Captain America

Movie News

Spider-Man Marvel Deal Said To Have Gone Through


A new report has hit the net stating, again, that Spider-Man and Marvel are a done deal.

The latest comes from Latino Review who speculates at length about the future of the Marvel Studios movies.

Among their guess work is a tidbit that Spider-Man will be in Avengers: Infinity Wars Part 1.

Their report may contain a few spoilers, but it’s nothing you haven’t read on any of the fan message boards or heard before.

It’s also again stated that Andrew Garfield is out, and Marvel will be recasting Spider-Man.

Spider-Man first returning to Marvel became known through leaked Sony executive e-mails as a result of a hack by North Korea.

The hacked e-mails revealed that Marvel and Sony have been in talks for Spider-Man to possibly be featured in Captain America: Civil War. It was revealed Marvel wanted a new actor as Spider-Man in addition to a new costume. Sony would still retain certain rights and would be able to create standalone Spider-Man movies of their own. Further e-mails revealed that if Spider-Man did go back to Marvel, Sony would fast-track a new Spider-Man movie following Captain America 3.

It was also reported that Sony was holding a Spider-Man Summit this month to finalize the details.

Neither Sony nor Marvel have commented on Spider-Man as of yet.

Update: Sony has stated the rumor has “no validity whatsoever.”

Update #2: A possible Spider-Man Avengers Infinity War teaser has surfaced.

Movie News

Captain America 3 Films In April Worldwide


Captain America: Civil War starts filming this April for its May 6, 2016 release.

While appearing on a Chicago radio show to promote his latest movie, Black or White, Anthony Mackie is asked by fellow co-star Kevin Costner where Captain America 3 is filming.

“Puerto Rico, Berlin and Atlanta,” Mackie replied.

Mackie also said to expect a lot of action.

“There is going to be a lot of flying and fighting for five about months.”

Captain America: Civil War will see Mackie back as The Falcon and also stars Chris Evans as Captain America and Steve Rogers, Robert Downey Jr. as Tony Stark and Iron Man, and Chadwick Boseman as T’Chall aka The Black Panther.

You can watch the video below for more from Anthony Mackie and Kevin Costner:

Movie News

New The Avengers 2 Image With Chris Hemsworth, Robert Downey Jr. & Chris Evans


Check out a new image above from The Avengers 2 featuring Chris Hemsworth as Thor, Robert Downey Jr. as Tony Stark and Chris Evans as Captain America Steve Rogers.

Marvel recently announced the new trailer for The Avengers 2 will air Monday, January 12th on EPSN.

The trailer will debut during the first College Football Playoff National Championship game, which kicks off at 8:30 p.m. EST. 

Here is the promo for that:

“The Avengers: Age Of Ultron” hits May 1, 2015 directed by Joss Whedon starring Robert Downey Jr., Chris Evans, Chris Hemsworth, Scarlett Johansson, Mark Ruffalo, Jeremy Renner, Samuel L. Jackson, Elizabeth Olsen as Scarlet Witch, Aaron Taylor-Johnson as Quicksilver, Paul Bettany as Vision, with James Spader as Ultron.


When Tony Stark tries to jumpstart a dormant peacekeeping program, things go awry and Earth’s Mightiest Heroes, including Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, The Incredible Hulk, Black Widow and Hawkeye, are put to the ultimate test as the fate of the planet hangs in the balance. As the villainous Ultron emerges, it is up to The Avengers to stop him from enacting his terrible plans, and soon uneasy alliances and unexpected action pave the way for an epic and unique global adventure.

The Avengers 2 Extended Trailer:

Movie News Reviews

Review: Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014)

Holy ‘Merica!

A Film Review of Captain America: The Winter Soldier

By Lawrence Napoli



As we approach the end of the Phase 2 Marvel Studio films, we see an upward trend in the quality of these individual blockbusters which continue to prime an already rabid (and ever expanding) fan base for Avengers: The Age of Ultron.  Captain America’s second installment is a very well balanced action/adventure that ups the intensity in hand-to-hand combat, gunplay and vehicle stunts without its plot degenerating into a half baked Die Hard sequel that should never have seen the light of day.  If Hollywood sees fit to add the month of April as the new starting point for the parade of summer blockbusters, then I couldn’t pick a better film in The Winter Soldier to thaw us all out of this chilly “Spring” as quickly as humanly (or in this case, superhumanly) possible.

The story, by itself, is one that several war, action and science-fiction films have addressed a multitude of times in the past: How much security does the world need at the expense of liberty?  This will forever be a hot button issue for humanity as the military industrial complex continues to proliferate and specialize into increased automation which dehumanizes the task of enacting security, allowing those in power to make drastic choices efficiently without the burden of diplomacy, ethics or morality.  Obviously, the difference is we’re seeing this dilemma unfold in the Marvel Universe with its most iconic soldier thrust into the epicenter, but let’s be frank, we’ve seen this before.  It becomes quite clear that an organization as powerful as S.H.I.E.L.D. isn’t content with simply cleaning up any messes The Avengers leave behind, let alone sitting on the bench when it comes to “protecting the planet.” 

I like how the script continued to touch upon Cap’s “man out of time” theme while the character entered this personal conflict between following orders and simply doing the right thing, but then we all saw how upset Steve Rogers got at Nick Fury in The Avengers when that whole Tesseract WMD project was revealed.  Personal connection, trust and a moral compass are the things that drive Captain America to have a mission in the first place.  Without them, even regular men would begin to find difficulty in being soldiers, police or any security personal with the power of using lethal force to maintain order.  As a result, the audience is taken on a journey that sees Steve Rogers develop as a leader not just as a combatant, but as a tactician and an inspiration.  I only wish the story had time to shed this kind of light on Black Widow, Falcon and Nick Fury, but alas, Cap had some serious character maturation going on here, and it demanded just about every minute.

If all you really care about these individual Avenger films is checking out some kick-ass action, The Winter Soldier absolutely has your back with high quality special and visual effects, explosions, but most importantly fight choreography.  Captain America doesn’t fly, shoot lightning or steps on his opposition, but he does punch and kick and throw his shield with improbable accuracy, and it is the speed at which the camera captures it that makes it impressive.  Every close quarter combat sequence masterfully blends ballet-like strikes and counter-strikes with gut wrenching brutality.  There are several moments during fight sequences when the camera gets in a little too close and stays there for the duration of each conflict that it might get too blurry for some in the audience to maintain who’s who and what exactly just happened, but I didn’t find this too problematic.  There are enough moments when the camera pulls back to let you catch a breath in order to appreciate the impact of the action, but close-ups and quick cuts will forever be the director’s best friends when it comes to capturing stunt actors doing what they do best as opposed to faking it with lead actors hooked up to wire rigs yanking them all over the place.  I also really enjoyed how weapons were incorporated into every fight.  Pistols, machine guns, knives and of course, the shield, are in constant use and showcased at every conceivable range from far out to in your face.

The performance of the cast as a whole is without any glaring deficiency, but also without an absolute standout akin to the signature eccentricity of a Robert Downey Jr. or the charisma of a Chris Hemsworth or Tom Hiddleston.  For instance, all of the supporting characters that return from previous Avenger appearances retain their previously established reliability.  Samuel L. Jackson is still a bad-ass Nick Fury; Scarlett Johansson is still a sexy, innuendo-dropping Black Widow, and Cobie Smulders is a no-nonsense and businesslike Maria Hill.  In their defense, none of these actors are really given huge opportunities to give the audience something new, but the plot puts a noticeable dent in the mythos of this fictional world that I would have appreciated a more significant shift in character status from all these actors.  Anthony Mackie provides a successful integration into the world of the Avengers as a solid sidekick in Falcon, but his scenes as regular guy Sam Wilson are much more compelling and provide some golden nuggets of dramatic chemistry with Chris Evans.

The villains are not much to write home about because the real “villain” happens to be the flawed system/philosophy behind contemporary global security/control.  But Cap needs to punch someone in the face, and Sebastian Stan gets ripped to go toe-to-toe with the Star Spangled Man.  He also gets very proficient with a consistent death glare he sends everyone he shares any screen time with because his character has precious little dialogue to speak of.  Robert Redford’s Alexander Pierce was more than I was expecting when compared to Ben Kingsley’s hilarious, yet ultimately irrelevant portrayal of “The Mandarin.”  Redford is icy cool and matter-of-fact, but never deviates from that level of emotional tenor. 

The plain reality is that The Winter Soldier is all about the growth of Steve Rogers/Captain America and the actor that plays him: Chris Evans. Once again, Evans successfully channels the boy next door who gets abs and arms and buns of steel, but there’s just something missing in his Captain America that simply playing him as “just another guy from the block” doesn’t quite cut it in this film and will most certainly not fly for the remainder of his Avenger appearances.  I’ve seen enough of the plainest superhero alive.  Evans shows moments of Cap’s signature heroic assertiveness towards the end of this film, but the fact is he’s been Captain America for a while now, and Steve Rogers has had a handle on his personal sense of right and wrong well before his mannish head never grew into his formerly boyish body.  Don’t get me wrong.  Evans absolutely nails his down-to-earth Steve Rogers with Peggy and Steve Rogers with Sam moments.  It’s nice to see heroes with their capes off just trying to be people, but eventually the capes go back on and I’m still waiting for that moment where I see Evans own it onscreen as Captain America: the iconic hero that every Marvel superhuman acknowledges in some way.  He’s more than capable, and I hope he gets there before his character is killed off or cast aside or dealt with according to Kevin Feige.

This is the first must-see of the Spring/Summer run of blockbusters and the number one reason to do so is for the action.  Effects and eye candy would be reason number two.  The story and characters are all well and good, but I see a whole lot of place holders for even more significant things set to happen in future films involving Captain America.  I happened to see this film in IMAX 3D which wasn’t distracting at all, but I wouldn’t qualify this film as an absolute necessity to experience it in that format.  Obviously, you have to wait for all the credits to roll to get those teases for where Ultron might be heading, but I was more enthralled with the Easter Eggs throughout Cap 2, particularly the nod to Dr. Stephen Strange.

Comic Book News

COVER SHOOT: The Top 5 Comic Book Covers For 10/30/13


By: Chris “DOC” Bushley


This weekly feature will take a look at THE most visually compelling comic book covers on the market today. Whether they be rare variant editions or just your standard fare, these are the top 5 covers that stand out amidst the bevy of books released each week. They say, “A picture is worth a thousand words”  but these covers are worth more than that! No matter the storylines behind them, these covers compel you to at least check them out, which can be worth exponentially more than just words to the companies that publish them! Enjoy!



1.  Sandman: Overture#1 (DC): Fans have long awaited the return of Neil Gaiman’s acclaimed series and today, they not only get their wish but this amazing cover to go with it! Done by the talented J.H. Williams III, this cover is filled with a myriad of vibrant colors surrounding the dark and shadowy central figure, creating  a vortex effect that is stunning. This is a true work of art!



2. Captain America: Living Legend #12 (Marvel):  Adi Granov is known for his visually perfect, photo-realistic covers and this one is top-notch. The faded background lets the eye focus it’s attention solely on the central figure, one that embodies all the facets of a perfect Cap picture. Steel nerves, honor and relentlessness in the face of great odds, fans can feel all of it with this single image. Perfect!



3. Witchblade #170 (Variant Edition) (Image):  Marc Silvestri pays homage to himself with this amazing cover! Returning to his early days as an X-Men artist, Silvestri mirrors his fan favorite cover for Uncanny X-Men #251, with this amazing pencil sketch of Witchblade. You can see every detail in this cover, from subtle fades of shade to bold crisp lines. Sketch covers are where you can see the true talent of an artist and this one exceeds every expectation!



4.  Superior Spider-Man #20 (Variant Edition) (Marvel):  Few artists are more well known for drawing the female form than J. Scott Campbell and this cover further proves the reason why. Bringing back Spidey’s favorite “bad girl” would have been missing something if Campbell hadn’t been involved! A stark white background makes you focus solely on the central figure and Campbell’s fun, stylistic sense of the female form. Plus, Halloween is tomorrow and you always need a Black Cat around for that!



5. Infinity #5 (Variant Edition) (Marvel):  Scottie Young covers have become some of the most coveted things out there in recent years. Baby versions of Marvel characters may seem silly to some, but my daughter and I love these things and try to get as many as we can. Not only cute and amusing, Young is a fantastic artist bringing his “cartoon” style to the front of comics today, letting it be known that ALL styles of art should be used in the medium. Plus, read what Cap is saying on the cover, it sums up all of Marvel Cosmic in one blurb!

Movie News

Super Hero Squad Online: Update For March 17, 2012: Captain America

Squaddies Assemble!

By: Chris “DOC” Bushley


[[wysiwyg_imageupload:938:]]With The Avengers movie approaching ever closer and a brand new comic on the shelves — Avengers Assemble, was there any question that the latest character to be released for Super Hero Squad Online would be the first Avenger! That’s right, the newest character is none other than — Captain America, Super Soldier! Draped in his WWII fighting uniform, pretty much the same one from the Captain America movie, you can now take the fight to the frontlines for a mere 600 gold! 

But having Cap join the ranks of your squad isn’t the only update for this week! S.H.S.O. has also released two new card quests that revolve around yet another classic Avenger — the Scarlett Witch! Each quest will set you back 200 gold, but it’s well worth it if you are looking to acquire some magic based cards for your decks!

But the best news from S.H.S.O. are the upcoming teasers they are sending to us! Coming soon, two more Avengers will be released to fans and they are amazing! First up will be everyone’s favorite archer — Hawkeye! Now you can take out a bevy of villains with a quiver of trick arrows! Secondly, we will see one of the most nostalgic characters come to the gaming world — ever! The original Iron Man suit, Iron Man MK I, will crash onto the screen in the upcoming months! And there is even more! The new loading screen also teases Scott Lang Ant-Man and everyone’s favorite android — the Vision! 

As releases continue, I will have full reports as to when and how you can grab all the latest updates for a great game that helps bring comic memories for parents and children alike! It’s Hero Up Time! 

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