My Comic-Con insiders filled me in over the summer that the final season of Superman & Lois would feature the Tyler Hoechlin Superman losing his powers.
Once again, they’re 100% right.
I was told at Comic-Con that due to the budget getting cut and the cast getting fired that the final season will have Superman losing his powers to save on the VFX costs.
I will say the first three episodes of Superman & Lois have been pretty good and there has actually been some cool special effects with Doomsday and such. However, this week’s fourth episode happens to be a snooze fest. It’s the type of episode where if you missed it, you wouldn’t miss a beat.
#SupermanAndLois Season 4 tea: budget has been cut so much, Season 4 will be a drama, and Superman loses his powers, so they don’t have to pay for special effects (this follows the news of the cast getting fired) #superman
— Cosmic Book News (@cosmicbooknews) July 14, 2023
Note: spoilers follow.
So Doomsday killed Superman and ripped his heart out. Lex Luthor crushed and stomped Superman’s heart. Superman’s body was brought to the Fortress where his Kryptonian mother put Clark in stasis.
Meanwhile, General Sam Lane gets shot, so he injects himself with Bruno Mannheim’s serum. Doomsday is on the way, sent by Lex who wants Sam to tell him the location of his daughter. Sam refuses. Doomsday snaps Sam’s neck.
John Henry Irons takes Sam’s body to the Fortress. They transplant Sam’s heart, which is filled with the serum, into Superman’s body, who wakes up.

Enter Episode 4.
Just as my insiders said, it’s all drama. The episode is about Chrissy and Kyle’s wedding (that no one cares about). It’s a lot of blah blah blah talking.
There’s a cool scene where Clark takes Jonathan, who now has powers, up north to practice, but that’s about it.
The episode reveals that Clark still has a scar from the operation. He can get drunk. He can’t hear as good. He doesn’t have his full powers.
There’s also a lot of Jordan drama. Oh, get this: Since Jonathan has powers, now Jordan is taking a break, so he gives Jonathan his crappy suit (eyeroll). Guessing, again because there is no budget.
Speaking of, the “big return” of Tyler Hoechlin back in his Superman suit lasts all about ten seconds. The episodes ends with some goofy dancing and singing at the end. Then we’re shown on Lois’ phone that “Superman Lives.”
Again, the first three episodes were really good, but things take a major nosedive with this episode. The best thing, and what is currently holding the season together, is Elizabeth Tulloch. Hopefully it doesn’t continue like this for the remaining six episodes, but yep, Superman & Lois is dead.