Scarlett Johansson Says Black Widow Movie Would Be Awesome


Why Marvel Studios never went with a Scarlett Johansson Black Widow movie may be anyone’s guess (or perhaps we already know the answer), but we’re still holding out hope.

Scarlett Johansson starred in the Lucy movie, which actually outperformed Marvel’s big boys at the box office, Thor and Captain America, so just imagine what Black Widow – with the Marvel brand attached – would do.

Now Scarlett Johansson is back with the Ghost in the Shell movie, and while doing press for the film touched upon a Black Widow movie again.

The good news is that Scarlett Johansson does want a Black Widow movie, and it seems that Marvel Studios does as well, as Johansson tells Total Film it’s a timing issue (which is hopefully the real reason and not spin).

“I’ve talked to Kevin Feige about it. We’re creatively really compatible.  I think we both agree that the character is right for a standalone, it’s just a case of timing at this point for both Marvel and myself.”

Scarlett Johansson continues by offering potential roadblocks to the Black Widow movie.

“Marvel has a really huge roster. They’re looking four years ahead. I also have a lot of things that I want to do. If I did it, I would dedicate myself completely to making it amazing. It would have to be the best version that movie could possibly be. Otherwise, I would never do it.”

However, as noted, Scarlett Johansson does seem to have some hesitation.

“[I] don’t know if I have the capacity for it. I think the fans were adamant about it, it could be done. It should be done, probably.

She does mention if a Black Widow movie did get made, that it would be awesome.

It’d have to be done the right way, though. It’d really have to be its own standalone and its own style and its own story. But there’s a lot of great stuff that you could do with it. It could just be awesome.”

“Ghost in the Shell” opens March 31st.

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