswalt Rips The DC Movies A New One (Video)

It should probably be noted before you watch the above that Patton Oswalt plays a Marvel character(s) in Marvel’s Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D. 

Of course that doesn’t man he’s biased, as Patton Oswalt answers fan questions ranging from his thoughts on Spider-Man entering the Marvel Cinematic Universe, to the new Star Wars, to a Matrix/Terminator/Robocop movie, to ripping apart the gritty and serious tone of the new DC movies, to favorite comic book movie, and the superhero he would like to play.

The DC rant hits at about the 4 minute mark.

“God damn it guys,” Oswalt offered. “Stop with the brooding! The only one who gets to brood is Batman! It only works if he’s the one brooding guy! They can’t all be brooding! God damn it.”

Related: Robert Kirkman, creator of The Walking Dead, also isn’t a fan of DC’s approach.

Comic Book News

DC Teaming With Fans For World Record Costume Event


WB Consumer Products and DC are teaming up with fans to set the world record for most people dressed as DC Comics super heroes in a 24 hour period.

Cities around the globe are participating in the DC Comics Super Hero World Record Event including Birmingham, Cardiff, Kaohsiung, Lille, London, Los Angeles, Lyon, Madrid, Manila, Mexico City, Paris, Queensland, Rome, Sao Paulo and Warrington.

The DC Comics Super Hero World Record Event – to take place on April 18, 2015 – will kick off in Queensland, Australia with a celebration at Movie World Australia theme park, and come to a commemorative close in Los Angeles, CA, USA at Hollywood & Highland.

“Warner Bros. Consumer Products is thrilled to team up with partners around the world to set the world record for the most people dressed as DC Comics Super Heroes,” said Brad Globe, President, Warner Bros. Consumer Products. “We invite fans of all ages to come out for this exciting family event and don their capes, cowls and masks to represent their favorite DC Comics Super Hero.”

At each event, fans dressed as DC Comics Super Heroes will gather to celebrate with interactive games and activities inspired by the famed world of DC Comics before formally attempting to set the world record. The DC Comics Super Hero World Record Event cities unveiled today, include:

· Birmingham, UK

· Cardiff, UK

· Kaohsiung, Taiwan

· Lille, France

· London, UK

· Los Angeles, CA, USA

· Lyon, France

· Madrid, Spain

· Manila, Philippines

· Mexico City, Mexico

· Paris, France

· Queensland, Australia

· Rome, Italy

· Sao Paulo, Brazil

· Warrington, UK

To participate in setting this heroic world record, DC Comics fans must dress from head-to-toe as an instantly recognized Super Hero that has been featured in a DC Comics published book, television program or film. The DC Comics Super Hero universe includes Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, The Flash, Green Lantern, Batgirl, Supergirl, Aquaman, Cyborg, Robin, Green Arrow, and many more. Both homemade costumes as well as official costumes from licensees and official event retail partners will be considered as long as they are a full representation of the Super Hero and are as close to the original DC Comics’ Super Hero’s costume as possible.

The world record will be set once fans gather in the assigned area at each local event and stay there for a full five minutes to be counted towards the record. WBCP will be working closely with retail and licensing partners in each market to offer exclusive merchandise, promotional support and more, to bring fans this exciting global event in each participating city.

Leading up to the one-day event, WBCP and DCE, together with local sponsors and organizers, will present DC Comics’ most ardent fans with the opportunity to demonstrate their fandom by entering into various photo contests and sweepstakes, including the “Best Super Hero Post” photo contest and the “Best Super Hero Photo Bomb” contest. DC Comics enthusiasts will also be able to compare and preview their costumes with a “Costume Preview Polling” contest presented by event organizers on social media. Follow #DCWorldRecord on Facebook and Twitter for more information on the contests.

For more information about the DC Comics Super Hero World Record Event, visit https://www.facebook.com/DCComicsWorldRecord


Comic Book News

Now Wonder Woman Gets A New Costume

Add Wonder Woman to the list of changes following Convergence, as a new costume for the Amazonian princess debuts.

Check out the cover and solicit below for June’s Wonder Woman #41.

Speaking of changes, DC is going with an all-new Batman, Superman gets a hair cut, the GLC get lost and Kyle Rayner gets murdered.

Art and cover by DAVID FINCH and 
On sale JUNE 17 • 32 pg, FC, $3.99 US RATED T
Retailers: This issue will ship with two covers. Please see the order form for details.
A daring new direction begins with the arrival of a brand-new villain! But while he may be new to us, he’s not new to the world he seeks to tame. And speaking of villains, Donna Troy’s quest to destroy Wonder Woman ratchets up another gear (if that’s even possible!), while the games of the Gods bring dark portents to the ultimate Amazon!


(via Hit Fix)

Movie News

Gal Gadot Getting Into Shape For Wonder Woman


Check out some new images of Gal Gadot.

While the pics are not specifically from her training for Wonder Woman – it’s an ad campaign for Castro – the images do appear to reveal some muscle tone.

Gadot has been under fire from fans and critics citing her supermodel figure is too skinny for the role of Wonder Woman.

It’s unknown if Gadot will appear as Wonder Woman in Batman Vs. Superman or just as her alter-ego Diana, which may not require her to be beefed up all that much.

Justice League is still a couple of years away, so she has plenty of time to add some additional muscle. I’m guessing she won’t look like a Gina Carano or Ronda Rousey, but just be more tone (she has a supermodel career after all).

Hopefully these latest images aren‘t photoshopped too much.

(via nana10)



“Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice” has a March 25, 2016 release starring Ben Affleck as Batman, Henry Cavill as Superman, Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman, Amy Adams as Lois Lane, Laurence Fishburne as Perry White, Diane Lane as Martha Kent, Jeremy Irons as Alfred, Jesse Eisenberg as Lex Luthor, Ray Fisher as Cyborg with Callan Mulvey, Holly Hunter and Tao Okamoto in new character roles for the film. Justice League is to follow directed by Zack Snyder as well.

Movie News

Gal Gadot Wonder Woman Movie Begins Filming This Fall


It’s learned the Wonder Woman movie set to star Gal Gadot will begin filming in the Fall.

In their report about Gadot’s next possible movie, Keeping Up With The Joneses, Deadline states Gal Gadot will play Wonder Woman in Batman Vs. Superman and then films Wonder Woman in the fall. 

The Wonder Woman movie has a 2017 release directed by Michelle MacLaren, with Gal Gadot also set to star in the Justice League Part 1 movie that same year.

Check out the latest pics of Gal Gadot that she posted on her official Facebook:




“Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice” has a March 25, 2016 release starring Ben Affleck as Batman, Henry Cavill as Superman, Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman, Amy Adams as Lois Lane, Laurence Fishburne as Perry White, Diane Lane as Martha Kent, Jeremy Irons as Alfred, Jesse Eisenberg as Lex Luthor, Ray Fisher as Cyborg with Callan Mulvey, Holly Hunter and Tao Okamoto in new character roles for the film. Justice League is to follow directed by Zack Snyder as well.

Movie News

DCU Online Amazon Fury Part II Launch Trailer

Check out the trailer for DCU Online‘s Amazon Fury Part II, which is now available for PC, PS3 and PS4.

In DCUO’s 13th DLC pack, players face unparalleled challenges as they journey to the Underworld, face the Gods and tackle new missions, Operations and Raids.   


Amazon Fury Part II marks the debut appearance in DC Universe Online of Ares (God of War), Hades (God of the Underworld), Cerberus and more from Greek mythology.

DCUO’s 13th DLC features a diverse array of content, introducing both new single and multiplayer adventures:

Three Eight-Player Raids – Halls of Hades, Labyrinth of Lost Souls and Throne of the Dead

One Elite Eight-Player Raid – An elite version of Throne of the Dead will be available for players seeking a greater challenge

Two Four-Player Operations – Act of Defiance and Return to the Nexus

One Single-Player mission – Heroes and Villains will be tasked with an important single-player mission in the open-world, Gotham Under Siege version of Gotham City

Amazon Fury Part II includes new player rewards, such as themed base items, feats and collections, eight new skill points and new player gear inspired by Wonder Woman and Circe.  

STORYLINE: The Amazon War rages on and ventures from the mortal realm through the gates of the Underworld. Upon arrival, players will brave the depths and battle alongside Wonder Woman or Circe, as they come face to face with powerful Gods — Ares and Hades. Epic mythical beasts like Cerebus will test players’ resolve as they unravel the mysteries behind the Amazon Queen, Hippolyta.

“With Amazon Fury Part II, we’ve created some of the most immersive content to date in DC Universe Online. The overall design and implementation of mechanics, especially across the three new raids, offer dynamic experiences that will make each replay feel brand new. I’m extremely proud of the work from the team, as it is some of the game’s most compelling content yet.” – Jens Andersen, Senior Creative Director, DC Universe Online.

AMAZON FURY PART I REFRESHER: In the first part of the Amazon Fury trilogy, Hippolyta blamed the mortal world for Brainiac’s attack on Paradise Island. The Queen of the Amazons led a counterstrike against Gotham with her new ally, Circe, forcing her own daughter, Wonder Woman, to rally an army of Amazons to defend the people of Gotham City and try to help Hippolyta see reason.

DCUO’s Amazon Fury Part II DLC is available as a free download for Members and for purchase by non-members via the PlayStation Network, the in-game Marketplace, or for PC players via the DCUniverseOnline.com website.

Comic Book News

Now Wonder Woman Eats Rocket Raccoon In Justice League 3000

Detective Chimp was recently seen with a Rocket Raccoon message on his T-shirt, and now Wonder Woman has a Rocket-sized snack in the latest issue of Justice League 3000 #13.

Interestingly enough, Rocket Raccon was co-created by Justice League 3000 writer Keith Giffen, who brought the character back in Annihilation Conquest: Star Lord mini.

Following Giffen’s departure from Marvel, it was Marvel Editor Bill Rosemann who single handedly picked out Rocket Raccoon to be on DnA’s Guardians of the Galaxy.


(via reddit)

Marvel Movie News Reviews

Who Leads DC’s and Marvel’s Cinematic Realities?

Divergent Adaptation

Who Leads DC’s and Marvel’s Cinematic Realities?

By Lawrence Napoli


Ah!  What a great time to be a fan of comics and movies.  The cinematic creation of characters once thought far too larger than life to portray on the silver screen due to the limitations of technology has become one of (if not the best of) the marquee staples of Americana Pop Culture in recent years.  Comic book film adaptations have not only set this country on fire, but they have been fascinating the global audience as well, and it shows at the box office.  Those who know DC and Marvel as comic book companies primarily know them for their characters, fewer know them by the individuals that created their respective icons and fewer still know them for the writers and artists that make their characters relevant today.  Regardless of where the comic book industry has been financially from the distant past and/or recent past, there is no question that the movement of Hollywood adaptations of super-heroes continues to be a boom for everyone that owns the rights.  So if these films are so popular and continue to boost the visibility of various franchises, which individual is ultimately responsible?


We know Christopher Nolan masterminded The Dark Knight Trilogy, we know Joss Whedon is behind Avenger films as well as Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., we know that Robert Downey Jr. is Iron Man, and we know that Bat-Fleck is happening for Batman vs. Superman or World’s Finest or [insert title here] and we know that both companies are aiming at an expanded universe where their respective characters coexist in an ever-evolving reality.  But who’s really in command?  Who’s bringing it all together?  Sure, all the businesses involved with super-hero adaptations each have their nameless-faceless board of directors that are held responsible for decisions by their stock holders, but the choice to go in one direction or the other, veto power, day to day operations, coordination, communication and unification of this cellular network of films is being made by real individuals.  These individuals bridge the gap between the corporate conglomerate and the artists of production.  Without their knowledge of the material, business savvy, political skills and organizational aptitude, none of these films get made – or rather, none of these films get made well.  These people are the most responsible for pleasing (or inciting) fanboys and girls around the world, and they are also the first to be fired or rewarded when the receipts are all tallied up.


Marvel’s man is Kevin Feige.  He got his start as an associate producer for the first X-Men film due to his extensive knowledge of the Marvel Universe and has gone on to produce virtually every Marvel character adaptation since 2000: Sam Raimi’s Spider-Man trilogy, Daredevil, the X-Men trilogy, The Punisher, Blade: Trinity, Elektra, both Fantastic Four films as well as all of Marvel’s recent Avenger “Phase X” films.  We could debate the merits and failings of each and every one of these films, but they all (basically) made money and were obviously successful enough for those doing the hiring to continue to involve Feige at the highest level of decision-making for film production.  Simply glancing at his résumé suggests that Feige was thinking about birthing a unified cinematic reality for Marvel’s characters long ago, and he would be one of the few individuals to have enough production experience to think about its creation in practical terms.  When Iron Man was released in 2008, this theory took its first steps into reality.  Despite the fact that the screenplay was written by the collective of Mark Fergus, Hawk Ostby, Art Marcum and Matt Holloway, it was this film’s post credit scene that paved the way for The Avengers.  This must be attributed to Kevin Feige because none of Iron Man’s writers have gone on to be involved with any level of production for any subsequent Marvel film. 


Of course, the eventual wunderkind that would be Marvel’s Avengers was only a glimmer in the eye of anyone who knew Nick Fury and what “The Avengers Initiative” could possibly represent.  But it was also beyond a foregone conclusion for Feige himself because there was no public knowledge of contractual obligation for franchise expansion in any direction outside of Robert Downey Jr. which meant nothing more than more Iron Man films.  Who knows what was really agreed to behind closed doors (and at what point in time?), but the future teasing in the post credits of The Incredible Hulk (2008), Thor (2009), Iron Man 2 (2009) and Captain America: The First Avenger (2011) continued to prove in each film that audiences liked the interconnectivity of these (seemingly) unrelated plots and characters.  In many ways, the teases overshadowed the fact that all of these films from different directors and writing teams were successful by themselves, but had they not been, fewer would care about any sort of unification.  One of Kevin Feige’s best attributes as a leader in this industry is the respect and courtesy he shows for the writers, directors, cast and crew he works with and has done so with the “Phase 1” films.  More often than not, studio execs will throw their weight around to the point that it denigrates the production, but Feige is constantly credited (most notably by Joss Whedon) for providing leadership and direction without slapping on the creative shackles.

Introducing a massive franchise like The Avengers has proven to be successful in being introduced a bit at a time to audiences in a crescendo that built towards a pretty standard-issue “alien invasion of Earth” scenario, but let’s be frank.  The whole movie could have been the Avengers going out for shwarma and people would still have fan-gasmed because there they are: all together.  Big name actors playing big name characters and all in the same movie is a huge deal and completely beyond the minds of studio executives of yesteryear.  Feige organized this effort between multiple films as intuitively as possible and as practically as possible. Simply acknowledging their existence in the same space as in “by the way, this too is happening over here,” is much less maintenance than designing a complex plot from the very first film as the “unifying force.”  This too might have worked, but would unnecessarily marry one film to the other and the problems experienced in one might be inherited by a future production. 


Yes, that’s right; I’m talking about the Ed Norton recast for the Dr. Banner/Hulk character.  This situation is one likely reason for the audience not having seen a second Hulk film prior to The Avengers, and recasting a major role could have been a significant monkey wrench to the gears of this unified franchise. Who knows if that problem was ultimately money, politics or ego; the man was replaced by Mark Ruffalo, and he did a great job.  Had Ruffalo whiffed, we’d all be hearing no end of it from every critic working in every media outlet in the Western world.  I like Ruffalo as an actor, but I didn’t really have an opinion of him replacing Norton other than I’d rather have established continuity maintained, but The Avengers film put the actor into many successful opportunities for the audience to like his Banner to the point that this recast has been practically forgotten.  This is thanks to Joss Whedon, who in turn thanks Feige, who was knee-deep in the Norton situation, and their combined efforts made the necessary adjustments in the subsequent film to reconcile everything.  That’s some uncharacteristically efficient leadership in Hollywood which is known for dragging its feet through the political muck of “creative differences.”  Kevin Feige may be the unifying force for the Avengers Initiative, but he shows his leadership almost every day with interviews and public appearances and whenever people have questions, he has answers.  I’m not sure his position as President of Marvel Studios requires him to do this, but his visibility and confidence suggests a master plan at work.


So what about DC?  They have every bit the intriguing roster of characters as Marvel and (so far) have demonstrated an equally high dedication to enlist big Hollywood names and attach them to franchise pillars for multiple films.  This seems to be carbon-copied right out of Marvel’s playbook, but casting news for the Man of Steel sequel and its elusive title is evidence that the strategy for introducing its characters in a unified reality to audiences will be taking a completely different approach than Marvel Studios.  It remains to be seen if audiences will buy into this strategy or not because the first film hasn’t been made, but who’s there to answer that question?  Who’s there to lay our insecurities to rest?   This person was a tad more difficult to track down due to the fact that this DC movement is only in its infant stages and the only news out there to comment on is a growing cast for a film years from completion.  At first I looked at the closest corporate counterpart to Kevin Feige.  Diane Nelson is President of DC Entertainment and President & Chief Content Officer of Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment.  According to DC’s website, “Nelson is charged with leading the efforts to fully realize the power and value of DC Entertainment’s rich portfolio of stories and characters, including such cultural icons as Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman, across all media and platforms.”


First, I’d like to point out the order in which “DC’s icons” are placed as per Nelson’s title description (yep, Batman is #1).  Second, her title and description sounds like someone ideal in bridging the gap between the comic book people and the movie making people, right?  As it turns out, someone established more firmly on the Warner Bros. side of the equation will be overseeing DC’s adaptation expansion.  He is Greg Silverman the President of Creative Development and Worldwide Production for Warner Bros. and according to the WB’s website, “In this role, he has full oversight of Warner Bros. Pictures’ development activities, global production and budget.”  He began in Hollywood as a lowly craft services worker for indy films but eventually became an assistant at Tri-Star and Mandeville Films and eventually a production executive at Mad Chance.  He got his start at Warner Bros. in 1997 being a junior production executive for The Matrix, A Perfect Murder and Cats & Dogs.  WB credits him for “shepherding” the success of 300 (2006), The Dark Knight (2008), The Hangover (2009), and Inception (2010).

Silverman’s visibility is still on the low end with only his interview with Variety being his major public comments regarding “Batman vs. Superman?” and/or the franchise moving forward in which he addresses several concerns.


Regarding Ben Affleck:

“We knew going in that we had more information than the general public had.  We knew what the take of the movie was; we knew what the character was going to be.  We don’t take these decisions lightly.  We thought about everybody – brand new people, established people.  Ben is the perfect guy to play this role.”

Regarding Batman and Superman’s interaction:

“They both will be wearing suits, there are capes involved, there will be action, there will be excitement.”

Regarding Wonder Woman:

“Wonder Woman is an amazing character.  I think it’s a great opportunity both for box office success, but also to have an amazingly powerful female superhero.” 


Again, I note that this is merely the beginning for DC adapted unification and based on that, Silverman seems to be saying all the right things so far.  Nothing’s too committal, nothing’s specific and everything is going to turn out all right.  It’s your standard politician or rather, executive response.  If however, one is looking for a more personalized commentary regarding this next production, Zack Snyder is your man and has been at every stage of this production because every cast member revealed thus far has been a hot button topic.  Personally, I don’t care for some of the decisions that have been made so far, but I do respect Snyder stepping up to the plate when it really isn’t, technically, his job to do so.  When I first started hearing Snyder defend Affleck, I wondered if Snyder was the guy who really had all the answers or if he was just simply the only guy that had any authority in this new DC filmic reality to date.  If Silverman has been in place prior to Man of Steel and Snyder’s involvement moving forward will only be related to Superman related films then the latter is true and Snyder was the only one at the time to face the firing squad of public scrutiny.  If, however, Zack Snyder’s role expands to even that of a producer for any additional DC ancillary films, the significance of Greg Silverman as an individual directing this movement is greatly diminished and the true maestro will be revealed.

As a fan of movies and comics, I could care less about who’s making what call in regards to which movie, but I do care about seeing good movies, and I care even more when I see bad ones (especially when the potential was there for greatness).  If things go well, the right individuals ought to be praised.  If not … well you know what happens then.  So far, DC’s and WB’s leadership is feeling itself out and being only so forthcoming with the details this early, and that’s as it should be.  However, it still feels like this whole thing rests on Zack Snyder’s shoulders and many out there have him and Goyer fitted for pine boxes (figuratively, of course) should all of these interesting production and casting choices result in what is assumed to be a sub-standard envisioning of the Dark Knight and the Blue Boy Scout getting their hero on in the same movie.  Studio exec’s (unlike Kevin Feige) that stay out of the limelight tend to reap rewards with zero risk because their association with given productions is obscured.  I think Greg Silverman would be doing his own projects and people a big favor by getting out there a little more and putting on the best face he can to charm the pants off some reporters.  Then, if in two years time, whether Batman vs. Superman booms or busts, no one will accuse him personally of not making a better effort to sell the film.  But again, maybe this is what separates the Kevin Feiges from the Greg Silvermans?  It’s not for me to tell him how to run his business, but I don’t want him to fail, I don’t want this franchise to fail, and I certainly don’t want this film to fail.  The Justice League can be every bit as amazing as The Avengers.


That being said, here is where I personally stand in regards to this Batman vs. Superman film as of 2/8/2014.  This is my unlucky 7:

1) I don’t like most of the cast decisions regarding the newcomers to this franchise.  Everyone returning from Man of Steel is fine and Jeremy Irons couldn’t mess up Alfred even if he showed up completely drunk and high for every day of principal photography (that would sure be a different take on Mr. Pennyworth).

2) I think Henry Cavil is being done a great disservice by having to play second fiddle to a bigger actor and a better character in Bat-Fleck for the sequel that used to be his franchise.

3) I think another chapter in Superman’s tale (solo) would have done more to establish the perils of this new DC cinematic universe than teasing the rest of the Justice League sooner than later.

4) I think Warner Bros. studio executives are forcing this massive cameo extravaganza prematurely because they see the X-Men franchise doing it for 20th Century Fox and the Spider-Man franchise doing it for Sony Pictures – and they want that money ASAP!


5) If someone were to describe Jesse Eisenberg’s character based on the fact he’s playing it and how he’ll be a tattooed skinhead that will “earn” his wealth and intelligence on the mean streets of Metropolis, there’s no way I would have guessed him to play Lex Luthor.  Every previous manifestation of that character is much higher status than that of a street thug – and then there’s the whole Jesse Eisenberg is playing a street thug, thing (editor’s note: rumored).

6) With each new development, I lose more and more interest with this franchise because decisions are seemingly being made just for the sake of being different: different from Marvel, different from its comic book roots, different from Tim Burton, Chris Nolan and Richard Donner.  

7) I would reiterate Kevin Feige’s advice to the DC/WB powers that be in regards to their adaptation movement and that is: “have confidence in the characters, believe in the source material, don’t be afraid to stay true to all of the elements of the characters no matter how seemingly silly or crazy they are.”  

Movie News

Review: Justice League #5

Destruction rains down wherever the eye can see. Creatures from another world soar through the air, causing chaos to the very fabric of the earth. All this, the pain, the suffering, is being done on the breath of a single name — Darkseid!

Johns and Lee pit our newly formed heroes against one of the greatest foes the world has ever seen! And the victor in this malevolent battle — the reader!

I must say, that between Lee and his bevy of inkers and colorists, this is the best work he has put out to date. Not only beautiful, it is explosive and fluid — creating page after page of pure excitement! If this book doesn’t get your pulse pounding — you’re dead inside!

Not to be outdone by his artistic counterpart, Geoff Johns creates a tale that is brimming with action and yet, focuses in on select characters of the team to further enhance who they are. Yes, we all know these characters, but Johns brings new niches to their iconic status. He makes them fresh and energetic for not only new fans, but for all fans of these beloved characters. I personally appreciate that Johns does not set these heroes up as the near omnipotent Justice League that they will become. Remember, this story takes place five years in the past, this team is actually forming before your eyes and Johns makes their partnership faulty at best. But, it is the lack of leadership, even teamwork, that makes this book so well done. Plus, Johns has made Green Lantern one of the cockiest S.O.B.’s around, and yet, he gets pummeled EVERY issue! Brilliant stuff! 

The alien, the amazon, the cyborg, the king, the lightning bolt, the hotshot and the human; all heroes in their own right, must finally learn to depend on others to topple this unstoppable force set before them — before it’s too late! An amazing book, full of velocity, ferocious action and whip smart tenacity; this one should sit proudly atop your pull list. Pull up a chair and watch Hal Jordan break! Too bad it wasn’t Ryan Reynolds instead!

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