Spider-Man Sony Hacked Documents Now Online


The leaked Spider-Man e-mails and documents as a result of the recent Sony hack are now online.

WikiLeaks published all the hacked documents, which includes information on Spider-Man and Marvel.

The WikiLeaks site has a search engine that allows users to input keywords, with “Spider-Man” returning more than 1000 results (inputting “Marvel” yields a similar number).

Leaked e-mails also reveal communications between Pascal and Disney billionaire and Marvel CEO Ike Perlmutter.

E-mails reveal that Pascal and Perlmutter had a friendly relationship as e-mails are regularly sent back and forth between the two ranging from Pascal congratulating Marvel for a movie’s success, to Perlmutter and Pascal talking about Kevin Feige, to Perlmutter offering Pascal a Happy Jewish New Year and a happy birthday.

Further e-mails reveal some sort of problem with Drew Goodard as litigation is cited. E-mails from Head Of Marvel TV Jeph Loeb state something about litigation, Drew Goddard, Sony, and Netflix – with Perlmutter replying to Pascal they should be “very concerned,” which was dated April 15, 2014. Subsequent e-mails read Marvel worked everything out, with Pascal excited for the upcoming Amazing Spider-Man 2 and Goddard writing Sinister Six. Perlmutter regularly replies Marvel and Disney will help in any way and often calls Spider-Man, Marvel’s “baby.”

An e-mail sent from the CEO of Sony, Michael Lynton, reads he thought putting Spider-Man in Captain America 3 served no benefit to Marvel: “Putting Spider-Man in Captain America 3 with Chris Evans and with Robert Downey Jr. as Iron Man doesn’t provide much benefit to Marvel, but it definitely provides a significant amount of benefit to Sony and to Spider-Man.”

An e-mail offers a tidbit about Sinister Six in that Spider-Man is set to appear. Andrew Garfield had questions about his pay as he wondered if it would be the equivalent of an “Amazing Spider-Man 3,” as well as if it would fulfill his three-movie contract obligation. Sony’s Doug Belgrad told Garfield’s reps Sinister Six was a “standalone” with Spider-Man only set to “appear.” In addition, a Sony e-mail reads they are not paying Garfield “the same money.”

Another e-mail from Perlmutter to Lynton reads Perlmutter apparently is against solo female movies and cites Electra, Catwoman, and Supergirl as being “disasters.”

An e-mail from an executive at Marvel, John Turitzin, concerns Fox’s Deadpool movie as an article at Variety is cited to state Kevin Feige is producing. Turitzin’s e-mail to Bob Cohen of Fox Studios tells Fox that isn’t the case and to correct their information. The e-mail says Marvel doesn’t want people to think there is a chance of a Marvel / Fox crossover with the “falsehood” of Feige being involved on Deadpool (dated October 2014).

Regarding Spider-Man returning to Marvel, e-mails from Lynton to Perlmutter feature a list of articles on various sites, dated October 2014, about the character’s return. Perlmutter states some of the mainstream press is asking about Spider-Man returning to Marvel – with Perlmutter questioning “how can this be?” – and states it could be a problem. Lynton responds it has been brought to his attention, but he has no idea where it’s coming from, and that it can be ignored.

Other leaked Spider-Man documents include information on the Amazing Spider-Man films media budget, TV spots, Amazing Spider-Man 2 Superbowl trailer, marketing strategy (where a memo mentions they think AS2 will do better than the first), and lots more.

Bear in mind the e-mails were dated 2014, so obviously things could have changed regarding some of the contents and subjects (and obviously have such as Spider-Man now a part of Marvel).

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