Rob Liefeld Reveals DC Comics / Images Crossover; Twitter War Continues


Rob Liefeld recently created a Twitter controversy when he tweeted that “DC Comics gonna drive off a cliff here real soon,” and now the prolific comic book artist behind Deadpool and more characters, continues on Facebook mentioning he was at one time involved in a planned DC/ Image crossover.  

Liefeld posted the following earlier today on Facebook:

So, a few weeks back, I get a call and some texts from Jim Lee, long story short, he asks if I’d be interested in bringing some of my Extreme characters over to DC Comics for a NEW special that would come out as soon as the end of this year where the Image characters team up in a bunch of short stories with DC comics characters. I said I’d consider it and that’s it, nothing else, I assume as of this week, it was still in play. But probably not as a result of my candor. Why am I telling you this? Because I simply didn’t care about the affects, the fall out, the missed opportunity, one iota as I expressed that I think DC Comics should get new management. Still don’t care. You see I’m a fan of ALL comics, I don’t discriminate and there isn’t a store in my county that hasn’t seen me frequent their establishment looking for another comic book to purchase on a regular basis. I don’t speak my mind nearly enough, we all used to talk more openly but everyone fears ramifications now. I’d just like a DC Comic company that reflects the one I grew up with, the one that produced CAMELOT 3000, WATCHMEN ( original ), DARK KNIGHT, NEW TITANS.. and I’m not intimidated, I’ll express it. That’s just my opinion, I expressed it because I don’t care the fallout. I don’t care if there is an Image Comics/DC Comics special and I’m left out as a result. Like, seriously, get outta here with that! I did some covers for DC earlier this year that went over rather well with the base. And in the interest of full disclosure, the one property that I had been having a dialogue with DC about over the past year was Thundarr the Barbarian, a real barn burner of a property right? But that went nowhere fast many months back. They always bring up Hawk and Dove to me but I decline. Not interested. And I stand by that I think DC has seen better days. Anyways, I gotta get back to making comics. Happy comic book day!

Rob Liefeld

Rob Liefeld threatens to quit Twitter 

Regarding the Twitter controversy, Liefeld has been fielding a lot of tweets from fans about his comments, which saw him tweet out earlier that he was going to quit Twitter and only post on Instagram; however, Liefeld continues to tweet, with recent posts including that his Major X Marvel comic continues to sell out.

Rob Liefeld also backtracked a bit regarding the collapse of the comic book industry and DC Comics as he tweeted they are not going away any time soon.

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