Yes, Rob Liefeld Is Correct: ‘Daredevil: Born Again’ Was A Comedy Series

Yes, Rob Liefeld Is Correct: 'Daredevil: Born Again' Was A Comedy Series

Rob Liefeld now confirms my scoop from last summer where my Marvel insiders said the original plan for Daredevil: Born Again was to make the series “in line with the Daredevil from the She-Hulk series: yes, goofy as hell.”

My Marvel insiders at Comic-Con told me Daredevil: Born Again was getting retooled to make it similar to the Netflix series, which has been confirmed many times by the trades and event the actors and creators involved.

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What did Rob Liefeld say?

Rob Liefeld, the creator of Deadpool, who is presently none too happy with Marvel and Kevin Feige, responded on X to comments made by Vincent D’Onofrio at GQ how the actor says they told Kevin Feige they weren’t happy with the original plans of the show.

“Prior to the Marvel Brass finally listening to the talent, the show was a comedy!” tweeted Liefeld. “They brought in action impression Phil Silvera who literally reshot most every episode. The action and stunts are next level!”

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vincent d onofrio kingpin daredevil born again

Vincent D’Onofrio responds to Rob Liefeld

Vincent D’Onofrio, who returns as Kingpin, responded to Liefeld’s tweet.

“Phil was hired again for the stunts that’s true. Yet the new episodes even the action scenes were written by Dario our showrunner. Phil came in with his expertise and coordinated the stunts,” tweeted D’Onofrio. “It was a wonderful restart and we all worked really hard for the fans. Charlie, myself and Dario our producers and studio heads felt like we knew what the fans wanted. That was our goal.”

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Rob Liefeld responds to Vincent D’Onofrio

Games Radar caught wind of the exchange and wrote up an article dismissing Liefeld’s claims.

“I’m 100% correct – all else is spin. Glad they fixed it. I have receipts for days,” tweeted Liefeld.

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Originally more of a legal procedural

As I previously went over, further confirmation Daredevil: Born Again was going to be a comedy series more in line with She-Hulk came from new showrunner Dario Scardapane who filled in in December, and who confirmed exactly what I said:

“It had been conceived as more of a legal procedural, and we really brought it back towards an action-based New York crime story. The real trick was to have the DNA of the old Netflix show, but then push it forward into something very new.” 

Update: Liefeld further confirmed in a tweet, “It was [100 emoji] reflective of that show, not the Netflix version everyone loved. Hubris. Crazy.”

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Scardapane also confirmed they won’t be referencing anything from She-Hulk.

Daredevil: Born Again premiers March 4th on Disney+.

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