Star Wars: Clone Wars Trailers and Clips


Star Wars Celebration sees the release of a trailer and clips for the Disney Plus upcoming new Star Wars: Clone Wars series.

Details for the series include that Ahsoka and Darth Maul will have an epic lightsaber duel, Ahsoka is going to the infamous level 1313 of Coruscant, Darth Maul gets a new look (see below), and “The Siege of Mandalore” gets completed. 

“It’s been very important for me to keep the DNA of what we were doing alive in this whole thing, that it feels authentic to Clone Wars,” creator Dave Filoni says about the new series. “It’s something fulfilled that I never got to do, and I feel really good about this one in particular.”

Dave Filoni also talks about George Lucas.

“In reality, the reason why it works is that I was taught by the master,” Filoni says. “That you guys like any of this at all, it just shows you how George really knew what he was doing, and laid a foundation that was so alive.”

The Disney Plus streaming service launches Nov. 12.

Darth Maul Star Wars Clone Wars

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