Superman: Legacy: Madelyn Cline Could Be Lois Lane

Superman: Legacy: Madelyn Cline Could Be Lois Lane

Have we found our new Lois Lane with Madelyn Cline in James Gunn’s Superman: Legacy movie that will launch the movie side of the new DCU?

Fans seem to think the 25-year-old Outer Banks star has nabbed a role in the next Man of Steel movie as they spotted the actress following the official DC social media account.

It’s known James Gunn is currently casting the roles for his new movie, so perhaps Madelyn Cline is his choice to play Lois Lane, the smart investigative journalist at the Daily Planet who falls in love with Superman and eventually Clark Kent.

The actress plays Sarah Cameron in Netflix’s Outer Banks and according to IMDb, her schedule is wide open. The series recently debuted its third season in February, with Season 4 quickly announced, so perhaps Cline can film Superman: Legacy in between new seasons or after Season 4 as it has been reported Gunn will start filming early next year.

It’s also claimed that multiple stars from Outer Banks are auditioning for roles.

It has also been said Gunn is looking for younger actors to play the various characters and that is one of the reasons why Gunn said he didn’t choose to use the Henry Cavill versions that starred in the Zack Snyder DCEU.

Regarding his Superman of choice, Gunn said he is looking for an actor similar to Chris Pratt – a big galoot – but not the actor himself. Find more details on the movie below, and check out Madelyn Cline on social media.

What are the details for Superman: Legacy?

Superman: Legacy has a July 11, 2025 release date with Gunn writing and directing the film. Gunn recently said the flick won’t be a comedy and that it’s quite different than his Marvel movies.

James Gunn recently confirmed the movie is in pre-production and is auditioning for roles.

“I’m honored to be a part of the legacy. And what better day than Superman Anniversary Day to dive fully into early pre-production on Superman: Legacy? Costumes, production design, and more now up and running,” tweeted Gunn.

The film is described as telling the story of Superman’s journey to reconcile his Kryptonian heritage with his human upbringing as Clark Kent of Smallville, Kansas. He is the embodiment of truth, justice, and the American way, guided by human kindness in a world that sees kindness as old-fashioned.

Madelyn Cline on social media:

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