Ryan Reynolds Doesn’t Know When Deadpool 3 Will Happen; Rob Liefeld Responds


Actor and producer Ryan Reynolds says he has no idea when Disney and Marvel are going to do a Deadpool 3 which sees Rob Liefeld respond.

The latest issue of Total Film magazine features an interview with Ryan Reynolds where he talks Deadpool:

“Oh, man, I really don’t know. It’s just all so new with it being over at Marvel now, and, you know, figuring out the ins and outs as much as I can, from where I sit. We’ll see.”

Reynolds goes so far as to say that he doesn’t have any insider info and also mentions IF Deadpool 3 happens:

“I don’t feel like an insider at all. I think once I’m more intimate with it – if we get to make a Deadpool 3… if or when we get to make a Deadpool 3, I’ll probably have a better perspective on that. But I’m a huge fan of Marvel, and how they make movies. So when Disney bought Fox, I only saw that as a good thing. Deadpool hopefully being allowed to play in that sandbox, I think is just a win for everyone involved. But we’ll certainly see.”

Marvel Studios Ryan Reynolds

Ryan Reynolds waiting on Deadpool in the MCU

Previously did see Ryan Reynolds tease a meeting with Marvel Studios where he said they are “working on it right now with a whole team,” but Reynolds’ latest update seems to question that.

Rob Liefeld, the comic book creator behind Deadpool, offered his two cents on Twitter:

While Ant Man 3 moves forward, the far more profitable Deadpool franchise twists in the wind. C’mon Marvel… ridiculous.

Liefeld brings up a good point as the Deadpool flicks have brought in near 40% more than the Ant-Man movies and the Merc With A Mouth hasn’t been yet connected to The Avengers or the MCU.

Recently also saw Josh Brolin state he would like to return as Cable and get even more jacked for the role.

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